Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

the medical benifits of cannabix are well know. many cancer patients believe it has extended their lives.once I got out of the hospital and into home hospice care using cannabis caused a noticeable improvement in my health and I feel it has extended my life. why would god give us such a wonderful medicine if he did not want us to use it? christ once said "the kingdom of god is within you and all around you. those who learn he meaning of this shall not taste death" many seek god in their own way .aas a deiest I seek god in creation. not some book one can find wisdom in many belief systems.the god I see is loving and compassionate..
Science tells a much more beautiful origin story that's actually verifiable and true, and we can observe its magnificence in reality.

Science is the greatest story of them all, a true story of our origins, and blesses us with the facts it reveals. The fact we are made of star-dust. The fact that ALL elements like zinc, copper, nickel and EVERYTHING heavier than iron, though crucial for life, could only be created when stars explode in a magnificent supernova, spreading their elemental soup back into the universe, to be used for planets, and even life like us. Thats the origin of all matter heavier than iron--it all came from the explosive guts of the center of stars. This fact humbles me, yet astounds me, and makes me feel connected to the cosmos. Makes me care about the universe. Makes me want to treasure and preserve what we have. No other story can compare.

No story, fiction or fig of human imagination is more magnificient, more beautiful, than the actuality of the cosmos.

Science tells a much more beautiful origin story that's actually verifiable and true, and we can observe its magnificence in reality.

Science is the greatest story of them all, a true story of our origins, and blesses us with the facts it reveals. The fact we are made of star-dust. The fact that ALL elements like zinc, copper, nickel and EVERYTHING heavier than iron, though crucial for life, could only be created when stars explode in a magnificent supernova, spreading their elemental soup back into the universe, to be used for planets, and even life like us. Thats the origin of all matter heavier than iron--it all came from the explosive guts of the center of stars. This fact humbles me, yet astounds me, and makes me feel connected to the cosmos. Makes me care about the universe. Makes me want to treasure and preserve what we have. No other story can compare.

No story, fiction or fig of human imagination is more magnificient, more beautiful, than the actuality of the cosmos.

prove God isn't responsible for your "true Origin" - oh wait you can't ... because he is
Mark 7:15 &15:11
It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, but the words coming out!! That being said there are a few precautions!! I wouldn't sit around blasted all the time, just like dont be giving into to much alcohol. You may be fooled by Satan if not strong in your faith and be able to distinguish by whom your being lead. Write the word upon your heart!! The only other problem I could see is maybe actions causing young or new Christains to stumble. I personally dont talk about it. They may think it's truly wrong for lack of knowledge, and they will get hung up on it. Genesis states God created every seed and fruit bearing plant for our use. Hope it helps I struggled with the same thing.
Well everyone knows God is real, we are without excuse to deny a prime creator. Intelligent design is right in our faces (literally). Mankind suppresses the truth because we don't want to be held accountable for our sinful nature, so we come up weird ideas such as evolution, that requires more faith than believing in God. A building doesn't build itself it requires a builder, a painting requires a painter, creation requires a creator it's just common sense and logic that God gave us.
This topic has been at the forefront of my mind for some time .the life of a Christian is pretty simple... live as Christ did. I can’t speak on anyone’s pains , be it mental or physical, truth is cannabis dulls pain and allows others to actually function. That being said as a follower of Christ you must understand that if your conscience is telling you no and the Holy Spirit is convicting you , than stop. Your burden is not mine like my sin is not yours so I can’t judge in that way but if it’s hindering your walk with the lord , no matter What it is walk away from it.
Living as Christ did isn't possible for mankind because we are all helpless sinners and fall short Every time. Jesus exposed the hypocrasy of the religious leaders when he came to earth because they claimed to keep the law, but Christ exposed their hypocrasy. Being a Christian is having faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. His grace is imputed to anyone who BELEIVES he died for them on the cross. It's our faith that is counted for righteousness, not the way we live because we cannot save our selves. Yes Jesus did set an example and we should try to live by those guides for sure, but it was to show us how mankind cannot live up to Gods perfection. That's why salvation is a free gift from God.
It's well known that in Christian thought that drugs open the door to demons. DMT seems particularly bad for contacting demonic entities.
Well everyone knows God is real, we are without excuse to deny a prime creator. Intelligent design is right in our faces (literally). Mankind suppresses the truth because we don't want to be held accountable for our sinful nature, so we come up weird ideas such as evolution, that requires more faith than believing in God. A building doesn't build itself it requires a builder, a painting requires a painter, creation requires a creator it's just common sense and logic that God gave us.

Your statement leads to a question. Who created the creator ?

Did he/she/it/them spontaneously "self pollinate" from nothing ? Is god a hermie ? (serious question...sort of)
Question to the thread: Why does the "clergy" think it's okay to diddle young boys? WTF is up with that? And why does the religious community support a criminal pussy grabbing grifter in the White House and all of his enablers? Or does he just get forgiven everyday?
Question to the thread: Why does the "clergy" think it's okay to diddle young boys? WTF is up with that? And why does the religious community support a criminal pussy grabbing grifter in the White House and all of his enablers? Or does he just get forgiven everyday?
catholics are not biblical and neither is their doctrine of celibacy. the bible clearly states a pastor should be the husband of one wife and also the father of children. it's no wonder they are all sexual deviants. and many many religious people dislike trump. the ones who love him is solely because trump is a pawn of israel and these 'christians' mistakenly believe israelis are gods chosen people.
I'm a bible beliving Christian that got saved about 4 years ago after seeking spirtual "enlightenment and truth" until I came to the the real truth and that is, I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can save a soul. I'm not here to start arguments as it seems bringing the truth of Jesus Christ up tends to cause problems from my experience lol, I'm Not here to debate if Jesus is the risen King of kings and Lord of lords who is God which I fervently believe and know this to be the truth. I'm here to discuss with other Christians if they think it's sinful to smoke cannabis. As it's something i still wrestle with after getting saved.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Thanks in advance.
We have many things in this world that know us, these idols are driven by intentions to distract and get us to deny to turn away or ignore God altogether. If you’re not at peace with this ,I mean If you are partaking ,or just attacked by it ,it’s great if you’ve been delivered from this amen.thanks for sharing
Your statement leads to a question. Who created the creator ?

Did he/she/it/them spontaneously "self pollinate" from nothing ? Is god a hermie ? (serious question...sort of)
It's a funny thing when men create art, inventions, children, we ask who's the artist, inventor, parents!! We give them praise and glory!! At least at this point who cares how God became, we have enough questions to ask. I'm not saying you dont have a valid point, just that if we have been created into existence how cant we be grateful. We could have never know life at all.
It's a funny thing when men create art, inventions, children, we ask who's the artist, inventor, parents!! We give them praise and glory!! At least at this point who cares how God became, we have enough questions to ask. I'm not saying you dont have a valid point, just that if we have been created into existence how cant we be grateful. We could have never know life at all.

How do we know that other beings (not "god") didn't create human life?

If that is found out to be true, should we then pray to Alien scientists ?
How do we know that other beings (not "god") didn't create human life?

If that is found out to be true, should we then pray to Alien scientists ?
No one knows what or who "God" is except by what is written. What if it's like you say, should we not be grateful? You love your parents and family, wouldn't you love your creator that gave you all these experiences even more. I've thought all these things you've been talking about myself. I started out as very skeptical. To the point I thought I need real help not bullshit!! The only thing I know is draw near to God and he will draw near to you!! The problem is you have to exercise faith to experience it, that hurdle as small as it seems is where alot of people cant seem to step over. But we have faith the sun will come up tomorrow, we will wake up each morning. If there's more to life than meets the eye wouldn't you want to know!!