Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Every Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY

People love a good faith leader offering a bunch of shit they have to donate small portions of their hard earned income for promises they won't get in this lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders has the largest donor base with an average of ~$18.50 per.

All these haters must like candidates bought and paid for by corporations.. The worst thing they can say is that he bubbled in his 20's, lmao, they all voted for trump anyways..

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So he takes money from more people that actually need their money than anyone else.

I don't see why this is a good thing.

Also Bernie has been running since 2014, it is no surprise that he has the numbers he does.

Also, it is not like he hasn't had Russian military help since then too:
Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 5.41.17 PM.png


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Oh right, the guy who thinks Warren's supporter's are just "hysterical triggered woke libtards" is calling someone "trumpy"...


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Does Bernie select Warren as his VP?

"1 Sen. Elizabeth Warren
At 70 years of age, Elizabeth Warren is a good eight years younger than Sanders. She’s also undoubtedly progressive. Picking her for VP in 2020 would create a progressive unity ticket after their fierce 2019 war over the Democratic Party’s left wing."

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