Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


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24 in NYC now, picking up steam.

The mega churches will be holding pray the pandemic away rallies filled with Trumpers in the midst of the outbreak, not wishing, just saying, they don't like no big government tell'n em what to do! They don't like or believe scientists, or the foundation of modern biological science, natural selection. Getting such people to obey quarantine restrictions will be impossible, you might as well try and take their guns, freedom!

A guy like Rob Roy won't listen to the government if he's infected, he figures all authority is illegitimate and doesn't give a fuck for his community, the only mitigating factor is that he's a misanthrope.
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Well-Known Member
Christ .... the orange ape just fucks up everything he touches.

Trump's Promise for 1 Million Coronavirus Tests This Week Is Already a Bust

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar says it will be more like 75,000 tests shipped by the end of the week.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration will fail to meet its promise to make 1 million tests for novel coronavirus available by the end of this week, in a stumble likely to exacerbate criticism that Trump’s response to the outbreak has been too slow.

The real figure will be less than half a million tests by the end of the week, Heath and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told reporters on Capitol Hill Thursday, adding that most of the new capacity will come from a private company called IDT. The government will supply less than a tenth of the one million figure announced on Monday, he said.

“By the end of the week we believe we’ll have shipped enough for 75,000 people to be tested,” Azar said, adding that IDT believes it will be able to supply enough materials to test “about 400,000 people.”

The missed deadline marks the latest misstep in the Trump administration’s efforts to contain the disease known as COVID-19, a scramble that’s been criticized by Democrats and public health experts for starting late and failing to tamp down misinformation and mixed messages emanating from Trump himself.

Widespread testing is crucial for tracking the spread of the disease. But Trump’s Coronavirus response team has been faulted for failing to make tests for more broadly available since the virus first emerged in China.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention bungled in its first attempt to produce a diagnostic test in February, sending hundreds of kits to regional laboratories only to realize afterwards that some of the components yielded inconclusive results. The flawed kits may have resulted from a contamination of the lab where they were developed.

Azar has been singled out for failing to better coordinate the rollout of the tests in January and February, when the CDC tested just 500 Americans at a time when China, the epicenter of the outbreak, reportedly ramped up testing to 1 million people.

Independent experts have said it could be weeks before the U.S. can fully meet demand for testing, because plenty of public health labs and hospitals simply aren’t set up yet to perform them.

Enjoy your day


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Coronavirus Epidemic Update 31: Mortality Rate, Cleaning Products, A More/Less Severe Virus Strain?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 31 with pulmonologist & critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of

New research from China suggests there may be two distinct strains of SARS-CoV-2 spreading - and one of the strains may be significantly more deadly. The WHO is now estimating that the mortality rate from the coronavirus epidemic is 3.4% - higher than previously thought. The CDC has released an official list of effective cleaning agents for the novel coronavirus.

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EPA Approved Cleaning Agents:


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I honestly would not trust Chinese "research" without verification. They are politically motivated and have redefined terms 8 times while refusing any help from the world. The only reason to refuse help from international agencies is to preserve their cover-up. Now they say it has evolved and become more aggressive, I say bullshit. It's always been aggressive and now they can't cover it up any longer. The numbers of infected are far higher which means the fatality rate is lower.


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Trump's 'Gut' Collides With Science On Coronavirus Messaging

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."
"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

as Trump tried to explain this in his interview, he added confusion by discussing how people with a mild case of the disease caused by coronavirus may not be tested for it.
"So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better," Trump said.
Trump's upbeat tone made it seem as though he was suggesting it was a good thing that people with coronavirus could go to work.

Facing backlash, Trump clarified what he said he meant in a tweet on Thursday morning. "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work," Trump said.

Trump is so out of his league on this.

He should stick to advising people to wash their hands, stay at home if sick and wear a mask if they have symptoms. That's it. Not that I think he'll do it, just -- that's all he's good for in this situation right now.


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Trump's & Pence's attitude
“I do have a word to the average American about how you can help as well,” Pence said. “Unless you are ill, you have no need to buy a mask.”


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Trump's & Pence's attitude
“I do have a word to the average American about how you can help as well,” Pence said. “Unless you are ill, you have no need to buy a mask.”
Prepare, dig your own grave in yer back yard and put a cot by it fur when ya get sick and die, then have someone in a hazmat suit roll ya in to it and backhoe it closed. Go to DIY burial for more info


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Maybe Donald's plan is to kill off the country, we got this all wrong! He's gonna get us before we get him! King Chaos will be hunkered down in a bunker somewhere while the country comes apart at the seams, what a great distraction! The survivors will be too busy picking up the pieces of their shattered lives, 401Ks and hearts to remember impeachment! The only problem is that pesky election in November and the epidemic, it's public panic and tragedy. Much of the blame for this getting out of control, its spread and America's lack of preparedness will be laid at Trump's feet. He fucked up his most basic responsibility as POTUS, to protect the American people. The public will be reminded of his actions or lack of them by house oversight hearings, whistleblowers and TV ads this fall, by not just the democrats, but a lot of frightened and pissed off Americans.


Well-Known Member
Trump's 'Gut' Collides With Science On Coronavirus Messaging

"Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number," Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor."
"Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%," Trump said.

as Trump tried to explain this in his interview, he added confusion by discussing how people with a mild case of the disease caused by coronavirus may not be tested for it.
"So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better," Trump said.
Trump's upbeat tone made it seem as though he was suggesting it was a good thing that people with coronavirus could go to work.

Facing backlash, Trump clarified what he said he meant in a tweet on Thursday morning. "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work," Trump said.

Trump is so out of his league on this.

He should stick to advising people to wash their hands, stay at home if sick and wear a mask if they have symptoms. That's it. Not that I think he'll do it, just -- that's all he's good for in this situation right now.
The problem is that people actually think that his advice is worth anything at all. Anything said about the virus with political motivations in mind is suspect.


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus Epidemic Update 31: Mortality Rate, Cleaning Products, A More/Less Severe Virus Strain?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 31 with pulmonologist & critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of

New research from China suggests there may be two distinct strains of SARS-CoV-2 spreading - and one of the strains may be significantly more deadly. The WHO is now estimating that the mortality rate from the coronavirus epidemic is 3.4% - higher than previously thought. The CDC has released an official list of effective cleaning agents for the novel coronavirus.

LINKS from this video:

EPA Approved Cleaning Agents:

As of this morning Texas & Florida have followed suit.
NY next & then CT.
This shit is bad