Solo Cup Christmas Tree: Who's In?

Looks like it’s working right now! :D

To be sure just give it a little push into the soil like a millimetre.

It should work fine as long as you don’t have a fan blowing right at it.

Thanks! It was in the way of airflow sorta so I moved it. I’m so eager for it to pop it’s head out of the soil already. My other bean really slowed me down by not sprouting >.<
My other bean really slowed me down by not sprouting >.<
Currently having the same issue. Because not much is dialed in, stopped growing somewhere in 2019, but simply couldn't leave it. Seeds need stable warmth and rest... but I currently work here and there on stuff. I'm also more into cloning/revegging than popping seeds.
How often is everyone watering so far, in the beginning. I'm every other day or couple if days soaking up from the bottom.
I watered mine 14 days ago for the first time when I placed the sprout into the bottle. And today for the second time,like 150ml water. Lil plants don't need much water, however, it depends heavily on what substrate you use, and also, how much water does actually evaporate outta the soil. I got my soil pretty shielded since I grow organically... microbes need water above everything else so I don't like my topsoil to dry out^^ I mist often because of that... plus run a high rH (+70% currently)
In my soil with my nutes, I have found the plants do better with much smaller feeds more often then a larger feed less often. I guess it's explainable since the amount of times you need to water a solo cup plant.
I do Solo's already so I got the basics down but they are still a PITA because of how much more attention they need compared to a normal sized plant. You can bet though at least someone is going to do it though lol
I'll be the one believe me. Ive got some many new variables in that growth - first time autos indoor, firsttime supersoil, selfmade, firsttime solocup. I susually grow in 18-24l buckets, plus Im usually an outdoor grower who only vegs indoors.... I dont even know the strain.... and ist also my first CFL grow^^ hmm what else? :D
I'll be the one believe me. Ive got some many new variables in that growth - first time autos indoor, firsttime supersoil, selfmade, firsttime solocup. I susually grow in 18-24l buckets, plus Im usually an outdoor grower who only vegs indoors.... I dont even know the strain.... and ist also my first CFL grow^^ hmm what else? :D
Sounds like setting yourself up for a disaster. Cannabis is a very forgiving plant so if she starts to show problems, she can be easily corrected. ( for the most part )
Growing in nicely. Small brown spot on the first lowest leaf. New growth looking good and pointing. Still watering about every 3rd day right now. Started a very low feed on her too a couple days ago. Brown spot been there a bit now so it's not new to me.zdf123.jpg
I'll be the one believe me. Ive got some many new variables in that growth - first time autos indoor, firsttime supersoil, selfmade, firsttime solocup. I susually grow in 18-24l buckets, plus Im usually an outdoor grower who only vegs indoors.... I dont even know the strain.... and ist also my first CFL grow^^ hmm what else? :D
You're not alone, first time indoors as well and terrible lighting. I'll update with a few pics tomorrow.