Trying to dial in a grow can be fun. Here is a detailed plan that looks excruciating but I wonder if it would pay off?
There is a lot of info saying increase e.c by a bit, and supplement co2 at 1200-1500ppm
Do you think there is a benefit to this process? It starts light on, then gets very heavy toward the end.
- Day 21 of flowering: Begin with 800 PPM, and keep it at that when the extractor isn’t on. When watering, you’ll need to raise the EC every time to raise the CO2 levels. For this first week you’ll need about 1.7 EC using normal irrigation water.
- Day 24 of flowering: Raise the CO2 to 850 PPM, and the EC to 1.8.
- Day 27 of flowering: CO2 to 900 PPM and EC to 1.9
- Day 29 of flowering: From this day onwards you’ll need to increase both CO2 and EC every two days. 950 PPM and 2.0 EC.
- Day 31 of flowering: 1000 PPM and 2.1 EC.
- Day 33 of flowering: 1050 PPM and 2.2 EC
- Day 35 of flowering: 1100 PPM and 2.3 EC
- Day 37 of flowering: 1150 PPM and 2.4 EC
- Day 39 of flowering: 1200 PPM and 2.5 EC. From this day onwards, increase levels every day.
- Day 40 of flowering: 1250 PPM and 2.6 EC
- Day 41 of flowering: 1300 PPM and 2.7 EC
- Day 42 of flowering: 1350 PPM and 2.8 EC
- Day 43 of flowering: 1400 PPM and 2.9 EC
- Day 44 of flowering: 1450 PPM and 3.0 EC (this is the max EC level)
- Day 45 of flowering: 1500 PPM and 3.0 EC
- Day 46 of flowering: 1550 PPM and 3.0 EC
- Day 47 of flowering: 1600 PPM and 3.0 EC
- Day 48 of flowering: 1650 PPM and 3.0 EC
- Day 49 of flowering: 1700 PPM and 3.0 EC
- Day 50 of flowering: 1750 PPM and 3.0 EC
- Day 51 of flowering: 1800 PPM and 3.0 EC – This is the max CO2 level you can have in your grow room. Continue the rest of the flowering period without raising anything, and make sure to do that root wash 10 days before harvesting.