
This graph is scary. It shows the rapid rate that it's spreading in the United States. The numbers on the left are increments of 5000. The actual number is definitely much higher. We'll be well past 100,000 confirmed cases by Monday.

This graph is scary. It shows the rapid rate that it's spreading in the United States. The numbers on the left are increments of 5000. The actual number is definitely much higher. We'll be well past 100,000 confirmed cases by monday.

We were over 87,000 at 4:40 PM EST.
This graph is scary. It shows the rapid rate that it's spreading in the United States. The numbers on the left are increments of 5000. The actual number is definitely much higher. We'll be well past 100,000 confirmed cases by Monday.

The big thing is that the graph is constrained by how many have been tested. Once pretty much everyone has been tested, the curve will likely be much higher, but possibly flatter. I wager the actual count of Americans who have or had this is in the millions.
I’m taking this quarantine pretty seriously. For all I know, I could be a silent spreader. I’m operating off the assumption that I am. I do not want infecting someone on my conscience.
The big thing is that the graph is constrained by how many have been tested. Once pretty much everyone has been tested, the curve will likely be much higher, but possibly flatter. I wager the actual count of Americans who have or had this is in the millions.
I’m taking this quarantine pretty seriously. For all I know, I could be a silent spreader. I’m operating off the assumption that I am. I do not want infecting someone on my conscience.
It's not if I go. It's what if I brought it home to my family? That gnaws continuously.
The big thing is that the graph is constrained by how many have been tested. Once pretty much everyone has been tested, the curve will likely be much higher, but possibly flatter. I wager the actual count of Americans who have or had this is in the millions.
I’m taking this quarantine pretty seriously. For all I know, I could be a silent spreader. I’m operating off the assumption that I am. I do not want infecting someone on my conscience.

You mean you're not acting like these idiots on spring break a week or so ago? They were laughing about it as if it was a joke. Facebook, Instagram, youtube influencers, reality television, etc... This is the future of America and it doesn't look bright. The dumbing down of America marches on.

You mean you're not acting like these idiots on spring break a week or so ago? They were laughing about it as if it was a joke. Facebook, Instagram, youtube influencers, reality television, etc... This is the future of America and it doesn't look bright. The dumbing down of America marches on.

Who knew Idiocracy was a documentary, over to you Velveeta.