SeedsHereNow !


Well-Known Member
A Big Props goes out to, Seeds Here Now , I ordered Ol'Dominions Local Skunk , and received These 3 Free beauties !
Mystery mix & Pie tree x Cookie Pebbles , by. Green Team Genetics & Grape Pie x Mac f2 by Cannardo ,

IMG_7053.JPG AND if you notice , they came in a paper bag MADE IN THE USA !
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A Big Props goes out to, Seeds Here Now , I ordered Ol'Dominions Local Skunk , and received These 3 Free beauties !
Mystery mix & Pie tree x Cookie Pebbles , by. Green Team Genetics & Grape Pie x Mac f2 by Cannardo ,

View attachment 4486534 AND if you notice , they came in a paper bag MADE IN THE USA !
Nice selection. I picked up a pack of Local Skunk from SHN, too, but I wasn't lucky enough to get any freebies.
I'm not complain though, I'm lucky to have any seeds at all, after the post office "lost" my order.
SHN really stepped up and took care of me.
Nice selection. I picked up a pack of Local Skunk from SHN, too, but I wasn't lucky enough to get any freebies.
I'm not complain though, I'm lucky to have any seeds at all, after the post office "lost" my order.
SHN really stepped up and took care of me.
no freebies ? That doesn't sound like them , I may have to give my good friend a call , see whats up ,,
no freebies ? That doesn't sound like them , I may have to give my good friend a call , see whats up ,,
I’ve ordered from them twice and have never received any freebies. They did throw in a “10% discount on my next order” card, though.
Like I said above, I’m not complaining, and am happy with their service.
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I've ordered from them in the past too, and didn't get freebies. They're not known for that.
I don't get it every time I have ordered I received freebies , The only one I have never gotten freebies from was Healthy made seeds , and I spent $200 with them , first and last time , bad communication skills , none , , But I will talk to bear and see whats up .
I mean if you're close to one of the employees, then there you go.
I got freebies from the start , didn't get really close till about 4 th order . But I just got a order of Banana punch for HORROR SEEDS $200 , not one freebie .
So I'm 0 for 2 last two orders no freebies . Horror seeds and Healthymade seeds . But freebies from about 7 other different sellers .
I dont use them anymore I find them to be too expensive. James Bean always says on podcasts hes on how he vets every breeder and is super selective but over the last few years theres been so many new breeders to the point of oversaturation, to make matters worse some of his new breeders I cannot find any information on or any documented proof they are even breeders for instance his dr blaze breeder. He took on some breedrs like gg strains after josey passed who put out all garbage herm s1 glues and other junk and continues to sell them, which was expensive It condradicts what he says . I never once got a freebie .No big deal but it doesnt make me want to repeat orders with them loyally when there is none really but a lollypop, you remember that when you buy a pack and it doesnt work out, cant complain everytime either, I move on , it drains my soul too when Im out 200 bucks again , then you hear a podcast and he acts like he will fix every order and he vets his breeders so good.
I have moved to other seedbanks for various reasons.
There is some really shady stuff going around about James Bean from former employees.
Apparently offering staff dabs if they touch his dick kinda stuff. It seems like he treats people absolutely awful. Check out seedsherenow instagram. One of their ex employees who ran the account gas gone rogue and is using it to air dirt about James Bean.
Not the first time I've heard this kind of stuff about him.

All the creepy James stuff aside their prices have increased over the years to where they are always priced a bit higher then everywhere else.
The quality of their sales has seriously declined they used to have some killer deals.
My last two orders had issues.
I will say they go out of their way to make things right if your not happy with something.
Anywho plain and simple, there are greener pastures elsewhere with better pricing and incentives.
There was like some glitch where all the packs were 48$. I sent cash, after I sent it they sent me a email saying they couldn’t honor sale. I asked them to send my money back. I get the feeling they’re gonna try to store credit me. I didn’t get the email till 4 days after I placed my order. They said they’ll give me a 10$ credit...
shipping was $10.30, plus gas, and time. I’ll never use them again after this. I get the glitch but they should’ve been on top of cancelling my order before 4 days went by and I shipped, even if I do get my refund I’m basically down the $ till then. That was most of my 4/20 seed budget too. I would’ve went to heritage. Still haven’t gotten a reply about them sending my cash back and it’s like 2-3 days now.
There was like some glitch where all the packs were 48$. I sent cash, after I sent it they sent me a email saying they couldn’t honor sale. I asked them to send my money back. I get the feeling they’re gonna try to store credit me. I didn’t get the email till 4 days after I placed my order. They said they’ll give me a 10$ credit...
shipping was $10.30, plus gas, and time. I’ll never use them again after this. I get the glitch but they should’ve been on top of cancelling my order before 4 days went by and I shipped, even if I do get my refund I’m basically down the $ till then. That was most of my 4/20 seed budget too. I would’ve went to heritage. Still haven’t gotten a reply about them sending my cash back and it’s like 2-3 days now.
Same here except I paid credit card and their processor is holding it for 10 days. Their $10 offer is shit just like their 10% deals. You can't combine the $10 off with any percent discounts so it's just a bogus offer mostly anyways that their 10% or more off that you can pretty much get anytime would likely give you more.