
Hmm, I had assumed it would be more nasal :)

giphy (6).gif

I hate when my phone switches to Montreal talk and welcomes me to Canada.
I keep thinking I crossed over and was too high to remember, before I remember that's just the roaming charges kicking in for being too close.

I often get the Welcome to USA, this is gonna be expensive text from AT&T when I'm in Niagara Falls.
Sorry if this has already been posted. Interactive map of worldwide cases from John Hopkins University. Real statistics.

The count in the United States has gone up by 2000 cases since I posted this two hours ago. :shock: :cry:
Took my father some supplies on Tuesday and cut through downtown Portland. It was pretty dead but the homeless were still out.

This was around noon when the streets should be filled with people getting lunch.


Does it look like this guy is doing what I think he is?


These guys seem to be taking things in stride. They're having their own block party. They obviously aren't practicing social distancing.

