Clone not taking off after more than 3 weeks, weird growth


I took a clone from my white russian plant 24 days ago, while it was vegging, I picked one of the top colas for better chance of rooting

I have successfully cloned 2 branches of other strains, this is my third
My temps are terrible for clones (19C-20C) I'm aware of that, but from what I understand, that only means the clone will take longer to root

I'm using peat moss soil, mixed with perlite and EWC, using an 8W led 14 inches above the clone (I didn't mind if it'd stretch at first, all i cared about was not burning it)
I cut the leaves in half, did the wishbone method, sprayed it multiple times a day for the first couple weeks, then I started tiny leaves coming from the top, and figured the clone started rooting, so I switched to misting it twice a day since.

Well, I waited for growth to take off, but it never did, it seems like new leaves are trying to develop at the top, but are burning
Is this normal?
WhatsApp Image 2020-02-01 at 22.13.06.jpeg
Cuttings in a glass of water is pretty foolproof. I would have a tough time sticking a cutting in dirt and wondering if its growing roots for weeks
Cuttings in a glass of water is pretty foolproof. I would have a tough time sticking a cutting in dirt and wondering if its growing roots for weeks
Intreseting, wouldn't it 'drown' the roots once they pop?
I might try this next time I take a clone
But to be fair, I think since there's new growth (even if its very small and burnt) at the top of my current clone, it must mean the clone had rooted, right? otherwise it would not be possible if I understand correctly
Intreseting, wouldn't it 'drown' the roots once they pop?
I might try this next time I take a clone
But to be fair, I think since there's new growth at the top of my current clone, it must mean the clone had rooted, right? otherwise it would not be possible if I understand correctly
They will grow alittle without new roots.
Never had one drown in a glass of water. Give it a shot.
Pretty amazing to see how easy it is, considering how complicated people make cloning.

Just change the water every few days
That dirt looks pretty wet. Is that algae on the perlite? If it is then you're keeping it too wet. Too wet and clones can rot before they root.
They will grow alittle without new roots.
Never had one drown in a glass of water. Give it a shot.
Pretty amazing to see how easy it is, considering how complicated people make cloning.

Just change the water every few days
This guy knows, its the way to do it, take a 7inch cutting, leave just the top couple of nodes and get that biotch in a glass of water, keep her there for 2-3 weeks under soft light and boom roots all over the god dam place, cloning is so easy I did it by accident :P
I took a clone from my white russian plant 24 days ago, while it was vegging, I picked one of the top colas for better chance of rooting

I have successfully cloned 2 branches of other strains, this is my third
My temps are terrible for clones (19C-20C) I'm aware of that, but from what I understand, that only means the clone will take longer to root

I'm using peat moss soil, mixed with perlite and EWC, using an 8W led 14 inches above the clone (I didn't mind if it'd stretch at first, all i cared about was not burning it)
I cut the leaves in half, did the wishbone method, sprayed it multiple times a day for the first couple weeks, then I started tiny leaves coming from the top, and figured the clone started rooting, so I switched to misting it twice a day since.

Well, I waited for growth to take off, but it never did, it seems like new leaves are trying to develop at the top, but are burning
Is this normal?
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She very well could have a problem at the roots, if any are there, I dunno if the plant can get infected by putting an open wound in soil? But it looks like nute deficiency/root rot/over watering
That dirt looks pretty wet. Is that algae on the perlite? If it is then you're keeping it too wet. Too wet and clones can rot before they root.
The surface of the soil is wet because I foilar spray, I barely watered the soil in these 3 weeks
I def have had many clones look like this . It happens , more than likely she will pull through . Put her off to the side for a while instead of directly under the light
The surface of the soil is wet because I foilar spray, I barely watered the soil in these 3 weeks

You have to keep the soil the clones are in very moist while it's rooting. You can also just throw them in a Solo cup. When I load my TurboKloner I'll throw the left over cuttings into Solo cups and it's not uncommon they throw rots. Nope they won't drown.
The surface of the soil is wet because I foilar spray, I barely watered the soil in these 3 weeks
Stop spraying it. Make it search for water to push roots into soil. Cover with some kind of humidity dome if it starts to dry leaves out. Use either a actual dome or a clear plastic bag of some sort.