Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

Does this switch control 1 single light? and are there any other switches that control the same light. Theres a few different ways things could be set up. The power could be run to the light first and then to the switch or to the switch and then the light.
Pics of how the switch is wired could help.
Is there 2 black wires on it or a black and a white? If its black and white and that switch only controls 1 light, its likely the neutral is run directly to the light.
The switch only controls one light, or at least it did before removed it. The bulb is one of those old timey E60 light bulbs. Theres no chain or anything hanging from the bulb. The light switch was the only way to control the bulb. It would make sense for the power to run to the light before the switch because of the way everything unfolds when i try to turn my grow light on. First the bulb is dim, and then my grow box KINDA powers up, and then the bulb gets brighter. I will definitely send pics in the morning my attic ladder is loud and my neighbors are nosey old farts.
If the neutral is run to the light bulb can i steal it for my receptacle box and cap the open wire end from the light bulb without any reprocussions?
The switch leg is likely just a black wire coming from the hot in the cieling box run to the switch and back using the white wire to the light fixture.
I think my wires were white and grey. Like not even a dark grey that looks black. I have no idea how these people wired up this house as the original home owners built it themselves in the 60’s, and there was a lot of other shit done in here during construction that completely baffles me every time I discover it haha.
Thing is you wired in series with the existing light.

Change the switch leg by moving it's white wire from the light fixture and to the neutral. You have to take down the ceiling light to access the wires.
Pull down the ceiling light to access the wires inside and send us a pic. Should have the power there and we just need to redirect it to a plug where the switch used to be from what I gather.
Im big on visual, so I found a picture.
Assuming there isnt a 2nd pair of wires on your light switch, you will probably find something like this at the light. If you dont want to use the light anymore, you should be able to just disconnect it and connect the wires back together and replace the light switch with an outlet or whatever you were trying to do.
Im big on visual, so I found a picture.
Assuming there isnt a 2nd pair of wires on your light switch, you will probably find something like this at the light. If you dont want to use the light anymore, you should be able to just disconnect it and connect the wires back together and replace the light switch with an outlet or whatever you were trying to do.
View attachment 4459535
Im very visual as well, Montessori kid here! So id go black to black, white to white, and leave the ground alone? It may be better for me not to fuck with it but I’m a really hands on type of guy and certainly really good at learning the hard way, so il give it a shot.
Cool, thats why youll live life bored inside your comfort zone and I’ll learn everything I can until the day I die. 2 cloths here, sams pair of scissors.
When it comes to electrical work, my comfort zone is generally limited to what I understand and don't have to ask people on pot forums about. I have a pretty firm grasp on AC electrical work as it was my job (former master sparky here). But you keep kicking those that try to help you when you didn't even think to take pictures first.
Cool, thats why youll live life bored inside your comfort zone and I’ll learn everything I can until the day I die. 2 cloths here, sams pair of scissors.
All hes getting at is when it come to working with main ac voltage like that, it has the potential to kill you or burn your house down with minor mistakes and theres only so much gap we can close with online advice.

In this case youd need to connect all 3 safely and make sure the wire insulation is long enough you wont get any shorts and the connections are secure and insulated. Once everything is unhooked, you're essentially just repairing the wire to the outlet. It's not a twist and electrical tape type job.
When it comes to electrical work, my comfort zone is generally limited to what I understand and don't have to ask people on pot forums about. I have a pretty firm grasp on AC electrical work as it was my job (former master sparky here). But you keep kicking those that try to help you when you didn't even think to take pictures first.
Honestly I get that your trying to help me like I asked someone to do. But I did not come to this pot forum to learn about electricity. I saw a thread, I remembered something I wanted to know from my recent experience, and I spat it out for a master electrician to help me with. I certainly thought to take pictures and already explained why i would not be taking a picture right now to please someone whos ass wouldn’t be on the line if I got caught with my plants. Il never understand what I don't without asking people for help. Like I said dude, 2 different cloths.
All hes getting at is when it come to working with main ac voltage like that, it has the potential to kill you or burn your house down with minor mistakes and theres only so much gap we can close with online advice.

In this case youd need to connect all 3 safely and make sure the wire insulation is long enough you wont get any shorts and the connections are secure and insulated. Once everything is unhooked, you're essentially just repairing the wire to the outlet. It's not a twist and electrical tape type job.
We all gotta die some day boss man. Id rather get zapped doing something I love than die in my computer chair advising people to stop trying to learn. Anyway Il just have my pop help me, like I planned on doing. The mans an electrician. Thanks for everything, Now il have a better understanding of whats going on tomorrow when hes telling and showing me what to do. Cheers!
New Question for anyone that can answer: I’m looking to get a dehumidifier that is running 220V - Single Phase. My building has 208V - 3 Phase.

Will the dehumidifier work without any issues? If not what are some measures I can take to make this work on my end?