The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


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Poll: 75% of voters want witnesses for Senate impeachment trial

(CNN)Three-quarters of registered voters think witnesses should be allowed to testify in the Senate impeachment trial, which has reached a crucial inflection point, a new national poll from Quinnipiac University finds.

This includes 49% of Republicans who think witnesses should be allowed to testify, 75% of independents and 95% of Democrats.
President Donald Trump's legal team ended their opening arguments Tuesday afternoon and the trial now moves on to a 16-hour period for senators to ask questions. Following that could be a vote on whether to bring witnesses, which has long been seen as a critical vote but has taken on new importance in the wake of news reports on former Trump national security adviser John Bolton's book.
In his unpublished manuscript, Bolton writes Trump told him in August that he was withholding $391 million in aid until Ukraine announced a probe into the Bidens, according to The New York Times.

The poll shows 20% of registered voters do not want witnesses called at the trial.

Almost half of registered voters (47%) want the Senate to remove Trump (48% not), the same as a poll taken earlier this month.
A majority of voters (89%) have their mind made up on whether Trump should be removed from office or not (10% say they could change their minds). A large majority also see the Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats as having already made up their minds about the impeachment process, rather than being open minded (76% say so of the Senate Republicans, 79% say so of the Senate Democrats).

Almost three-in-five (57%) want to hear more details of Trump's explanation for his actions and 38% are satisfied with the explanation given. Among Democrats, 85% want more details. The same can be said of 61% of independents and 21% of Republicans.

More than half of voters (between 52%-54%) say that Trump has abused his power, isn't telling the truth about his actions and has obstructed Congress. Another 52% believe the Trump administration's withholding of US aid to Ukraine was not justified, while 34% say it was.
Trump's attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, his potential political rival, are at the center of the President's impeachment trial. Trump has repeatedly made unfounded and false claims to allege that the Bidens acted improperly in Ukraine. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden.

Trump's approval rating holds steady -- 43% approve and 52% disapprove, the same as in January and December. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's approval rating has ticked down very slightly to 33% approve and 50% disapprove after a recent high earlier in January at 36% (from 24% in October 2019). Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's approval rating has also remained stable -- 35% approve, 44% disapprove.
The Quinnipiac University poll was conducted by telephone January 22 through 27 among 1,905 self-identified registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points.


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Lawrence: Why Mitch McConnell Revealed He Doesn’t Have The Votes | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell explains why Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell revealed he does not currently have enough Republican Senate votes to block witnesses in the Trump impeachment trial. Aired on 1/28/20.


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What A Look Into The Political Crystal Ball Says About GOP | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A majority is in favor of witnesses testifying at the Senate impeachment trial of the president, according to new polling. Will enough Republican senators back witnesses? The panel discusses. Aired on 01/29/20.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Lawrence: Why Mitch McConnell Revealed He Doesn’t Have The Votes | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell explains why Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell revealed he does not currently have enough Republican Senate votes to block witnesses in the Trump impeachment trial. Aired on 1/28/20.
Wow! If Trump and Hannity need to try to stop the wittness they aren’t doing a very good job. I just saw some really really old guy that looked like he was 115 years old on TV trying to convince the public that witnesses must not be called. He was hunched over and had a very very bad case of kyphosis and walked in tiny puttering steps with a walker. Is that the best they got? Lol. They find these old guys who they think will help with convincing the public because they look old as dirt and have unsurpassed wisdom? It’s laughable.


Well-Known Member
Wow! If Trump and Hannity need to try to stop the wittness they aren’t doing a very good job. I just saw some really really old guy that looked like he was 115 years old on TV trying to convince the public that witnesses must not be called. He was hunched over and had a very very bad case of kyphosis and walked in tiny puttering steps with a walker. Is that the best they got? Lol. They find these old guys who they think will help with convincing the public because they look old as dirt and have unsurpassed wisdom? It’s laughable.
Michael Steele was just saying how he is betting Mitch is pulling one over on the news and has the votes to shut down witnesses. Hopefully 1of the GOP senators will have enough spine to actually push for witnesses and not just use their 3 extra seats to get a few people on record as 'pushing back' on Trump.

I am hopeful there is someone, but am trying to not get my hopes up too much on them putting America above their party.


Well-Known Member
Here is a handy form that the senators will use to ask questions. Download it and use it to ask your own question, then, mail, fax or email it to a GOP senator! Ask this for me will ya... Keep it relevant and watch yer language! Feel free to repost on facebook or other social media.

impeachment questions.jpg


Well-Known Member
@Unclebaldrick If you know Heidi Przybyla let he know she is my hero:

More journalists need to keep these Trump Cult politicians from squirming away from answering the questions asked.


Well-Known Member
Wow! If Trump and Hannity need to try to stop the wittness they aren’t doing a very good job. I just saw some really really old guy that looked like he was 115 years old on TV trying to convince the public that witnesses must not be called. He was hunched over and had a very very bad case of kyphosis and walked in tiny puttering steps with a walker. Is that the best they got? Lol. They find these old guys who they think will help with convincing the public because they look old as dirt and have unsurpassed wisdom? It’s laughable.
These guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel Amber and an old hunchback is not too out of place in the clown show supporting Trump. Trump is trying to control the base because they control the senators, now he will try every threat and means to do so, he needs the GOP senate caucus to get in line. Threatening and attacking your jurors is a very bad idea and Donald's nerves might cause him to act rashly on impulse, he has a history of such behavior and Mitch threw the ball in Trump's court for a couple of days of arm twisting. This might be life or death for Donald and he's bound to screw it up like everything else he's ever touched, he'll probably confess, on TV yet again too.

Whatever happens it will be very bad for the republicans in november, a senate acquittal and Donald leading them into 2020 will make it even worse for them. Whether they acquit or remove Trump, the investigations in the house will continue and the courts will increasingly give them teeth right up until election day. There are many more shoes to drop here, no matter the outcome of the trial, it will look very grim for the GOP in the election, turnout should be massive and historic in 2020. Usually high turnouts are very bad for the Republicans, they tend to lose in proportion to the numbers showing up at the polls.