my 12 feet babes


Well-Known Member
dont hate on me cause u ended up being the loser. there are 16 pages of heated discussion between you, fdd, and people over who is the outdoor "king". and yea you spoke to soon sonny bono


Well-Known Member
Where are the buds from the 6 ft plant? How long did you flower? It cant be just what you put in that news paper.


Well-Known Member
dont hate on me cause u ended up being the loser. there are 16 pages of heated discussion between you, fdd, and people over who is the outdoor "king". and yea you spoke to soon sonny bono
u must have smoked your brain away, check the history before jumping to any conclusions, dont hate on u (how could I), but nevertheless think u went a bit over the edge, me and fdd only had a few bad vibes in the start, feel free to ask him.

Instead stepping on the thread then just spend a few sec. checking out the lovely pics. that goes with. Its not all about size.

As mentioned earlier White russians dont make huge buds, but make very potent hard nugs.


Well-Known Member
Where are the buds from the 6 ft plant? How long did you flower? It cant be just what you put in that news paper.
no the last big plant yielded 4 pounds (check the third last pic), I just put about 100 grams of my earlier lightly (3 days with roomtemp) dried buds on that paper to show how to make a simple thaistick (fermentation of your budds)

they flowered from the 22of august to the 27 of oct.


Well-Known Member
lol la la bla bla sure love the people of gods own country they are soooooooo lovable..., FDD just come over and smoke just a gram of my tight little 20%THC nugs then you discover that size is not always important :-)

exhilarating utube link was a true experience ....watched it 15 times

No serious, I just love competition just like u, and ill admit I lost first round (hope the rest of the users who considdering me cocky soon will get it in their heads), but FDD next year ill do my second attemp.

and Yancey ........ thank u I guess :-) if u have serious backpain then feel free to let my kind "450 pound neighbor" sit on it.

let your own gods be with u



Well-Known Member
yes we do, and if we didnt fdd would be bored to death long ago.

But since my harvest guess fdd still walking around with a grin on his face........but next year.......and if not.... then next year......etc. etc.

cant wait till next year "Maxtors Monster Attempt"


Well-Known Member
hehehe, goodluck on the grow, il subscribe to that! hopefully that 450lb neighbor will be some fat ass nugs!!! wuts better than small dense nugs? BIG DENSE NUGS! HANDLE THAT SHEIIIIT!! i wanna see that neighbor!


Well-Known Member
Yancey hes on his way over to u with a grumpy look on his face!

Anyway heres half a kilo (1pound) of dried bud, takes up almost no space, and the rolls have a nice scent (fart smell mixed with pine) just like fellowsmokers wants it!

This will be the last picture I post this season, but dont cry the almighty maxtor will be back next year........guess it almost shriver down FDD´s back to hear that :bigjoint:

It sure was fun

kind regards




Well-Known Member
yup it takes up almost no space, could be good if someone in uniform knocks on the door! then just bend over and....oooouch!, furthermore it keeps the buds totally dark when drying, so THC content should not drop, some says that THC levels drop if weed is exposed to light, I personally think it tastes better this way. Makes the buds taste less like hay. But when drying I keep the rolls indoor (indoor temp), becuz here its freezing cold and humid outside this time of year.


Well-Known Member
thx fdd, I knew (gut feeling) deep deep deep deep down at the bottom .... that u are a nice guy ;-) (by the way nice spacey guitar riffs on utube, we will also post some soon with our U2 cover tracks, but I still have to learn to multitask singing when playing drums a bit complicated)