to clear up dr chronic situation


Well-Known Member
so i ordered from dr chronic a week or so ago and then read here that they no longer ship to us and a lot of other negative things and i wasnt billed by them i noticed on my online banking statements so i went ahead and ordered from a different seed bank, now the seeds have arrived the exact ones i wanted (no bagseeds) the greenhouse indica mix, but 3 of them are crushed and i noticed i was billed yesterday for an international im gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are just backed up atm...though im not pleased that 3 of 5 of my seeds are crushed i sent them an email hopefully they will send another order.


Well-Known Member
so the doc already emailed my back and is fixing the situation, great customer service imo


Well-Known Member
you live in the states? its been a toss up for doc chronic and attiyude for me. i have heard nothing but great things about attitude and some times doc chronic will comes thru? i have not receved my seeds yet still hopping :bigjoint: keep it green :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
my seeds from dr chronic were shipped 7 days ago and i got them today, when i tried to use attitude my bank card wouldnt work =/


Active Member
Last week I placed an order with Dr.Chronic for 3 strains. Received an envelope that looked intacked and unopened. Upon my opening it I discovered that 2 seed packets were ripped open and the third plastic seed holder was empty. The envelope had a return address written on it and was the original envelope. I am in the States and do not think customs opened the envelope and removed the seeds. Has anyone else experienced something similiar with Dr. Chronic sending empty envelopes? Or does Customs have a super secret way of opening envelopes, removing seeds and sending empty envelopes?

I also ordered from and also received their envelope today with all seeds included.

I torn apart the entire package and found the seeds. Dr. Chronic really hid them well. I am sorry I jumped the gun and suspected them of not sending anything.


Active Member
Never had a problem with the Doc:clap: check your letter the beans are repacked there pretty good at hiding them whats the point of sending empty packs


Well-Known Member
Customs can basically do whatever they want with your shit. They can open it and steal it(for themselves or their families), open it and confiscated the whole package and send you a seizure letter, or empty its contents altogether and still send you an empty pack. Or even send you your pack all in tact and still send you a seizure letter(this one happened to me, no biggie cuz I still got my stuff). They are fucking criminals themselves.... crooked ass gov't workers!


Well-Known Member
If customs opens your letter they will mark it letting you know. They also tape it back together with tape that says customs on it. They never try and hide what they are doing.


Active Member
Thanks for your replies. I have emailed Dr. Chronic and hopefully we will be able to work something out. Will report back what happens.

The envelope was not opened, retaped or anything. Also no letter from customs has been received. I will further inspect the envelope to make sure no seeds were wrapped in the *******. I was a bit suprised to see a return address name on the envelope.

This site is great! I am learning a lot about growing. Will eventually post a progress report of my grow. On a trip to AMS I picked up Nirvanas Medusa and Big Bud - 6 weeks into flowering 2 Medusa seeds and 4 weeks into 2 Big Bud (one Fem and one was male :( ). They are coming along OK for my first attempt.

When I came home I torn apart the entire package and found the seeds. Dr. Chronic really hid them well. I am sorry I jumped the gun and suspected them of not sending anything.