Just a heads up, anyone thinking about dealing with Danksleetak, he seems to be a hot head tough guy. Asked him one question about the flowering time of the divine gelato and then mentioned to keep an eye out for a strain that I have been looking for. His response said something about being old school and he doesn’t pretend to be a nice guy. Whatever the fuck that means
ok so you accuse this dude but you don't say what he did to deserve your accusation. that's straight bs and shouldn't be allowed anywhere. if you accuse then at least tell the whole damn story. especially sense we only have your very limited version and the accused can't defend themselves as you know. not a good thing and i'm calling this type of shit out for being impractical propaganda. ijs

obviously i don't have a dog in the fight so i said what i did based on principle. now folks say whatever and often with a hidden agenda and then we are supposed to take your word for shit we can't verify and you can't prove at all. I'm saying this to you and all who carry it like you.
It’s really not to bad, produces some nice flowers and that fuzzy coating of trichs is pretty crazy. It is hard to live up to the hype it’s generated and I didn’t feel like it measured up at first, but when you get over those expectations it’s pretty dang good. I absolutely hate the way it grows, can’t scrog it, might be ok in SOG. If it would stretch out and produce some lumber it would be a much better grower.
can u show your mac 1 pictures in various states for folks like me who haven't seen nothing but top bud pics. thx.
Is there a list of people you guys have purchased from on Strainly and would recommend? Does mad scientist only sell from his website now?
first i'm not ragging you personally. just used your question to highlight this silly phenom that is spreading.

the first part is to receive seeds/cut. this seems to be a constant big deal here and acts as if that is all that matters. a review is of the genetics and what they do. this bs idea of i got seeds as the default reason for others to buy is stupid as fuck and it's cultivated on this site more than weed itself.

i've spoken to the strainly folks about having real reviews based on grows. they are supposedly working on that idea.
Then he had the nerve to say that I was trying to scam him. Lol. I swear to God this s*** people pull instead of just taking responsibility. That is what's wrong with this country which continent no one is willing to take responsibility for anything anymore. There's always someone else to blame
what the fuck do u expect in a and where the very land itself was stolen by force. then they stole people to work for free. fast forward and we have trump. dude the whole idea of what you said reeks of a terrible/convenient memory lol. This is the norm from folks who's ancestors did the dirt though. ijs
aloha folks,
so first i'd like to ask about certain sellers on strainly i have yet to find good background info on to assit me in buying from them.

if you have grown their gear or cuts please share some pictures and feedback on those cultivars. personal experience trumps all so hearing from yall who know these folks matters. thx.

1. Socal Seed Vault = also sells clones
2. Alpha Seed Bank = only on strainly and IG no other presence online i could find. can't find anyone that runs their gear i could find on here, icmag, thcfamer, opengrow... syas get s breeders seeds at discount etc etc. one reference on reddit only from a dude who said he was an icmag member for 12 yrs i think. but don't say more than to recommend them
3. Captainredbeardseeds
4. Fleur du Mal Seeds
5.SWgenetX Seeds
6.Mort & Mort's Seed Co. = connected/partner of Black Bag Seeds
there are others but they escape my fragile hardrive right now = mind/brain lol. blame it on this forum cookies i'm sampling. first forum cookies i have had. had some nice platinum cookies twice.
i understanss why u posted as you did but please recognize this. we are adults and as such we do't need another adult to take up for us especially when the one you are taking up for handles his/her own business on the matter.

i'm saying this because their is a trend on these sites that is getting worse not better. folks thinking they need to speakup/take up for a fellow member like they are their big brother.... then if quite a few folks join in it's a shit storm of "don't say as you please to my friend type bs" it causes more drama and you don't even actually help your buddy your defending at all really. ijs

btw this is to all folks who do this type shit not just you. if someone offends me or attacks me i'll handle it myself and don't want others thinking i need their help because i am a grown man not a kid. ijs
I dont give a rats rear about tangerines defense. my entire point was using emoji's as a response looks childish. Y'all are all just rando's on the internet I talk weed with when taking a shit at work. None of this gets given a single percent of my energy.

matter of fact I dont even buy seeds online anymore so I dont know why I'm in this thread. Peace, y'all have yourselves a great evening.
can u show your mac 1 pictures in various states for folks like me who haven't seen nothing but top bud pics. thx.
This is something I need to see also..
Like 3 weeks after roots sets in New pots.
Veg leaf pics
Stem pics
Mine are seriously embarrassing at the moment, really stressing from some major fuk up on my part, and they vegging so prolly can’t tell much.
Those first 3 are in a water farm and the heavy foliage necrotic looking one is in coco, it was vegged rampantly under a 315cmh then I swapped to a strip light and they freaked out bad, just now pulling out of the droop. Even though she can change her appearance pretty good in different environments, she still has a certain look and I’ve yet to see her pray. But yeah I’ve got a lot of work before I can do anything with these, then maybe I’ll feel better about throwing up some pics
aloha folks,
so first i'd like to ask about certain sellers on strainly i have yet to find good background info on to assit me in buying from them.

if you have grown their gear or cuts please share some pictures and feedback on those cultivars. personal experience trumps all so hearing from yall who know these folks matters. thx.

1. Socal Seed Vault = also sells clones
2. Alpha Seed Bank = only on strainly and IG no other presence online i could find. can't find anyone that runs their gear i could find on here, icmag, thcfamer, opengrow... syas get s breeders seeds at discount etc etc. one reference on reddit only from a dude who said he was an icmag member for 12 yrs i think. but don't say more than to recommend them
3. Captainredbeardseeds
4. Fleur du Mal Seeds
5.SWgenetX Seeds
6.Mort & Mort's Seed Co. = connected/partner of Black Bag Seeds
there are others but they escape my fragile hardrive right now = mind/brain lol. blame it on this forum cookies i'm sampling. first forum cookies i have had. had some nice platinum cookies twice.
This probably want be much help, but I have a lot of stuff vaulted from Socal seed vault, nothing grown but he delivers and everything looks professional, even throws in a decent amount of freebies, nothing grown so it’s just opinion but they seem on point. Also his CC stuff is in breeders pks too, prolly not many peeps interested in it these days though.
Just ordered some NL5 seeds from SWgenetX , like yesterday so nothing yet on them.
If you’ve been on the forums long you probably know Fluer Du Mal as Baudelaire, got several of his vaulted. I don’t think you would have no worries there he’s known to work with good genetics.

Edit: to say I just checked my box and the NL5 from SWgenetX was here, with nl5 x lambsbreath freebies. fwiw I like their breaking bad packaging.
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Also wanted to mention, with concern to some folks wondering about clones in cold weather, I’ve just now been able to check the mail, it’s been snowing here today and these have been outside in the little priority box since mid day and it’s now after midnight and they’re fine. So they can take a good bit as long as they are in a container, box or the like. Mid twenties and up I think they’ll be ok for a while.
That’s a tote lid laying on the porch with some frozen water an ice for reference.
i understanss why u posted as you did but please recognize this. we are adults and as such we do't need another adult to take up for us especially when the one you are taking up for handles his/her own business on the matter.

i'm saying this because their is a trend on these sites that is getting worse not better. folks thinking they need to speakup/take up for a fellow member like they are their big brother.... then if quite a few folks join in it's a shit storm of "don't say as you please to my friend type bs" it causes more drama and you don't even actually help your buddy your defending at all really. ijs

btw this is to all folks who do this type shit not just you. if someone offends me or attacks me i'll handle it myself and don't want others thinking i need their help because i am a grown man not a kid. ijs
I can appreciate both points, especially the "dog pile" trend that happens on these sites.. I think RBJF is just a straight shooter and calls shit the way he see's it. (as you have)
No reason for it to go any further than this. Like you said, we're all adults.
i often come her to check on strains to see what i can to make a practical decision. yet most of what i see is talk aut x,y, z and nobody shows jack shit but want us to trust their word. i trust what i see
This thread kinda went to shit early on. It started out ok and quickly devolved into fear mongering and then condescending complaints that had nothing to do with "quality" or actual transactions.
At this point, the few flowering plant pics are lost in a sea of pretentious nonsense.
I've dealt with a couple people that occasionally vend on Strainly. My transactions were not thru the site though. Feel free to shoot me a pm. I'll do what I can to answer any questions. For pics, I'm just going to continue to post them in other areas of the forum.
Also wanted to mention, with concern to some folks wondering about clones in cold weather, I’ve just now been able to check the mail, it’s been snowing here today and these have been outside in the little priority box since mid day and it’s now after midnight and they’re fine. So they can take a good bit as long as they are in a container, box or the like. Mid twenties and up I think they’ll be ok for a while.
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That’s a tote lid laying on the porch with some frozen water an ice for reference.
Is that rockwool wrapped in damp paper towels?
New topic. All opinions welcome.

Which do you prefer - Clone Shipper or Clone Cruiser?

What is your preferred method for bare cuts?

If SWIM used an aerocloner instead of rockwool, what is the preferred substrate to transfer the cutting into for shipping- coco or soil?
New topic. All opinions welcome.

Which do you prefer - Clone Shipper or Clone Cruiser?

What is your preferred method for bare cuts?

If SWIM used an aerocloner instead of rockwool, what is the preferred substrate to transfer the cutting into for shipping- coco or soil?
I've only used clone shippers, so I don't know the difference.
I usually stick the rooted rockwool plug into
soilless mix in a cup.
As soon as I can, I take cuttings and begin to barter for other cuts.
I can appreciate both points, especially the "dog pile" trend that happens on these sites.. I think RBJF is just a straight shooter and calls shit the way he see's it. (as you have)
No reason for it to go any further than this. Like you said, we're all adults.

This thread kinda went to shit early on. It started out ok and quickly devolved into fear mongering and then condescending complaints that had nothing to do with "quality" or actual transactions.
At this point, the few flowering plant pics are lost in a sea of pretentious nonsense.
I've dealt with a couple people that occasionally vend on Strainly. My transactions were not thru the site though. Feel free to shoot me a pm. I'll do what I can to answer any questions. For pics, I'm just going to continue to post them in other areas of the forum.
Respectfully I personally would ask that you update here as appropriate if the info is pertinent to a strainly purchase/interaction because that is the spirit of the thread despite any off topic ranting. Let’s just try to keep the thread on topic, we are adults here as you pointed out.
Respectfully I personally would ask that you update here as appropriate if the info is pertinent to a strainly purchase/interaction because that is the spirit of the thread despite any off topic ranting. Let’s just try to keep the thread on topic, we are adults here as you pointed out.
Yeah, you're right. I was just starting to feel like this thread was a lost cause. And the trolling some of the more legit sellers face should be countered with genuine experiences.
I've only used clone shippers, so I don't know the difference.
I usually stick the rooted rockwool plug into
soilless mix in a cup.
As soon as I can, I take cuttings and begin to barter for other cuts.
Clone shippers are nice and obviously the most bulletproof way to send a clone, as long as it’s been fully rooted into the medium and the medium isn’t loose. Clone cruisers do just fine but they should be bigger, by the time I have a clone that I feel is well rooted it’s too big to go into a cruiser. I’ve recently sent out over 60 very well rooted clones and for those I put about 5-8 at a time into a large smell proof bag and then just packed them into a box, they barely fit into a 12x12x12 box, took 3 days to arrive and all survived. Unrooted cuttings should be cut extra long with a damp paper towel wrapped around the cut and then placed into a ziplock with all the air removed by sucking out the air, not with a vacuum sealer. I don’t have experience sending an aero rooted cut but what I would assume would be best would be to pack it tightly with coco into a clone shipper. Also whenever shipping rooted clones you should let whatever medium you rooted into get slightly on the dry side.
Very helpful. Big thank you to both you guys. :hug:
I was having a serious brain cramp thinking I needed to start over with slabs of rockwool, lol.
Ive also noticed the real pros send at least priority instead of first class and five days later in the winter time mail system and the odds you get good cuts are diminished. Rooted cuts are best