wake up and smell the failure!No I said your naive little fairy tale explanation was make believe. "LP radiated shwag" no wonder you can't make it in the legal market, real life is hard i get it and not everyone succeeds. Typically the losers are envious of those who do, I.e. winners. That's the basic narrative here and common across all industries and walks of life. Surprise, surprise.
Why the fuck would i want to be in the legal market? so i can lose money every qtr selling weed? Do you understand not a single LP is making profit? Every person in the original market is making profit, so whos the winners and losers? I guess your in bizzaro world when losing money is good and making it is bad. And all their b grade bud is irradiated, educate yourself before you open your mouth, your stupidity is showing.No I said your naive little fairy tale explanation was make believe. "LP radiated shwag" no wonder you can't make it in the legal market, real life is hard i get it and not everyone succeeds. Typically the losers are envious of those who do, I.e. winners. That's the basic narrative here and common across all industries and walks of life. Surprise, surprise.
No I said your naive little fairy tale explanation was make believe. "LP radiated shwag" no wonder you can't make it in the legal market, real life is hard i get it and not everyone succeeds. Typically the losers are envious of those who do, I.e. winners. That's the basic narrative here and common across all industries and walks of life. Surprise, surprise.
come back bro..i wanna talk irradiation with you
.......do you think that irradiation can make even good grown weed ....shwag?
"no wonder you can't make it in the legal market,"
2.did you ever try to become an LP?
it is not for the weak of heart or pocket or the sane..everytime things looked ok ..they moved the goal post
Becoming an LP isnt difficult, you just need a brain and some cash.
I'll wait for a few more bankruptcies though,
a little bit of dirt is good for everybodyHow much bro science are we talking about here? The same is done to fruit and vegetables. All the good microbes are removed, it creates a blank substrate. That is why commercial produce has limited shelf life. Because pathogens like an abundance of food, with little competition. This is caused by any sterilization technique. Even spraying chlorinated water on the produce in the grocery store.
Fresh from the garden lasts much longer. Especially if you do not wash it much until before you eat. It’s covered in yummy microbes, some of which perform this same competitive exclusion inside our gut. We actually cannot exist without them.
Now apply that to an industrial operation. Trying to keep a whole building (full of nutrients and organic matter) clean with sterilization techniques. Do you see why problems pop up?
I agree their weed should be sterilized somehow. 100% if possible. But don’t tell me it is a harmless idea because...experts. That’s bro sci at it’s finest.
for sure....its what makes us immune to most shit....as kids we swam almost anywhere,,,,and ya some of the water got in our cake holes and other holes... Did I ever get sick sure....got viral meningitis from a pool and echo viruses from stagnant puddle water.... but lived thru them all and was much stronger as a result.a little bit of dirt is good for everybody
Agree...........for instance my priapism is unsightly right now.for sure....its what makes us immune to most shit....as kids we swam almost anywhere,,,,and ya some of the water got in our cake holes and other holes... Did I ever get sick sure....got viral meningitis from a pool and echo viruses from stagnant puddle water.... but lived thru them all and was much stronger as a result.
i saw canopy closed down 2 greenhouses and canceled plans to build a 3rd greenhouse and will instead focus on outdoor because of lower associated costs ... and if you thought their weed was bad now, wait until it's all outdoor schwagDid you not read canopys release today dumb dumb
Yup that should finish them off for sure. If it's crap now how do they think this will help.i saw canopy closed down 2 greenhouses and canceled plans to build a 3rd greenhouse and will instead focus on outdoor because of lower associated costs ... and if you thought their weed was bad now, wait until it's all outdoor schwag![]()
Typically the losers are envious of those who do, I.e. winners
breeder steve has stated intentions to start an outdoor recreational farm and sell untrimmed for $10 an ounce, here's hoping he's successfulOutdoor should,in a fair market get the prices way down at least.
The cannabis cost too damn much!!