-=4:20=-Guys Generation 6 (clone only medical strain) Purple Kush


Well-Known Member
LOTS of pics

First the tray / canopy

The Rows

Side view

The old mum

The new mums

And last but not least
Pics with a Bic

So there we have it.

Questions / Comments Welcome



Well-Known Member
Hi purple kush guy still looking beautiful are u happy as hell?
Ya I cant believe the difference that Hydro has made. The buds are SO dense already and the leafs are way sticky. Four of the nine haven't even made all of their stalks to their holes in the the screen yet, so I cant wait till they are all above it.


Well-Known Member
Yes yes yes i love hydro i just switched last night im so excited i guess i will see the diff when i come from work mines still have about 10inches to grow now because when i put them in hydro i had to cut holes IN TH NET POTS to put the roots in the water so that brought down the height from my old pots that i measuerd them in which mean more vertical growth yay cant wait check me out though lol


Junior Creatologist
thats fuckin awesome man. Im lovin the ScROG, your shit is lookin fuckin P-R-O-P-E-R. Cant wait to see them in 2-3 weeks man, gonna be some monster fuckin ganja action goin on. Im probably gonna be throwin my screen up in like 4 weeks or so, cuz im growin from seed, so it takes a while longer, lol. im buildin my own dwc cloner here this weekend, so im gonna have that shit ready, n probably take clones right before i do the screen, so that way i can throw some cFLs underneath the screen n the canopy, and lollipop some clones at the same time as im flowering all the BIG girls, n maybe theyll finish within like a week or two of each other. THAT would be pretty fuckin sweet. Even with my screen, im probably gonna still let them get to be like 18" before i flower the seedlings, so that way i have plenty of room under the screen to throw the cFLs ,without burning any of the tall plants, while im lollipoppin the clones. Man, i just thought of that shit right now while i was typin it out. Thats actually a pretty fuckin good idea, lol.

I like your mom too, dude. shes really purdy. you said 6th gen right??? im gonna be keepin a blue cheese mom probably for the nex 3 grows, so i have a plant to take clones from like the day before i move out into my new house, n then kill the mom, n start over. damn man, makin me wanna cry already n i dont even have a mom established yet, lol. N your keepin her in soil while everything else is growin hydro right? probably what ima do too man.

Your shit is off the hook dude. i love how everyones bustin out the dro setup. upgrading is fun!!! :D



Well-Known Member
im buildin my own dwc cloner here this weekend,
Sweet you seem to be handy; so I cant wait to see.

I like your mom too, dude. shes really purdy. you said 6th gen right??? im gonna be keepin a blue cheese mom probably for the nex 3 grows, so i have a plant to take clones from like the day before i move out into my new house, n then kill the mom, n start over. damn man, makin me wanna cry already n i dont even have a mom established yet, lol. N your keepin her in soil while everything else is growin hydro right? probably what ima do too man.
Ya the two under the MH are gen 6, the one in flower is gen 5. As for them being in soil I dont know how much longer Im gonna keep them this way. I think I will continue with soil for a bit longer, at least untill I can prove to myself that I can keep a few plants veging constantly in hydro. Untill then tried and true 6 inch pots for first taking, transplant to 10 inch pots take clones, regen and take clones again, then into flower.

Your shit is off the hook dude. i love how everyones bustin out the dro setup. upgrading is fun!!! :D

Ya I cant belive how long its taken me to get a legit tray setup; so worth every dime so far. I allready have plans to start experimenting with a hydro mum, well I should say that I have allready "started" experimenting.

Here is an attempt I made with this same set I am flowering now.



Well-Known Member
sweet you seem to be handy; so i cant wait to see.

Ya the two under the mh are gen 6, the one in flower is gen 5. As for them being in soil i dont know how much longer im gonna keep them this way. I think i will continue with soil for a bit longer, at least untill i can prove to myself that i can keep a few plants veging constantly in hydro. Untill then tried and true 6 inch pots for first taking, transplant to 10 inch pots take clones, regen and take clones again, then into flower.

Ya i cant belive how long its taken me to get a legit tray setup; so worth every dime so far. I allready have plans to start experimenting with a hydro mum, well i should say that i have allready "started" experimenting.

Here is an attempt i made with this same set i am flowering now.
that looks like a bomb but its fuckin sweet ur plant is gonna be huge i bet


Well-Known Member
that looks like a bomb but its fuckin sweet ur plant is gonna be huge i bet
LOL nope it died.

The "bomb" has been downgraded to water storage. It is actualy an olive container that some farm had a bunch of for sale. I got four five gallon ones like that and a one gallon one. $10 out the door for food grade containers I cant complain =)


Well-Known Member
Nice grow. I just harvested a crop of PK using SCROG under a 600W. Excellent, excellent smoke. Whats a normal yield for you with PK? I got about 2 OZ a plant. Mine started turning purple at week 8, 10 weeks for a nice overall purple. The pics below were at week 5.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow. I just harvested a crop of PK using SCROG under a 600W. Excellent, excellent smoke. Whats a normal yield for you with PK? I got about 2 OZ a plant. Mine started turning purple at week 8, 10 weeks for a nice overall purple. The pics below were at week 5.
This is my first hydro scrog. I have been using soil and a 400w untill this grow so no where near 2oz per plant. But tune in and I will let everyone know what the total is.

So how many plants do you have in that scrog?


Junior Creatologist

your shit is lookin fuckin awesome as is, n sorry i cant hang around to check the new shit out, im fuckin crashin out so ill check you tomorrow bro. I dont remember when the last time i +repped u was man, so if it lets me, then +rep, lol :D

Peace man,



Well-Known Member
3 of 3 (even more pics)

Dont know why I took this one. It was Res Change day today.

My Minimum Maximum temps. Top # is Flower side, Bottom is Veg side.

Pic of the old mum in soil and a couple nodes from the tray. The buds on the ones in the tray are way bigger and denser.

I need a better cam than my phone cause the nugs are all over but its blurry.

I wish this one was taller, there are two more the same way (barely making it to the screen).

