When you get to the 1lb yield I wanna see some pics. Even if you don't pics are always good.
Hope so.
When you get to the 1lb yield I wanna see some pics. Even if you don't pics are always good.
Some 20 years ago, a pal gave my a bag of not so great shake. At the bottom, a speckled seed. No idea of the lineage but I took that as a sign to read up on how to grow and clone this stuff. Turned out to be a potent sativa dominant strain. We knew it was sativa cause we were all pretty wired after a pipe full.
I was able to clone that girl and run 12 plants (6 in VEG and 6 in FLOWER) for over 5 years. Supplied my circle with lots of stinky bud. I will never assume that a random seed at the bottom is crap.
Did it start kicking into gear with the new setup? It kinda looks like it. Ahh the golden glow of the hps.
Those look badass.I'm really enjoying the quality I'm getting from a 315 Cmh .
Yeah this is my first grow useing it and it's really surprised me almost as good as 600w hps for size but better for terps and trics.