Greenpoint seeds!!

I dig the AC prefilter on the box fan. That’s a great idea. I have a legit 99.99% filtration HEPA cabinet. I’m into microbiology and used it to produce mushroom cultures and spawn. It would be extremely wasteful to run it with any regularity, but I would love to use it again, this time for tissue culturing... eventually. I know how to work with agar and all that shit and if anyone on here with tissue culturing experience could hit me up I’d really appreciate it. Anyway I’m starting to think I need more air movement in there and will add another fan. I’ve got the biome in my room set up decently well though. Nothing but trichoderma floating in my air according to my open air petri dish test, which only means it’s dominant and colonizing the dish before anything else can get established. Not much powdery mildew out here AFAIK.

My big pest issue is caterpillars on my outdoor grows. My local friend that grows a lot (the dude that turned me on to GPS in the first place) has a lot of trouble with russet mites. I’m hoping to get some biological control for those established in my soil before they have a chance to invade, but chemical free pest control is something I still don’t know enough about.
BT spray has worked well for me outdoors for caterpillar control. It does'nt eliminate them completely, but knocks them down to just a few. BactillusThuringiensis (sounds like a dude from GWAR) i bielieve is a naturally occuring bacterium that kills them from the inside after they eat some.
Proper air exchange, air movement and humidity levels pretty much stops PM in its tracks. I do also use a foliar spray of full strength, compost tea every 7 days until the 2nd week of flowering, coupled with foliar sprays of aloe/fulvic acid and silica. I haven't seen PM in a decade, even in the overlapping leaves of the lower canopy nearest the moist mulch layer.
Ran a 2nd pheno of bluecherry shortcake in a very small pot, first pheno was rubbish, this pheno also meh.....Was real airy, nice smells on both plants...I probably wont pheno hunt the rest but who knows
Its a rough thing to get rid of PM...3% peroxide foliar spray and fan dry can help. When you harvest do the peroxide wash to remove the PM from the buds.
I get 1 gallon of 27% peroxide and then make 5 gallons of 3% peroxide at a time...i run sterile with peroxide so i have lots.
Lots of fans in high RH to keep it at bay. Fans all over.
Some big plants going going to fewer much bigger plants...for a while at least.

Purple Punch to the north and Dubstep to the south both in 5 gallons of coco/perlite with 1 inch of big hydroton as a base. They will be in bloom soon.

BT spray has worked well for me outdoors for caterpillar control. It does'nt eliminate them completely, but knocks them down to just a few. BactillusThuringiensis (sounds like a dude from GWAR) i bielieve is a naturally occuring bacterium that kills them from the inside after they eat some.

Nice. Bacillus is an awesome genus as long as you want it there. Makes cheese, anthrax, and everything in between. Shit used to pop up in my ‘shroom spawn from time to time because of endospores in cheap grain. My local grower friend uses this stuff called spinasod or some such for caterpillars. I don’t want to use any chemicals. Bio control all the way.
I'd much rather have 3 beastly hedges then 9 autos.......3 plants in a 4 x 4 and make it fill up. Clip fan, oscillating tower fan and my humidifier has a powerful fan and it uses Honeywell filters.
I just watched Heisenbean's most recent YouTube vid, and wow, what an eye opening experience that was. He says he made the video to shut up someone on the forums calling him out for not having a real Stardawg male, for housing all of the reg/fem plants in the same building, and so on.

What the video demonstrates is really disheartening. Heisen clearly shows that the fem and reg seeded plants are in different buildings. So he's not lying there. The problems start when he rubs the pollen sacs of a reversed Purple Punch to prove that there is indeed pollen coming from it. He then walks over to the buiding where he houses the reg seeds and starts touching the buds with the same hand he was just handling the Purple Punch pollen sacs with. No hand washing in between, no change of clothes, nothing. I'm not sure Heisen understands that pollen is air born and can travel on clothing and shoes (well, flip-flops in his case).

So Heisen went out of his way to clearly show that he, Heisenbean, is personally responsible for cross contaminating his two separate breeding locations.

I just watched Heisenbean's most recent YouTube vid, and wow, what an eye opening experience that was. He says he made the video to shut up someone on the forums calling him out for not having a real Stardawg male, for housing all of the reg/fem plants in the same building, and so on.

What the video demonstrates is really disheartening. Heisen clearly shows that the fem and reg seeded plants are in different buildings. So he's not lying there. The problems start when he rubs the pollen sacs of a reversed Purple Punch to prove that there is indeed pollen coming from it. He then walks over to the buiding where he houses the reg seeds and starts touching the buds with the same hand he was just handling the Purple Punch pollen sacs with. No hand washing in between, no change of clothes, nothing. I'm not sure Heisen understands that pollen is air born and can travel on clothing and shoes (well, flip-flops in his case).

So Heisen went out of his way to clearly show that he, Heisenbean, is personally responsible for cross contaminating his two separate breeding locations.

Details matter.

In the future, some unsuspecting customer is going to wonder why their Bodega Bubblegum smells like purple punch. :roll:
-- edit --
What I don't understand is why he is so unhappy after getting everything he wanted.
Hell heisen even has his own weed forum and from what I hear, he runs it with an iron fist.

How much is enough?

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I just watched Heisenbean's most recent YouTube vid, and wow, what an eye opening experience that was. He says he made the video to shut up someone on the forums calling him out for not having a real Stardawg male, for housing all of the reg/fem plants in the same building, and so on.

What the video demonstrates is really disheartening. Heisen clearly shows that the fem and reg seeded plants are in different buildings. So he's not lying there. The problems start when he rubs the pollen sacs of a reversed Purple Punch to prove that there is indeed pollen coming from it. He then walks over to the buiding where he houses the reg seeds and starts touching the buds with the same hand he was just handling the Purple Punch pollen sacs with. No hand washing in between, no change of clothes, nothing. I'm not sure Heisen understands that pollen is air born and can travel on clothing and shoes (well, flip-flops in his case).

So Heisen went out of his way to clearly show that he, Heisenbean, is personally responsible for cross contaminating his two separate breeding locations.

The whole picture stealing thing makes sense now. Pollen contamination?? Picking the garbage up and mopping the floors would be the first thing you would do to try and make an operation like that look somewhat legit. I can’t believe he would even post a video showing those conditions. This dude cant be right in the head.
The whole picture stealing thing makes sense now. Pollen contamination?? Picking the garbage up and mopping the floors would be the first thing you would do to try and make an operation like that look somewhat legit. I can’t believe he would even post a video showing those conditions. This dude cant be right in the head.
Leaving power plugs on the floor is also not recommended -- especially when running hydro.

People have already mentioned this to him but he won't listen.
I just watched Heisenbean's most recent YouTube vid, and wow, what an eye opening experience that was. He says he made the video to shut up someone on the forums calling him out for not having a real Stardawg male, for housing all of the reg/fem plants in the same building, and so on.

What the video demonstrates is really disheartening. Heisen clearly shows that the fem and reg seeded plants are in different buildings. So he's not lying there. The problems start when he rubs the pollen sacs of a reversed Purple Punch to prove that there is indeed pollen coming from it. He then walks over to the buiding where he houses the reg seeds and starts touching the buds with the same hand he was just handling the Purple Punch pollen sacs with. No hand washing in between, no change of clothes, nothing. I'm not sure Heisen understands that pollen is air born and can travel on clothing and shoes (well, flip-flops in his case).

So Heisen went out of his way to clearly show that he, Heisenbean, is personally responsible for cross contaminating his two separate breeding locations.

Holy fookin dirt ballz-go buy a fuckin swiffer & take the trash out dude
The way to eliminate seedlings from having helmets is to put them in the medium with the tap pointing up.

Sometimes they dont rub off and not everyone is going to sprout in a paper towell. I dont i use cubes. And if im planting a couple hundred in the greenhouse im not going to go to a paper towel method.
I just watched Heisenbean's most recent YouTube vid, and wow, what an eye opening experience that was. He says he made the video to shut up someone on the forums calling him out for not having a real Stardawg male, for housing all of the reg/fem plants in the same building, and so on.

What the video demonstrates is really disheartening. Heisen clearly shows that the fem and reg seeded plants are in different buildings. So he's not lying there. The problems start when he rubs the pollen sacs of a reversed Purple Punch to prove that there is indeed pollen coming from it. He then walks over to the buiding where he houses the reg seeds and starts touching the buds with the same hand he was just handling the Purple Punch pollen sacs with. No hand washing in between, no change of clothes, nothing. I'm not sure Heisen understands that pollen is air born and can travel on clothing and shoes (well, flip-flops in his case).

So Heisen went out of his way to clearly show that he, Heisenbean, is personally responsible for cross contaminating his two separate breeding locations.

Mmm you clearly showed your lack of knowledge on breeding.

Those males were clearly finished and those seed plants werent real far away from being done. When they are done you chop. If he was smothered in pollen and was white from head to toe in pollen those plants would not even be close to making viable seed. Those seeds would be small and greenish and more than likely abandoned by the plant because the energy is being put forth in the seeds that are just about done.

The quickest ive ever seen seeds ready is around a month and longest was 2 months. So if you throw pollen everywhere when the seeds are 2 weeks away.... ya i dont think you got much to worry about.
The whole picture stealing thing makes sense now. Pollen contamination?? Picking the garbage up and mopping the floors would be the first thing you would do to try and make an operation like that look somewhat legit. I can’t believe he would even post a video showing those conditions. This dude cant be right in the head.

Mmm neither heisen nor gu does the website pics and in that video you clearly saw a triangle kush plant that was seeded by a purple punch.

Soooo your saying they do not have the triangle kush? Or are you saying they really do have it but the web designer didnt have a pic so he did a google search and found one and photoshopped some purple hues to it?

Which is it?
I just watched Heisenbean's most recent YouTube vid, and wow, what an eye opening experience that was. He says he made the video to shut up someone on the forums calling him out for not having a real Stardawg male, for housing all of the reg/fem plants in the same building, and so on.

What the video demonstrates is really disheartening. Heisen clearly shows that the fem and reg seeded plants are in different buildings. So he's not lying there. The problems start when he rubs the pollen sacs of a reversed Purple Punch to prove that there is indeed pollen coming from it. He then walks over to the buiding where he houses the reg seeds and starts touching the buds with the same hand he was just handling the Purple Punch pollen sacs with. No hand washing in between, no change of clothes, nothing. I'm not sure Heisen understands that pollen is air born and can travel on clothing and shoes (well, flip-flops in his case).

So Heisen went out of his way to clearly show that he, Heisenbean, is personally responsible for cross contaminating his two separate breeding locations.

The plants he's touching in that vid are already done and full of seeds according to the narrative. Where is the cross contamination danger there?