
hello, few months ago i had my first packet of weed which was like 8 grams and i bought it from my friend's friend's friend and it was super cheap like 100$ for 8 grams and it is weird cause weed here is not legal and you cant get 8gs for less than 200$ but this guy wasn't even dealer, he just had some weed that he probably grew by himself and wanted to get some money so he didn't care that much about the stable price for dealers in georgia. i once was out by the school to meet my friends and we smoked some of that, we pretty much enjoyed it but then on the second day we smoked another one ( 8 grams were in 2 bags and it was 2 different strains and strength) and we smoked it in cigarette with the filter on cause we didnt have choice to somewhere else than school so it was difficult to make gravity bong in school so we did it in cigarette and it got me pretty high and i was kind of aware that it wasn't weed tho. and i had this second strain in 2 different packages also and when we smoked most of the second package, i had left like less than 0.1 grams in that package and i gave it to my friend, second day he came to me and told me that they were seeing colors and when they smoked they were like 4 people and they smoked less than 0.1 gs of weed,then my friend from which's friend's friend i bought this weed from told me that it wasn't weed cause he also gave it to his friends and they also said it wasn't weed. my friend is 17 and i'm 15. but i kept smoking cause why the hell not. i smoked a lot of that and it wasn't such a big of a deal tho it got me really scared in the moments. i didn't really care. so 2 days before that i smoked it in my home first time. imagine my mom is a religious person kinda* :D and he is so against drugs to be legalized and taken by children. and i smoked in the gravity bong in my bathroom while she was sleeping. and went straight to the bedroom to sleep cause that was my intention to smoke and then sleep but i forgot that it was sativa as i knew* and when i slept i had shakes. like muscle spasms but i once heard that it was okay to have that while high and i didn't mind. so i wanna know if it's weird for 4 people to get high on less than 0.1 gs of weed cause i suspected it was too little of weed for 4 people and thought it was spice* cause it's common to sell spice instead of weed here. :D
Damn...this is why people suck. Best to not buy anymore from that person. You're being set up for some terrible possible consequences. Stay away from all of that shit. Not worth it. And you're a young person, and that sucks, because you're inherently naive. Dumb really. It sucks. We all start from complete ignorance. So now you know better, so make better choices.
"Getting high" is really not so important that you should put yourself at such risk.
By 15 I knew proper grammar so you're not working with a lot if you catch my drift. Preserve what you have. A .1 of weed ground up should not be enough to light up 4 times. You were smart to at least show it to other people you know and get opinions on it. My advice is not to smoke weed until you find a reliable person or can grow some. Feel free to show us pictures of stuff before you smoke it and we'll do our best to keep you alive but the best thing to do is get a testing kit. Take a .1 and throw it in the solution and see what color it turns.
Damn...this is why people suck. Best to not buy anymore from that person. You're being set up for some terrible possible consequences. Stay away from all of that shit. Not worth it. And you're a young person, and that sucks, because you're inherently naive. Dumb really. It sucks. We all start from complete ignorance. So now you know better, so make better choices.
"Getting high" is really not so important that you should put yourself at such risk.
i'm not inherently naive actually i'd always read about the substance i'm taking before i'd consume it. i know i'm not gonna smoke spice by my intention (only if i'd consume it if i thought it was weed) but by that time it was more likely that i didn't believe it was spice than i didn't care that it was spice.
By 15 I knew proper grammar so you're not working with a lot if you catch my drift. Preserve what you have. A .1 of weed ground up should not be enough to light up 4 times. You were smart to at least show it to other people you know and get opinions on it. My advice is not to smoke weed until you find a reliable person or can grow some. Feel free to show us pictures of stuff before you smoke it and we'll do our best to keep you alive but the best thing to do is get a testing kit. Take a .1 and throw it in the solution and see what color it turns.
i'm growing few by myself rn so it won't be a problem anymore xd
i don't know if it's against the rules to talk about some other substances here but in few days i'm going to try LSD for the first time. i've read a lot about it and i know i won't take it if i feel a little scared while i'm about to consume it. i also know that you should be ready before you take it and i feel like i am cause it's been more than a year since i've wanted to try it and and been reading trip reports meanwhile. i have really critical thinking(if that's how it's called in english) so if something goes wrong i know how to make myself believe that there's no way out of it and i'm just gonna go with the flow. i'm 15 as i said. i'll probably still try it no matter what cause the will of trying it will never disappear and the best way to understand if it's for you is to actually try it. since it's not addictive. but i'd still like to listen to your thoughts if i should consume it or not.
I would wait to try lsd after your brain is fully developed. I'm not dissing you, in just being honest. I wouldn't fuck with things like that until I was a little older, but I didnt listen to my own advice, so yea
I would wait to try lsd after your brain is fully developed. I'm not dissing you, in just being honest. I wouldn't fuck with things like that until I was a little older, but I didnt listen to my own advice, so yea
xd, how was it like for your first time? and how old were you
I was 20 the first time I did acid. I had a blast but I've seen people freak out worse than you can comprehend and believed they were affected by it permanently (ptsd stuff). Its something to not take lightly