How much does pH matter


Well-Known Member
How important is pH for a growing operation? If I use tap water that sits out for days and just use that, how big would the difference be?


Well-Known Member
I will take some heat for this answer, but I have been growing for 25 plus years and I have never ever tested the PH. I think it doesn't matter. IMO Now there are some who that's the first question they will ask and probably a valid one if you live in a city. I don't, I live in a 35.000 people town. So our water compared to some is great. That being said yes I would leave it out in your jug just in case. If I drink it my plants can drink it. I think some people go to extremes to try to get the perfect plants. I grow some pretty kick ass plants myself. So to each their own.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that answers that question. Another question:

Someone told me 24-0 is better than 18-6 because you have less temp change, which means happier plants. True or false?

And if I use 18-6 how important is it that I keep dusk at the same time, someone also told me this is important.


Well-Known Member
IMO. PH matters very much. In soil you want it around 6.0 - 6.5 and hydro youre looking for 5.5 - 6.0

What happens if your PH is off?
Nutrient Lockout, meaning your plants will not be getting the nutrients youre adding. Resulting in signs of deficiency like necrosis, purpling in the stems from a phosphorus deficiency and many others... PH is important as well as electro conductivity of the water. All this info is also found in the grow faq.
PH is important for soil as well as hydro, so please if you are showing signs of problems and everything is correct, check your PH... They sell soil testers for cheap at any garden center.


Well-Known Member
IMO. PH matters very much. In soil you want it around 6.0 - 6.5 and hydro youre looking for 5.5 - 6.0

What happens if your PH is off?
Nutrient Lockout, meaning your plants will not be getting the nutrients youre adding. Resulting in signs of deficiency like necrosis, purpling in the stems from a phosphorus deficiency and many others... PH is important as well as electro conductivity of the water. All this info is also found in the grow faq.
PH is important for soil as well as hydro, so please if you are showing signs of problems and everything is correct, check your PH... They sell soil testers for cheap at any garden center.
true +rep but still most people dont need them because
  1. soil is ph'd
  2. most drinking water is fine

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I think MaryJane brings up a great point. It all has to do with your water. She has experience with her water and it serves her well. Me, on the other hand, I have water that is about 7.5+ and when I add nutes the Ph goes all to hell. If I didn't test it, I would be in deep trouble.

When I first started growing, I had all kinds of problems and could not figure it out. After some answers from RIU, it was determined it was due to Ph. I started testing my water ever since. I won't ever water without testing.

Lots of factors involved but as MaryJane has said, once you learn your nutes and water, you can probably get by without testing. I am not smart enough to keep up with it all so I just test it, make adjustments where needed and go on.

I have only been growing for a few years but I use the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) method and to me, testing keeps things simple, especially if I encounter problems.


Well-Known Member
I pasted the darn picture before I wrote. This is a plant just sexed. But I go 24/0 and get them bushy tie them down whatever. then 12/12 Like I said no problems. If I wanted to replicate nature I would plant outside, If it wasn't 38 degrees


Well-Known Member
yes it is ver important for it to be completly dark
not quite what i was asking, i am saying if you have veg 6 AM-10 PM
is it important for your 12-12 cycle to be 10 AM - 10 PM or could I do 3 PM - 3 AM? or something less extreme 12 AM -12 PM


Well-Known Member
No not 365 just until they get big and bushy with lot's of colas then I go 12/12 it's up to how much space you have etc... if you only have a little space you wouldn't go this big. But thats just always how I have done it. I go 12/12 when ever it's ok for you. Like you wouldn't want it to be turned on when your prone to having company thats a little nosy. To the plant it just says oh it's that time and it does it. you don't ask it when it wants to go you tell it. LOL


Well-Known Member
I pasted the darn picture before I wrote. This is a plant just sexed. But I go 24/0 and get them bushy tie them down whatever. then 12/12 Like I said no problems. If I wanted to replicate nature I would plant outside, If it wasn't 38 degrees
Okay, thats what I was planning on doing. To me 24 hours of light means more growth... but maybe I'm wrong? Which I am very often apparently.


Well-Known Member
not quite what i was asking, i am saying if you have veg 6 AM-10 PM
is it important for your 12-12 cycle to be 10 AM - 10 PM or could I do 3 PM - 3 AM? or something less extreme 12 AM -12 PM
again your choice whatever is best for u but consider the following
  1. light proofing is key!!!
  2. the temp at the time of day u want to flower!!


Well-Known Member
again your choice whatever is best for u but consider the following
  1. light proofing is key!!!
  2. the temp at the time of day u want to flower!!
why is the temp on flowering day important? i am hoping to keep the temperature pretty consistent, so I am just wondering...


Well-Known Member
why is the temp on flowering day important? i am hoping to keep the temperature pretty consistent, so I am just wondering...

some people are really bitchy bout this but if it gets to cold they wont uptake nutrents eventully breaking down chlorphil in the leaves making them yellow or even purple if u want to be a over the top grower then get a heating pad if it get too cold but im growing me sum purple bud and im gonna make it cold as hell most buds turn puple like most trees turn red and purple even bright orand ang green when fall comes its from the ground becoming cold and plant not being able to utilize nutrients!!!