Well-Known Member
london also, Bernie will accomplish zero for the people, just as he has in Senate.
I take advantage of what helps my portfolio. That in turn helps me provide and set up my family, also helps sponsoring sports for children. I could make a shit load off private prisons but you have to draw a line somewhere.If you weren't so vocal about your investments in defense stock I could take you more seriously.
You must really hate the idea of bloomy or Biden, huh?
london also, Bernie will accomplish zero for the people, just as he has in Senate.
your account came about just before the last President election. Funny you picked the name Just IN Case. Just In case of what. very tellinglondon also, Bernie will accomplish zero for the people, just as he has in Senate.
oh dear, I guess cali's numbers came out for Bernie..
So you realize that the first 6 items in the House are not actually wins on anything? And for 50 years in government that is a pretty short list.would your comment be considered mis or dis information?
ummmmmm, it's actually a long list, Justin:
U.S. House of Representatives
His 1990 victory was described by The Washington Post as being the “First Socialist Elected” to the United States House of Representatives in more than 40 years.
Served in the House from 1991 until the time he became a Senator in 2007. Over a span of 16 years, he continuously won re-election by large margins, with the only exception being 1994.
In his very first year in the House, he co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus. He led this group for its first eight years. Its primary devotion is to advance liberal causes and is currently the largest organization within the Democratic congressional caucus.
He sided with the minority in voting against the use of force against Iraq in 1991 and 2002. He also opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Voted against the Patriot Act despite the majority of Congress voting for it (357 to 66). He also sponsored several amendments trying to limit its effects, even getting a proposal passed through the House preventing the government from obtaining a record of the books people buy.
Was an open critic of Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan and took him head on insisting he only represented “large and wealthy corporations.” Greenspan later admitted to Congress that his economic ideology regarding risky mortgage loans was flawed.
He passed more amendments than any other member during his time in the House. It earned him the nickname “The Amendment King.” He did this despite being a “socialist” and Congress being controlled by Republicans from 1994 to 2006, in one of the most partisan right-wing Houses ever.
Passed an amendment to “require offenders who are convicted of fraud and other white collar crime to give appropriate notice to victims and other persons in cases where there are multiple victims eligible to receive restitution.”
Passed an amendment that improved Postsecondary Education. It administered a competitive grant program to institutions of higher education seeking to reduce costs through the purchase of goods and services. This saved colleges and taxpayers both money.
He amended the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 2003, stopping the IRS from being able to use funds that “violate current pension age discrimination laws.”
He expanded free health care and won a $100 million increase in funding by using his amendment powers. This added community health centers that gave out a variety of free health care services.
Prevented child labor by passing an amendment to a general appropriations bill. This stated that the U.S. will not appropriate funds for the importation of goods made by the hands of minors.
Won a $22 million increase for low-income home energy assistance and a related weatherization assistance program. This helped heat homes for the poor.
Passed an amendment that formed a bipartisan coalition effectively prohibiting the Export-Import Bank from handing out loans for nuclear projects in China.
U.S. Senate
Defeated a wealthy businessman, Rich Tarrant, to win his U.S. Senate seat in 2006, in one of the most expensive campaigns in Vermont’s history.
Received the distinction of being named the third-most popular senator in the country, according to Public Policy Polling in August 2011.
Given a score of 100 percent by the NAACP and NHLA (National Hispanic Leadership Agenda) based on his record during his time in the Senate.
Named one of the top 5 American Jews of the Forward 50 in 2015.
Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs in 2013-2014.
Became ranking minority member of the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015.
Became ranking minority member of the Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging.
Passed an amendment making sure that solar water heaters provide at least 30 percent of hot water for new federal buildings. This is forcing us to use green energy.
Made sure to it that bailout funds weren’t used to replace laid-off U.S. workers with exploited and poorly-paid foreign workers.
Helped ensure that child care was being offered to parents in the Armed Forces by requiring the Comptroller General to provide accurate reporting on what was being done.
Required a public database be made available showing the names of senior Department officials seeking employment with defense contractors. This helped crack down on corruption.
Required that the TRICARE program provide treatment to veterans affected by certain types of autism. It wasn’t previously being done.
Won a battle requiring the Government Accountability Office to conduct an audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the part that doesn’t interfere with monetary policy). This revealed the names of the recipients of over 2,000,000,000,000 in taxpayer assistance.
Was praised by John McCain(R-AZ) and Sen. Jack Reed(D-RI) for overhauling the Veterans Administration. Was said to have done such an excellent job of bringing all parties to a deal, that it wouldn’t have gotten done without Sanders’ work.
But, most of all, what Bernie has done is inspire Americans. That’s what he’s doing in this election. His list of accomplishments doesn’t include all the times he’s stood on the Senate floor giving a passionate speech on why the “big banks need to be broken up.” No, you can’t quite quantify things like that.
Here’s A LONG List Of Bernie Sanders’ Accomplishments (WITH CITATIONS)
There are plenty of people spreading the lie that Bernie Sanders hasn't accomplished anything. Think again.addictinginfo.com
You're the idiot who doesn't seem to know the difference between universal health care and single payer.Your opinion means absolutely nothing to me.
Sure. Checks and balances are great. Howd they do for us? How'd that impeachment go?You mean, like a system of checks and balances.
So maybe like a House that represents the will of the people that have to get reelected every couple years. One to be the check on the government and corporate interests. You can have a President elected every 4 years. Since regional businesses and land owners will need their voices to be heard, you can then have a Senate to represent the state interests too, they are Americans too after all and have a lot riding on how we do things. Then we should have most decisions made on a local level, so have State and local government to deal with the things in the places they happen.
Calling yourself a 'Democratic Socialist' is just nonsense, it is what we already have but with a edgy name to make yourself seem special, new and cool, but still lay claim to running on the coattails of an established political party.
If you want the system to be more inclusive and better for everyone, vote out the Republicans, change the election laws so that every American Citizen of voting age can more easily vote over an extended time, and lets get on with our lives.
Our government needs to clean up the Russian/Foreign influence in our elections so we can start to all see and understand the facts. Only then can we move forward together as a country.
First thing first, one thing is you never know people, no matter how much you think you do. Believing otherwise just opens you up to get burnt.Sure. Checks and balances are great. Howd they do for us? How'd that impeachment go?
When the power is centralized the people lose a voice. Democratic Socialism is already here, you're right, but it's under attack and suffering at the hands of too much capatilasm and corporate interests. When the white house doesn't turn over records, and its allowed to obstruct congress the power has become more centralized. When career diplomats whistleblow on the supreme leader and are allowed to be fired for doing their job, that's facism and the progressing of centralized power. When the DOJ let's roger stone walk or reduces sentence based on trump tweet or desires, that's a progression of centralized power. Berie is not controlled by corporate interests like most of these other runners (aside from Warren).
Bernies average donation is ~$18.50/donor and has the largest donor base. He's been saying the same fiscally unpopular ideas since he got in office. When majority of congress is controlled by corporate interests its no wonder he's had to fight an uphill battle.
View attachment 4483581
Sanders Announces 'Staggering' $34.5 Million Fourth-Quarter Haul, With Average Donation of Just $18.53 | Common Dreams
"Bernie Sanders is closing the year with the most donations of any candidate in history at this point in a presidential campaign," said campaign manager Faiz Shakir.www.google.com
He's the real deal. I wasn't sure who I liked, but after listening to his podcast with Joe Rogan, I'm a solid Berniebro (first time listening to a Rogan podcast, was actually pretty good). Ill still vote for whoever gets it, but I'm pulling for Bernie.
Get stoned and give a listen...
This defiantly needs to be a bigger deal than it is. He should not withhold them from us voters. His doctor notes are not medical records.I wonder if Sanders will provide his medical records to the DNC to help the delegates decide if he's fit to run for president. That podcast was before the heart attack.
Sure. Checks and balances are great. Howd they do for us? How'd that impeachment go?
When the power is centralized the people lose a voice. Democratic Socialism is already here, you're right, but it's under attack and suffering at the hands of too much capatilasm and corporate interests. When the white house doesn't turn over records, and its allowed to obstruct congress the power has become more centralized. When career diplomats whistleblow on the supreme leader and are allowed to be fired for doing their job, that's facism and the progressing of centralized power. When the DOJ let's roger stone walk or reduces sentence based on trump tweet or desires, that's a progression of centralized power. Berie is not controlled by corporate interests like most of these other runners (aside from Warren).
Bernies average donation is ~$18.50/donor and has the largest donor base. He's been saying the same fiscally unpopular ideas since he got in office. When majority of congress is controlled by corporate interests its no wonder he's had to fight an uphill battle.
View attachment 4483581
Sanders Announces 'Staggering' $34.5 Million Fourth-Quarter Haul, With Average Donation of Just $18.53 | Common Dreams
"Bernie Sanders is closing the year with the most donations of any candidate in history at this point in a presidential campaign," said campaign manager Faiz Shakir.www.google.com
He's the real deal. I wasn't sure who I liked, but after listening to his podcast with Joe Rogan, I'm a solid Berniebro (first time listening to a Rogan podcast, was actually pretty good). Ill still vote for whoever gets it, but I'm pulling for Bernie.
Get stoned and give a listen...
If Trump can get a doctor to say that he has bone spurs...His doctor notes are not medical records.
And 230lbsIf Trump can get a doctor to say that he has bone spurs...
Well I agree with a lot of what you're saying but that map is showing the ratio of donors per area per Democratic candidate. Plus theres a donor number listed. And click farm? Psh.. For a guy that runs on MCA and a bunch of other policies that hurt the big fat cat that would employ a tactic like click farm donations, it just doesn't add up. You guys gotta lose the Bernie fear. He's been fighting for you since forever.First thing first, one thing is you never know people, no matter how much you think you do. Believing otherwise just opens you up to get burnt.
The problem of getting things done is using corporate America as a scapegoat. Over the last 50 years the Democratic party has had a steep uphill climb to be able to legislate for all of America, the Republicans have been pushing back the entire time kicking and screaming to keep political power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.
The reason they have not been able to get much done? The Democrats have only held the Presidency, the House and the Senate for about 6 years in that time period. Carter, Clinton, Obama all had the ability to pass things in their first 2 years, but then lost power to the Republicans who stuck their feet in the mud and stopped anything not benefitting their singular demographic, and trolled everything else as some kind of '-ism'.
Ill vote for Bernie if he pulls off the win, but I can't stand the lies and hate mongering that he has pushed. It sounds great, but is mostly bullshit. The wealthy people in our country are not all the enemy. There are some evil pricks for sure, but mostly it is people who have gotten so used to people agreeing with them that they think they are always right and end up doing some stupid shit, and make it worse when they try to cover it up.
And we should not forget the economic lessons from the Soviet Union, people have been proven to do better when they have skin in the game and the government is not good at keeping people productive.
PS that chart is pretty disingenuous, it is basically the same as Trump's all red one. The reason is because of this:
All that blue makes it seem like its more people disproportionately in the wide open areas.
Also I am not sure how the data is recorded and don't know enough to trust micro donations are accurately being recorded. If there is no verification process, it would be easy for a click farm to funnel as much money as needed to these campaigns.
This defiantly needs to be a bigger deal than it is. He should not withhold them from us voters. His doctor notes are not medical records.
Also this:
View attachment 4483618
We need Senate and House seats in battle ground and red districts, and a candidate that helps them win.
I mean foreign nations wanting Sanders to win the Democratic nomination. They must have a very good reason to get him elected since Russia pushed hard for him.Well I agree with a lot of what you're saying but that map is showing the ratio of donors per area per Democratic candidate. Plus theres a donor number listed. And click farm? Psh.. For a guy that runs on MCA and a bunch of other policies that hurt the big fat cat that would employ a tactic like click farm donations, it just doesn't add up. You guys gotta lose the Bernie fear. He's been fighting for you since forever.
remember when you completely blew your act a few weeks agoWell I agree with a lot of what you're saying but that map is showing the ratio of donors per area per Democratic candidate. Plus theres a donor number listed. And click farm? Psh.. For a guy that runs on MCA and a bunch of other policies that hurt the big fat cat that would employ a tactic like click farm donations, it just doesn't add up. You guys gotta lose the Bernie fear. He's been fighting for you since forever.
Lol this Don Jr or Eric? Maybe try commenting based on politics in the politics forum.remember when you completely blew your act a few weeks ago