post your smoking utensil


Well-Known Member
Sweet pieces, not sure how much ya wanted to smoke or whatnot, but can we use both? =)
I really like that bubbler. awesome colors


Well-Known Member
Sweet pieces, not sure how much ya wanted to smoke or whatnot, but can we use both? =)
I really like that bubbler. awesome colors

my dude fronts me so we can smoke a couple bowls or so, we can do one of both, whyyy not. lol.

but thanks! i don't even know where i got those 2.


Well-Known Member
how do you not know where they came from lol, damns stoner
I wish i could bring some of my chron, might be able to get some hash aboard though


Well-Known Member
how do you not know where they came from lol, damns stoner
I wish i could bring some of my chron, might be able to get some hash aboard though

=) i am a damn stoner dammit

fuck this is so weird lol when i made this account i wasn't expecting to meet anyone, but this is cool haha

you can get hash about? you can try, but if you want to.


Well-Known Member
yea i definitely wanna try and get some hash before i depart, slim possibility though.
i wasn't expecting to meet anyone either, but don't scare me too much, i am ninja =)
very high ninja, but ninja nonetheless. Wouldn't wanna leave you hangin so that's why got you a clone ready


Well-Known Member
Looks like yours is the dark green though, mine's the 24" light green label, ultra thick, it weighs like 5 pounds or so with water. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
;) on the roor website they talk a lot about keeping it clean, I always keep mine fresh, before every use :)

Stupid autotext keeps changing roor to room... :cuss:


Well-Known Member
I hate when I have to smoke out of a nasty bong at a friends house. Especially the week old bong that's full of sucked through ashes and smells like absolute shit rotting in the sun... :spew:

Might as well wipe my ass and smell my hand while I hit the bong, atleast then there'd be a good reason to be smelling crap. :mrgreen: