Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
Eating bush meat is an issue, irrespective of the culture or race involved, to say it was just a food market would be a lie of omission for PC purposes. Your argument and attack is bullshit.
Lol, I'm not attacking and I believe the vast majority of my arguments are pretty civil.

If you've ever been to Southeast Asia you'd know that these markets exist in every town from the largest metropolis to the smallest hamlet. They're outdoor markets. Wasn't all meat bushmeat until the almighty grocery store was invented? We just like our murder clean and behind closed doors.

Nothing is 100% conviction. It is accepted that the Sars-cov2 virus was introduced to humans at an exotic animal wet meat market where people were chopping up endangered wild animals is where this virus jumped from bats to pangolins to people. Bats and pangolins and people should not have been in close proximity for such extended periods as nature wouldn't produce such a pairing. It happened because a bunch of people were running a market for fucking bushmeat.

Even gravity is a theory. If you can't accept the conclusions from science because you need 100% conviction, you're irrational and likely biased against holding people accountable for running wet markets for bushmeat and live exotic and endangered animals. That is not racist at all. If you're saying that all Chinese people do this, you'd be the racist.
You are correct. But science changes. If you believe the CCP, they're now saying the earliest case was from Nov 17th. Before the market super spread. See above, every city has these markets. Why do events like this not happen every day?


Well-Known Member
See above, every city has these markets.
No, they most certainly do not. I have been all over Asia for extended periods and very thoroughly explored. One of my favorite things to do is check out all sorts of markets and I'm an avid foodie. A few places go all out with the dog meat, particularly but not at all limited to China. Most of the exotic animals all over the world are going to China. I mean the overwhelmingly vast majority. They use it in their inneffective bullshit medicines and it's driving many extinctions and even vast organized crime operations. From ivory, to shark fins, to totoaba swim bladders, to pangolin scales, to tigers, to bats, it's happening in China and upwards of 99% of it is happening there.

They stopped that shit in Taiwan and Singapore years ago because extinctions are pretty uncouth.


Well-Known Member
No, they most certainly do not. I have been all over Asia for extended periods and very thoroughly explored. One of my favorite things to do is check out all sorts of markets and I'm an avid foodie. A few places go all out with the dog meat, particularly but not at all limited to China. Most of the exotic animals all over the world are going to China. I mean the overwhelmingly vast majority. They use it in their inneffective bullshit medicines and it's driving many extinctions and even vast organized crime operations. From ivory, to shark fins, to totoaba swim bladders, to pangolin scales, to tigers, to bats, it's happening in China and upwards of 99% of it is happening there.

They stopped that shit in Taiwan and Singapore years ago because extinctions are pretty uncouth.
I have been all over there as well. Spending my winters there. Are you really saying that "wet markets" do not exist in every city? You either have not explored very much or you are in denial. I am not contesting that China is a main consumer of exotic animals. I am contesting that you say these markets don't exist in every city. They do. The markets don't have to sell endangered animals to be a "wet market" . Many in China happen to sell them as well. Which led to my question of why this doesn't happen more often. You kind of changed the argument.


Well-Known Member
"wet markets"
Nice distortion there. We're talking about bushmeat, wild exotics and even critically endangered animals of many species crampt together and wontonly slaughtered. Don't go trying to conflate that with fresh fish flayed in Bantayan for responsible consumption.

Don't even try to compare it with puppies in Hanoi.

That's not where the fuck SARS comes from.


Well-Known Member
People eating bushmeat when they don’t need to sucks, it’s the ecological equivalent of fancying a Ratdonalds but eating your own fingers. It’s completely plausible that SARS-CoV-2 mutated inter-species but it’s also possible Dr Evil made it in his lab. I’m on the fence and it won’t affect the outcome or help the victims. This stinks imo


Well-Known Member
Nice distortion there. We're talking about bushmeat, wild exotics and even critically endangered animals of many species crampt together and wontonly slaughtered. Don't go trying to conflate that with fresh fish flayed in Bantayan for responsible consumption.

Don't even try to compare it with puppies in Hanoi.

That's not where the fuck SARS comes from.
Unclean wild animals cramped together and slaughtered, whether exotic and endangered or not, is prevalent throughout all of southeast Asia. Is my point. That you keep missing. Bushmeat, bushmeat bushmeat. Anything caught wild and not processed through a factory farm could be labeled as bushmeat. My guess is you've been to very nice tourist destinations and have not seen 99.5% of southeast Asia.


Well-Known Member
Unclean wild animals cramped together and slaughtered, whether exotic and endangered or not, is prevalent throughout all of southeast Asia. Is my point. That you keep missing. Bushmeat, bushmeat bushmeat. Anything caught wild and not processed through a factory farm could be labeled as bushmeat. My guess is you've been to very nice tourist destinations and have not seen 99.5% of southeast Asia.
Again, this is utterly incorrect. There is no other place where they have grand bazaars full of many specimens of wild animals from varied species, including critically endangered. Oh sure, in Laos you can find big jars of pickled geckos, in Cambodia you can find scorpions on a stick as people have been consuming for generations, but only in China do you find animals that have been brought from near and far to be sold live or slaughtered on site after being kept together in close proximity. They even have laws describing wild animals as state owned resources that exist for the benefit of the people. It is because of these BUSHMEAT markets that animals like pangolins and bats would be kept live in close proximity for extended periods that the animals are transmitting viruses to eachother and to humans. That is how this pandemic was spawned and that is probably why most of the fucking pandemics in history were spawned in China.


Well-Known Member
Unclean wild animals cramped together and slaughtered, whether exotic and endangered or not, is prevalent throughout all of southeast Asia. Is my point. That you keep missing. Bushmeat, bushmeat bushmeat. Anything caught wild and not processed through a factory farm could be labeled as bushmeat. My guess is you've been to very nice tourist destinations and have not seen 99.5% of southeast Asia.
I’ve spent time traveling across 5 east and South east Asian countries on an enduro bike, months at a time, I agree with @abandonconflict you have to know where to go to see that shit, I never have, not my thing.


Well-Known Member
Again, this is utterly incorrect. There is no other place where they have grand bazaars full of many specimens of wild animals from varied species, including critically endangered. Oh sure, in Laos you can find big jars of pickled geckos, in Cambodia you can find scorpions on a stick as people have been consuming for generations, but only in China do you find animals that have been brought from near and far to be sold live or slaughtered on site after being kept together in close proximity. They even have laws describing wild animals as state owned resources that exist for the benefit of the people. It is because of these BUSHMEAT markets that animals like pangolins and bats would be kept live in close proximity for extended periods that the animals are transmitting viruses to eachother and to humans. That is how this pandemic was spawned and that is probably why most of the fucking pandemics in history were spawned in China.
I’ve spent time traveling across 5 east and South east Asian countries on an enduro bike, months at a time, I agree with @abandonconflict you have to know where to go to see that shit, I never have, not my thing.
You just keep bringing it back to China and their exotic animals. We get it. They're terrible heathens. You hate them. It doesn't change the fact that live wild animal trade exists in most other countries in that region. I've seen it. I go off the beaten path. I'm sure scuba diving and staying at Hilton's gives you the whole picture though.


Well-Known Member
You just keep bringing it back to China and their exotic animals.
Yeah, that's how the virus was introduced to humans. See thread title.
We get it. They're terrible heathens. You hate them.
Actually, clown, it's mainly the rich Chinese people in the communist giant state who these markets exist for. It's the rich Chinese who eat shark fins and pangolin scales and adorn their homes with ivory trinkets. The average Chinese person is no different from myself in any meaningful way.
It doesn't change the fact that live wild animal trade exists in most other countries in that region. I've seen it.
No, you haven't. You absolutely have not seen bats and pangolins and tigers and other exotic and even critically endangered animals being crammed into little cages and stored in close proximity and then sold in massive fucking bushmeat markets. You have absolutely not seen that.
I go off the beaten path. I'm sure scuba diving and staying at Hilton's gives you the whole picture though.
What is a Hilton's? Dude, I haven't even seen bushmeat markets like that in warzones. ONLY in PRC. Just admit you're full of shit and tried to scream racist at someone calling out China's animal trade. China's animal trade caused this pandemic.


Well-Known Member
Unclean wild animals cramped together and slaughtered, whether exotic and endangered or not, is prevalent throughout all of southeast Asia. Is my point. That you keep missing. Bushmeat, bushmeat bushmeat. Anything caught wild and not processed through a factory farm could be labeled as bushmeat. My guess is you've been to very nice tourist destinations and have not seen 99.5% of southeast Asia.
Trash meat
You just keep bringing it back to China and their exotic animals. We get it. They're terrible heathens. You hate them. It doesn't change the fact that live wild animal trade exists in most other countries in that region. I've seen it. I go off the beaten path. I'm sure scuba diving and staying at Hilton's gives you the whole picture though.
I don't give a fuck where it's eaten..if you have access to properly harvested/stored/cooked food and you choose to instead eat dirty shit that in turn unleashes a virus.. you are scum. I don't care what color/race, straight up scum. Stop trying to paint op as racist when this guy has been giving us strong info regarding this whole thing since the inception of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Today a WH official called it "Kung Flu",that didn't take long.
Plays right into the CCP's hand. They want to spin this as much as he does. Doesn't change the fact that a massive global blackmarket for illicit bushmeat from critically endangered animals centered in China is the vector for the pandemic.

They'd love nothing more than to call anyone racist for pointing out how this started.


Well-Known Member
Plays right into the CCP's hand. They want to spin this as much as he does. Doesn't change the fact that a massive global blackmarket for illicit bushmeat from critically endangered animals centered in China is the vector for the pandemic.

They'd love nothing more than to call anyone racist for pointing out how this started.
Considering the US are gonna be sucking their asses for logistical support soon, I'd say it is unwise. China is and has ramped up production of much need equipment and supplies, they like to make money and are not stupid. They've had a need, a lead and have plenty of greed if nothing else, they are already sending aid to Italy, will probably do so for other countries and also roll out a PR campaign over it too.


Well-Known Member
Considering the US are gonna be sucking their asses for logistical support soon, I'd say it is unwise. China is and has ramped up production of much need equipment and supplies, they like to make money and are not stupid. They've had a need, a lead and have plenty of greed if nothing else, they are already sending aid to Italy, will probably do so for other countries and also roll out a PR campaign over it too.
Include the precursor chemicals to make meth to that. That's right, PRC supplies most of the world's speed. It gets mixed in Burma. Fentanyl too.

Also, there are no effective drugs for the Wuhan virus. A couple of antivirals have shown limited use but they come with potentially fatal side effects.

The vaccines are already being developed with no help from them and the test kits are being mass produced also with no help from them. They refused outside help in order to preserve their cover-up. It's not safe to be Asian in Italy right now. Even the Nigerian mafia there is out committing hate crimes in Rome. PR bullshit from Xinhua aside, China's belt and road is fucking dead.