Advice on growing with old seeds

I have a couple of seeds since last year that I wanted to save for later but then I tried to sprout one but it was very weak it didn't make it through.. Right now I have the LAST two and i really don't want to fuck it up.. I have read online that I can put it in some oxygenated water and sugar solution to give it a head start but I'm not sure.. Any advice would be helpful
Year old seeds aren't really old. I've sprouted 10 yo beans and got good results. I lined a pill jar with 150grit sandpaper and shake them gently for 2 full min then plant directly into screened ProMix that I water with dilute seaweed ferts or dilute 3-part hydro nutes. I use a 1mm mesh screen to get fine promix and will fill a 3" pot up with regular promix HP then scoop out a couple Tbsps to refill with the screened stuff. Wet everything good then plant the seed about 1/2" deep. I'll keep the pots in a humidity dome with a light over them so the second they pop up they have light. I get much better results that way over soaking then using paper towels or peat pucks. I think a lot of guys mess up their sprouts transferring them to soil from paper towel.

I root cuttings much the same way.

Good luck!

I put my seeds in the little peat moss pellets, can't remember what they are called. Just soaked the pellets in the water Hydrogen Peroxide solution then put the seeds in the pellets, Jiffy pellets.
Soak in a cup of water for 24 hours lightly tap on the floating seeds once the seeds hit the bottom of the cup of water place them in a sealed sandwich bag with folded over wet paper towel within two days you'll have success with germination hasnt let me down yet.
Come to think about it, I did use paper towels then into the Jiffy pellets. (no I was not smoking, just getting old). Popped in a day for four seeds, three days for the other two which were from the same seed company.
If you want to test the peroxide, dilute it and put it on your tongue. If it foams it is good. It won't hurt you. you can use it as mouthwash but it tastes terrible.
If you want to test the peroxide, dilute it and put it on your tongue. If it foams it is good. It won't hurt you. you can use it as mouthwash but it tastes terrible.
A new bottle is cheap enough, but thank you for that suggestion.