RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
the g13 HP are going into fIowering tonight they have aver. 16" high. this is where it gets good . the HP are going aIso. fuk it ,Iets get this show on the road...cont...........:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

. . . . looking very healthy.

Are these about a month old since breaking ground?

Just went back to begining of journal and if I'm ready things into me wee brain I believe they started seedling about a month ago. Just thought I would double check :-)


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i like the big fat leaves. they just seem to be better than the spindly skinny ones. i am def going to do some indica heavy strains next year.


Well-Known Member
they are 5 weex old , except hp , thier 3 weex old. gonna flower them anyway. . internodes are so close gonna be enormous bud. can tell. bought some new glass today. .chk it out.


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
nice pieces, i need to get me a new bongbongsmilie

actually i want to get one of these.

Extreme Vaporizer

I asked the wifey for it for x-mas. we will see.

and i like chillum's. they are nice for a quick toke out and about and easy to clean.


Well-Known Member
fancy lookin bong there nice. so the closer the nodes the bigger the bud?? these skywalker are the stalkiest little things ive seen haha


Well-Known Member
they had a vaporizor but it was a bc vaporizor. found a new place in town bong and pipe super store and hydroponics store nex door, lights everyhting tripped me out. as you can see i got a new Vaio computer today. the other ones key board jus could not go no longer,,, finally got me an "L"...hahaha.....closer internodes bigger bud.


Well-Known Member
hahahah finally L's again! thats cool just got me a new comp too Toshiba Qosmio pretty fancy lookin couldnt stand my other piece of shit anymore... so youre tellin me i should get the most bud from the skywalker even though they look the smallest right now haha

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
they had a vaporizor but it was a bc vaporizor. found a new place in town bong and pipe super store and hydroponics store nex door, lights everyhting tripped me out. as you can see i got a new computer today. the other ones key board jus could not go no longer,,, finally got me an "L"...hahaha.....closer internodes bigger bud.

haha, i thought that was just your way of typing l's, like your signature. too funny.


Well-Known Member
hey man I been gone for a minute, but my damn camera broke so I can't update. I will probably just start a new grow in january after these are done. NYCD it should be a good strain. take care


Well-Known Member
G13 HP are lookin as good as ever. watered today using using a 2-8-4 fert. will use that nute twice during flowering, then will move up to a higher phosph. in day 28-30 of flowering for some real explosion of flowering.............cont.......


Well-Known Member
took around 13 clones of the g13 hp today. lookin for a mother to keep for my nex is the setup.the probe lets me know that the temp. inside is wat i want. i stick it in the peat moss pellet to make sure the center of the peat are 78 to 80F. i put wet soil mix in the bottom about haf inch down to keep steady heat within the pellet to get rooting ,very muddy mix,, that way they can kind a spread a little in the bottom soil, then cut a 45 degree cut on the stalk, and one small scrape along the bottom of the the stem,dip in the cloning gel all that would be submerged into the mix, stik into the mix and make sure all areas of the stem are contacted with the wet mud .... a very experienced grower told me this method, he has a 95% rooting rate, that worx for me.... may try other varieties later,, i bought out one seed stores DP blueberry reg. seeds.. they went to feminized on blueberry, hard to get reg seeds. i got them a few months ago.but the BM is almost extinct.want to keep it alive if i can.



Well-Known Member
good luck on your clones. My aero cloner seems to be working but my whiteberry cuttings took forever to root and they were taken from the bottom of the plant. The daisy cloner was advertised as see roots in 3-7 days but so far thats not the case. Ive had nothing but bad luck trying to get my SOG started. I'll be putting some 15 inch orangebud clones into flower on the first.


Well-Known Member
update...the g13 are really lookin perfect , large leaves , with close internnodes, hopefully get large buds , 1 week into flowering..i need to move my fan higher , jus enuff to whisp the leaves.still waiting for the reg. HP to determine sex, so can put them in buckets,will not remove much veg. seeing no crowding taking place.,,,will do weekly updates till fini, lookin to get acouple of mothers of the clones i took from them ...........cntd.............

