Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

I get where you're comin from. But, if a students question was regarding something that was covered in previous course work, the doctors answer would be appropriate.
Just an example (and probably a very poor one bc I relate to human bio easier than plant bio)- During a lecture on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy it wouldnt be appropriate to pose a question about the basic function of the ventricle. You'd be expected to already know how the heart functions from A&P 101, so the doctors answer of "well, its the right answer" would be appropriate.

This doesnt mean I believe every grower should already know plant functions. To the contrary. I just dont think we're going to see any kind of peer reviewed study on "flushing" because plant mechanisms have been covered in text books. It kinda makes sense that a nute company would do an easy to read report for their target audience. It draws more attention to their company.

I'm not articulating my point well...at all. To break down info or describe complex or technical assertions to someone unfamiliar with the topic is difficult because you need to find a way to convey the info in relatable terms.
Some folks are great at teaching and others...not so much.
Does this makes sense Kush? Probably not, huh.
I does make sense and I probably poorly worded my original post.
I don't feel that most members are getting what I was asking.
My question had nothing to do with flushing.
Better to just move on.
No way! I read on the internet that you need to flush for weeks and feed only sugar water to sweeten the buds. That has to be a "fake" study. I'm going to ignore a scientific study and go with stoner science and alternate facts. I will continue to flush my plants for weeks with sugar water while chasing runoff pH even when my plants are perfectly healthy.

I don't believe it! I don't believe it!

Flushing works! If you don't flush your weed will taste like crap! I don't care about the results of some study conducted by someone with a PhD. Some dude on youtube that's grown a plant or two with crispy leaves made a video and said that you need to flush. If flushing doesn't do any good then why do the nutrient companies sell bottles of diluted magnesium sulfate and sugar? It can't be about profits. They are only looking out for us. So go out and buy a bottle of Super Fantastic Flush or you'll be smoking nitrogen and other chemicals that you didn't flush out of your buds.

Ignore that study and keep on flushing. The people behind the study are the same people that say the earth is round when we all know that the earth is flat.

Proud flusher for life!


I agree everyone can do whatever with there bud its up to you but i find unflushed not as good as flushed imo
I agree everyone can do whatever with there bud its up to you but i find unflushed not as good as flushed imo
I think that maybe its one of those "I washed my car so it runs better " things.I flush, just cause if someone asks I say yes.In the norm it makes sence but most if not all inc me dont fully understand why.
I'm not articulating my point well...at all. To break down info or describe complex or technical assertions to someone unfamiliar with the topic is difficult because you need to find a way to convey the info in relatable terms without sounding like a preachy insufferable know-it-all.
Some folks are great at teaching and others...not so much.
Does this makes sense Kush? Probably not, huh.

The "FADE" is not helping either.....The plant will take nutrition from one area of the plant to where it's needed.
In our case - right to the buds as the plant is now in a last ditch effort to reproduce.
Right to the buds, right to where your trying to get rid of them.... Sort of a self inflicted wound ,,eh?
This paper outlines all of what I've been saying for decades!
yes plant physiology is different than in humans, they can do lots of recycling and have chances of maintaining life in them when other stuff is already inert. plants have also remarkably tools at their disposal to react to their surrounding grounds & environment. For example, they get washed down weekly outdoors, sometimes a full day or more, but the rain doesn't deplete them of what is solved right inside them. ´They can CONTROL the flow of water inside them --- all living things can do that to some extend --- because H2O is the living solvent but if happens uncontrolled what would that mean for the shape of the organism?

However, I think when vegetables die they'll loose some form of control, and esp. when boiled eg. potatoes, rice you need SALT water to give enough osmotic potential that minerals aren't drained from food. Cooking in RO water isn't considered good, so likewise, in what water would you watercure Cannabis? What could help mitigate loss of the good items, if low in EC more fertilizer ions will be drawn out of the buds
Yes, but what is it when ppl do RECYCLE their soil? at the beginning of vegging you don'T exactly need a high bloom formulae so there's folks washing away excess fertilizer before reamending it. Or if thrown outdoors the rain may do so... so the point being there's an attitude to get rid of what's inside that pot - NOT the plant - so it doesn't exactly make sense to add it through fertigation, esp. when plants do not gain mass anymore because...

yes and let me tell you about that last 2 weeks of aging - they don't gain much mass, it stops down visible.... they also loose strength, colas topple over... you've noticed it before, one day they all stand proud errect towards the god of sunlight, then binnen 3 days half the growroom completely fucked up! The great depression - the plants realize that EVEN if they secret wishes would come true and they'd get pollenized, it wouldnt be not enough time to give healthy offspring - game over.

The aging process involves some metabolic functions simply CEASING to work, it can be seen in the now ever increasing CBN - THC ratio. So the plant doesn't need more, and furthermore, it will more and more shift hormonelly away from vegetative growth - even discarding some more green but recycling that all and shipping the substance towards the buds.... everything the plant does here is always aimed towards the buds...

and I rather like to stay on the low side of nute content in soil thats just the better approach to my eye, so if its not really needed why should I not stop from bottling it out into the soil? some of these bottles are expensive...
Yes...flushing nutrient out of a plant is a myth.
No your buds won't taste better if the plants fade.
Nor will they taste better if the plants are starved of nutrient.

But people also often forget this plant is an annual and can sense the seasonal changes.
Easier to accomplish "green leaves until the end" in an ideal climate, or controlled environment with a continuous 12/12 light schedule. It's a much shorter season on a 12/12 schedule for one...

Couldn't grow a landrace sativa until ripe where I am, if my life depended on it. Season is short, gets too wet and too cold, way too early. They'll either rot or freeze, long before then.You'd fail every time getting it all the way to harvest.
But to get some viable seeds out of them? Sure, absolutely very do able and that's realistically all the plants need to do to survive.

Few large fading fan leaves, lol sorry, it's unrealistic to say it isn't often a natural process. You can give them all the love in the world, those leaves will still yellow.
Imvho some growers read into "green leaves until the end" far too much, including myself. It's often exaggerated and misleading.
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Apart from the big stupid argument WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE LIKE THIS (detrimental to the society as to growers) and PROVEN FACTS....

In relation to the analisys of chemicals presece in plant tissue flush/noflush I remeber reading some science article proving Fe aboundance over Mn has some kind of role in some kind of augmentation in CBD/THC rateo values andandageus to CBD.
Sorry I couldn't be more specific... I'm not such an advanced player in this field, but looking forward for some sciency basis!!
The augmented Fe presence over Mn in samples flushed could be of some use to enhance our CBD production and givig some help to the already fixed genomical expressions?
Apart from the big stupid argument WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE LIKE THIS (detrimental to the society as to growers) and PROVEN FACTS....

In relation to the analisys of chemicals presece in plant tissue flush/noflush I remeber reading some science article proving Fe aboundance over Mn has some kind of role in some kind of augmentation in CBD/THC rateo values andandageus to CBD.
Sorry I couldn't be more specific... I'm not such an advanced player in this field, but looking forward for some sciency basis!!
The augmented Fe presence over Mn in samples flushed could be of some use to enhance our CBD production and givig some help to the already fixed genomical expressions?

Far as I'm aware Cannabis is a hyperaccumulator. So yes they're theoretically very good at storing metals in their tissue. Iron, zinc, copper, manganese etc.
Too much of anything is definitely a bad thing. I hear you, over nuted cannabis isn't any better.
I'm not about the ability (again proven) that cannabis has to store metals or other chemicals, my gain from the article is that augmented Fe concentration can help the plant to sintetize more CBD over THC,
but being able to manipulate the feed in a perfect manner as a scientific experiment is over my abilities, equipment and knowledge.
The flush thing seems somewhat of a viable option for me to increase of Fe over Mn even if useless or detrimental for anything else, could it be?
just to clarify I'm looking for high cbd profiles and as low as possible thc in my cannabis
I'm not about the ability (again proven) that cannabis has to store metals or other chemicals, my gain from the article is that augmented Fe concentration can help the plant to sintetize more CBD over THC,
but being able to manipulate the feed in a perfect manner as a scientific experiment is over my abilities, equipment and knowledge.
The flush thing seems somewhat of a viable option for me to increase of Fe over Mn even if useless or detrimental for anything else, could it be?
just to clarify I'm looking for high cbd profiles and as low as possible thc in my cannabis
yes plant physiology is different than in humans, they can do lots of recycling and have chances of maintaining life in them when other stuff is already inert. plants have also remarkably tools at their disposal to react to their surrounding grounds & environment. For example, they get washed down weekly outdoors, sometimes a full day or more, but the rain doesn't deplete them of what is solved right inside them. ´They can CONTROL the flow of water inside them --- all living things can do that to some extend --- because H2O is the living solvent but if happens uncontrolled what would that mean for the shape of the organism?

However, I think when vegetables die they'll loose some form of control, and esp. when boiled eg. potatoes, rice you need SALT water to give enough osmotic potential that minerals aren't drained from food. Cooking in RO water isn't considered good, so likewise, in what water would you watercure Cannabis? What could help mitigate loss of the good items, if low in EC more fertilizer ions will be drawn out of the buds

I don't and haven't water cured. If I did try it. It would likely be my RO. I make plenty in a day.
yes and let me tell you about that last 2 weeks of aging - they don't gain much mass, it stops down visible.... they also loose strength, colas topple over... you've noticed it before, one day they all stand proud errect towards the god of sunlight, then binnen 3 days half the growroom completely fucked up! The great depression - the plants realize that EVEN if they secret wishes would come true and they'd get pollenized, it wouldnt be not enough time to give healthy offspring - game over.

This is the bulking phase. That is why your plants are standing one day and branch's drooping the next. The buds are gaining volume by size and weight...

As far as feed to harvest. While in soil you "see" no effect in feed adjustments for 5-7 days. they are getting that change by 3-4.
I stop feeding with about 3-4 days left, just for the reason you inquire about. Why waste the feed? Save a few coins and simply straight water it out.
So when Do you stop giving your plants nutes and flush ? When all the pistols have changed colors or is there any percentage of pistol color changed to be able to tell when to stop giving nutes ? Also do you guys run full strength nutes tell the end or cut back ???
Since it doesn't make a difference, might as well save the nutes and not feed them the last week.
yes and in soil even longer because it will store some of them anyway.... whenever one feeds there's still some old res solution still resident within the pot.. so giving water only waters that down but whats inside the pot still isnt exactly pure water at all.... its like when you flush upon overfeed.... after 2x potsize still an EC solution will drain out...