New Grow-New Strain! Check it out...


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous Girl. Hope my bagseed turns out like this lady!
Thanks!:mrgreen: Bagseed can be a trip, sometimes average weed is just that way because of how it was dried and cured. I've planted seeds from ordinary mexican brickweed and they turned out dank. I also tried growing a cutting from a NL X Haze and it turned out like crap so it's best to try out what you have and if it works out nice, keep it! The "father" of these ladies came from bagseed, but it was some good shit!


Well-Known Member
Today is 3 weeks exactly at 12/12. Things are progessing nicely-rapid growth has slowed, buds are forming and trichomes are making their appearance. All 3 are just over 2 feet tall now.

I had a bit of a feeding mishap a couple of weeks ago. You can see some of the leaves near the top curled down. They didn't burn, but they would have if I hadn't caught it in time. New growth is coming in better now since flushing for about a week now. One of them is much worse off, it's in a larger container and holds nutes longer than the smaller ones. This is convincing me more that small containers are the way to go. The one plant in the large container is only slightly larger than the other 2 and it's much harder to control moisture and nutrients.



Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Lookin good mate! mine has just started to really perk up and start to put height on quite fast now. and its a rite good buzz to just watch it gorw day by day...

I love the colour of your leaves! mine are much lighter in colour. thats a nice big phat cola you got there too matey keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good mate! mine has just started to really perk up and start to put height on quite fast now. and its a rite good buzz to just watch it gorw day by day...

I love the colour of your leaves! mine are much lighter in colour. thats a nice big phat cola you got there too matey keep up the good work!
Thanks, much appreciated! The color is definitely due to the strain. I have others that I have grown under the same conditions and the leaves turn out much lighter. I've tried NL X Haze several times and the leaves turn yellow immediately after flowering starts. By the time the buds are forming, the leaves are falling off yellow and brown. Outdoors it didn't do that. Indicas and afghanis are much easier and grow better indoors.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
im thinkin maybe go for some white russian next time!

Ive just got 18 seeds from a weed i bought tonight so ive stuck 3 in to germ see what we've got... hopefully should have a decent harvest off my northern lights ive got goin at the mo aswell so once shes done ill post n let everyone know the potency of the old girl!


Well-Known Member
Here they are after another week. Things are starting to look nice and frosty. Half way there, I can't wait!! The parents of this strain are both so damn nice I can't wait to find out how this turns out. It's the first time I've screwed around with cross breeding and I'm loving it!:bigjoint:

I've gotten to the point where males aren't even necessarily a bad thing. If you feed them a shitload of nitrogen then they will hold off flowering for a while, then I just selectively isolate them when they start getting close to opening.

Now this is complete speculation BUT, one grower told me that if you keep an immature male in with your ladies while they are flowering that it will prevent them from going hermie. Somehow they sense the presense of the male is my guess? As long as they are a long way from opening then there is no danger in it, and so far no hermies since I've been doing it. Any experienced opinions on this?


Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
sounds interesting! im not growing enought at one time too see a benefit of it yet to be honest but once ive moved and built a grow room ill have to try that one... anyone alse use this method?


Well-Known Member
I don't use nutes.. and get dirt from my backyard.. it's next to our septic tank.. so i'm sure it has some nutes of it's own.. If I was gonna use nutes though, i'd get a nugget of horse shit, bury it in the dirt where you're going to plant, water it and let it sit for a day or two and then plant.. horse shit has the best nutes in it.. that and cowshit


Well-Known Member
you have only 3 plants under a 1000w????
Since this is the first run with an unknown strain...yes! 3 plants is plenty to keep me and the wife high for 8 weeks while I do another run. If this turns out as good as it looks, then next run will have more. I'm not a commercial grower, just don't want to pay for smoke. I use a small hood and concentrate the light into a small area so it's really intense. I also have it vented so it can be like 6" from the tops.


Well-Known Member
I don't use nutes.. and get dirt from my backyard.. it's next to our septic tank.. so i'm sure it has some nutes of it's own.. If I was gonna use nutes though, i'd get a nugget of horse shit, bury it in the dirt where you're going to plant, water it and let it sit for a day or two and then plant.. horse shit has the best nutes in it.. that and cowshit
You must have some nice soil in your yard, I wish I could do the same. I have clay and rocks, not soil. I even tried to mulch in good soil and peat moss and perlite into the yard dirt to plant a garden and it was a total loss.

I used to use manure in my soil mix and I ended up growing mushrooms along with my plants, so I think I'll stick with what I'm doing now!;-)


Well-Known Member
You must have some nice soil in your yard, I wish I could do the same. I have clay and rocks, not soil. I even tried to mulch in good soil and peat moss and perlite into the yard dirt to plant a garden and it was a total loss.

I used to use manure in my soil mix and I ended up growing mushrooms along with my plants, so I think I'll stick with what I'm doing now!;-)
lol did u eat the mushrooms to catch a buzz? :) jk , dont do that


Well-Known Member
lol did u eat the mushrooms to catch a buzz? :) jk , dont do that
lol, yeah I've been teased about it before. They definitely weren't 'shrooms of the edible psychoactive variety, they were little tiny suckers everywhere. Never had it happen again once I stopped using manure in the mix.


Well-Known Member
i feel noob because im going to put 3 or 4 under a 150w
im going to include some cfl's though
good job on your grow though


Well-Known Member
Well it ended yesterday, all 3 plants ended up going hermie. They were all putting out pollen and I didn't want to get it all over the grow closet, so I yanked them all about 1 week early. There was a light contaminiation issue that has been fixed, hopefully that was the cause and it's not the strain...

Pics of the harvest are attached, I'm actually pretty happy with what came out considering they went to seed. It's pretty amazing, once the buds get polinated the trichome production and bud growth essentially stop. The one plant that showed seeds last had WAY bigger stickier buds on it.

I'm starting a new run with this strain today, it's going to have a journal:

I'll keep frequent updates on the journal, thanks for all the nice comments from everyone and hopefully the next one will be WAY better!