Hi again WarpedPassage,
I personally dont trust the current tech.
Lets have some retrospective trying to explain why.
In the "good old days" Harper was satisfied just to deny true science despite the political cost. Trudeau's more hypocrite strategy was designed to progressively undermine whatever remained of its objectivity, for example by parading with former astronaut Marc Garneau in the background while intrumentalizing Joy Davies (twice!) during his 2015 campaign... To top it all, once elected it wasn't bad enough to keep Hilary Geller installed so she could still be sent as Canada's emissary in preparation of UNGASS 2016: actually IMO the main non-ambivalent signal announcing the fate of canuck cannabis "science" was Bill G20 Blair being nominated as leader of the "Task Force", which then launched a bogus consultation leading to its biased report of August 24th, 2016.
Now guess where Montréal's Halloween summit gathering 80~some "spe¢iali$ts"/"experts" really came from that same year:
Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine
E.G. from Calgary/Alberta.
And who do you think were among such event's "international guests"?...
![Kevin Sabet [440x260] .PNG Kevin Sabet [440x260] .PNG](https://www.rollitup.org/data/attachments/3566/3566308-4521e74a83078ad35121b508e8d5d5c1.jpg?hash=RSHnSoMHit)
Kevin Sabet, bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist

Kevin Sabet selling his crap book to 80-some "scientists"...
We're not done yet, besides other high-visibility drug warriors as Nora Volkow we also saw Didier Jutras-Aswad on late TV news:
SRC - Légalisation de la marijuana: des experts américains mettent en garde le Canada (2016-Oct-26)
Take note this was supposed to be about "lessons" learned from Colorado, etc.
Yet the crunchy part resides in details the journalist omited to account for, like the most probable participation of this other propagandist:
![SRC, On va se le dire S1Ep66, J.-P. Chiasson (2020-Jan-6) [640x400] .PNG SRC, On va se le dire S1Ep66, J.-P. Chiasson (2020-Jan-6) [640x400] .PNG](https://www.rollitup.org/data/attachments/3566/3566323-0bbc39c450d2481b8b65c2ae702d4d6a.jpg?hash=C7w5xFDSSB)
Radio-Canada: "On va se le dire" - Épisode du 6 Janvier (@ 28:51)
« Moi j'ai perdu un fils qui est décédé d'la drogue, j'peux-tu vous dire que j'chus sensibilisé à ça! »
(Jean-Pierre Chiasson as "committee member" in harper days...)
This doctor & therapist who's no psychologist nor a psychiatrist once explained publicly that his son David commited suicide because of a broken love affair:
SRC: Comment aider son enfant toxicomane devenu adulte (2015-Sep-2)
« Le fils de Jean-Pierre Chiasson semblait avoir réglé ses problèmes de toxicomanie, mais une déception amoureuse l'a poussé au suicide. »
Nonetheless, just a few weeks ago on national French-speaking TV this famous "scientific" authority (who's agenda includes employers and justice mandates...) got invited
to discuss edibles and yet the audience was tricked to conclude that cannabis kills after hearing dad Chiasson's revised opportunist version.
It turns out after digging further i learned that the young man once experienced "re-hab" 1st-hand while his father's whole carreer is focussed on the addictions of others, perhaps seeking revenge:
![David Chiasson - He killed himself at 25 on March 17, 2000 [400x400] .PNG David Chiasson - He killed himself at 25 on March 17, 2000 [400x400] .PNG](https://www.rollitup.org/data/attachments/3566/3566329-7e65ff1520029f462a47ab46b380f98b.jpg?hash=fmX_FSACn0)
Which is blatant instrumentalization of his own son beyond the grave and that's only the iceberg's tip: David had 2 mothers, which under these circumstances appears to be another detail of potential importance! Etc., etc.
M'well, i'm no journalist myself but i begin to get the picture about Kevin Sabet & friends!
With traumatizing adults like that no kid really needs to fall in love to get seriously endangered. What a suffering shame it must have been, unable to trust science with his own dad practicing family medecine!...
In The Name Of Children
Good day, have fun!!