Biggest idiot in the pot haters world


Well-Known Member


thanks fdd.... i went to sleep and got up with "your daughter like that dick" thumpin in my head.... damn yin yang twins and their catchy beats:-P


Well-Known Member
is it just me or is that guy the one jeprodising the neighborhood, and childrens integrity?

kids probably had no fucking idea what he was doing until this yakoff came along, this is why I hate people, and not just dumb people, all people, even you :) jk, you know I love you


Well-Known Member
is it just me or is that guy the one jeprodising the neighborhood, and childrens integrity?

kids probably had no fucking idea what he was doing until this yakoff came along, this is why I hate people, and not just dumb people, all people, even you :) jk, you know I love you

exactly. i just drove by there. it's bad. i felt nervous even being there. i would have never gone down that street otherwise. just a bad vibe. looks like dude has all his paperwork posted across his front fence. everyone in the world knows now. :wall: i was gonna take pics but i just couldn't. it's all wrong. :-(


exactly. i just drove by there. it's bad. i felt nervous even being there. i would have never gone down that street otherwise. just a bad vibe. looks like dude has all his paperwork posted across his front fence. everyone in the world knows now. :wall: i was gonna take pics but i just couldn't. it's all wrong. :-(

so he is retaliating by posting up the fact that he is obeying the law??? i have to say that is probably more of a manly, mature response than i would of had.. i am following this one.


Well-Known Member
he a pussy.
Snitches die eventually, they snitch on the wrong person then; bam;)

I wonder why he think he has to tell everyone about a legal grow. I hate to see what he really tells.


Well-Known Member
so he is retaliating by posting up the fact that he is obeying the law??? i have to say that is probably more of a manly, mature response than i would of had.. i am following this one.
it's one of the nicer looking houses on the street. dude's house with the signs looks like sh*t. he just lowered everyone's property value.