
Lock down is hard on the kids, there to young to understand. Will be an interesting time. I don’t think the Mrs boy (she had when she was sixteen recently moved in long story) even notices. That mother fucker will sleep threw this whole thing, if he is the bench mark for 23 year olds in this country. Well let’s just say I hope there’s not a war, he doesn’t even smoke weed wtf
Waiting on final auth from FDA, maybe today. Each machine, 80K masks per day per machine. Each mask can be sterilized 20 times without degradation. Same masks returned to same hospital. FDA only approved 10K per day per machine. 4 machines now, 2 to remain in Ohio, 1 to NY and maybe one to Wash state.


(COLUMBUS, Ohio)— Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted today thanked President Trump and Commissioner Stephen Hahn, M.D. of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the full approval of the use of new technology to sterilize desperately-needed surgical masks in Ohio and other parts of the United States.

The FDA has authorized Columbus-based Battelle to deploy its groundbreaking technology to sterilize surgical masks without a daily limit, which will allow Battelle to operate at its desired capacity. The Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System is capable of decontaminating up to 80,000 respirator masks per system each day.

"I want to thank President Trump for his leadership and Dr. Hahn of the FDA for approving the use of this life-saving technology that Battelle has developed," said Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. "This will not only help Ohio's healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, but Battelle will also be helping health care workers in hot spots throughout the country including New York and Washington state."

“We‘re grateful that the President and the FDA moved quickly to help us get this solution back up and running,” said Lt. Governor Jon Husted. “This Ohio-driven solution has the potential to save lives now and in the future across the United States.”

In addition to offering this technology in Ohio, Battelle intends to send one machine to New York City and one to Stony Brook, New York, which will provide for the sterilization of up to 160,000 surgical masks for New York's healthcare workers each day. Machines will also be dispatched to the state of Washington.

Battelle plans to ship four more units elsewhere in the United States next week and 15 additional machines in the coming weeks
Lock down is hard on the kids, there to young to understand. Will be an interesting time.
I had a hard time explaining to the dogs. My sister dropped supplies at the door and took off.
The dogs had a meltdown, and the only explanation that worked was she was stinky, like a skunk.

One had a look of horror, the other had a look of relieved disgust that she could't come inside.
So, yesterday was interesting. I had trouble breathing the day before and couldn't fall asleep because of it. No matter the position in which I tried to sleep, I would stop breathing as soon as I lost consciousness. Like a temporary form of sleep apnea. I was sure pneumonia was setting in, as it commonly does in covid victims. I pressed a heating pad on high to my chest, and alternatively to my back over my lungs, almost to the point of burning. That helped relax my respiratory system enough to breathe more deeply. Breathing was generally more difficult at night, so when I woke up feeling that way, I said fuck it, I'm going to the ER. But I first watered all my plants, whether they needed it or not, and also made other plant adjustments, in anticipation of a longer hospital stay. Remember, I'm a one man show, and I wanted to try my best not to lose my only source of income these days. I tossed together a couple of hospital bug-out bags with extra sweat clothes, toiletries, laptop, and all related cable and power cords. Ready for the Long Haul, this was not my first rodeo. When I called the ER of my preferred hospital (which I was encouraged to do as many are too full for new patients), I was happy to find that there were only 3 people waiting at that point. Hopped in an Uber donning an N95 mask and rubber gloves. You and I know that's so I wouldn't spread this vile thing, but the Uber driver just said, 'Man! Glad you're really taking this seriously...' When I got to the ER, I was struggling to breathe. It was as if I just couldn't take big enough breaths, but also felt like I was hyperventilating at the same time. I didn't want to fuck around with admin, so I announced loudly enough for everyone to hear that I have the virus, and you may want to send me right in and not make me wait with the people in the waiting room (all of who were wearing masks.) That did not work, and I ended up waiting for about 30 minutes, anyway. When the first nurse was admitting me, he asked me all about my symptoms, their duration, their severity, etc.. He listened to my lungs (no fluid or any abnormality), took an EKG (fine), and even took my O2 level. It was 96, which he said was athletic. How the FUCK am I having trouble breathing while my O2 level was awesome??? Let's put a pin in that.
Once I was admitted, I got into a bed and that stupid gown. My doctor was a sexy young blonde girl that was personable, but spoke with authority. I asked her why no one was wearing serious protection, and her reply made me want to cry and give her a hug - "We're wearing these things not to avoid catching the virus, but to avoid potentially passing it to anyone." Such a shame that they are not equipped to do both :( They hooked me up to an IV, and drew blood. About an hour later they took me to get 3 chest xrays. After about another hour the doctor came in to relay that everything looked great. They had to move me to a smaller room, as two new patients were admitted with severe covid symptoms. There were a couple more tests they wanted to run for possible clots, so they took more blood (out of the other arm, as my IV line closed up). 45 minutes later, the doc said all looked great and that I could go. I asked if this was all psychosomatic, and she said not necessarily. Her hypothesis was that my body was doing a bang up job at fighting the virus, as evidenced by lack of fever and dry cough, and during the time of difficult breathing it was attacking my respiratory system, tensing up my diaphragm and what not while not harming my lungs. This is likely why I have trouble breathing without it affecting my O2 levels. So during these episodes, I basically feel that I'm slowly suffocating while I'm actually not. Yikes. She said to keep doing my thing with the heating pad and whatever else helps me to relax, and to come back if I ran into further trouble. I'll tell you, just having run the tests and getting a clean bill of health (besides being a victim of the virus) goes a LONG way to help me relax. I just keep repeating to myself during the episodes of labored breathing, "It's okay. You are not dying, you just feel like you are..." Small comfort? I'll take what I can get.

Now some things I heard from the nurses -

Illinois is about to get hit way worse than NYC. All of the beds in their ICU were full, and this is just getting started. In 2 weeks, they predict that they will be making similar difficult decisions that they are making in Italy.

I also heard from them that on April 1st, our mayor would be closing the liquor stores. The reason is that law enforcement has been shutting down large private parties where everyone is just hammered, and she thinks having no access to liquor may fix this. We'll see if they are correct about that, I haven't heard that anywhere else.

Today was better breathing-wise and fatigue-wise. It seems that I'm over the hump and have seen the worst of this, but who the fuck knows. I am fortunate that I went through so early in our State's crisis, if this happened even a week later I could have been in real trouble. Stay safe, and don't be upset that you are trapped in your homes, be grateful for it. It sure as hell beats the alternative...
So, yesterday was interesting. I had trouble breathing the day before and couldn't fall asleep because of it. No matter the position in which I tried to sleep, I would stop breathing as soon as I lost consciousness. Like a temporary form of sleep apnea. I was sure pneumonia was setting in, as it commonly does in covid victims. I pressed a heating pad on high to my chest, and alternatively to my back over my lungs, almost to the point of burning. That helped relax my respiratory system enough to breathe more deeply. Breathing was generally more difficult at night, so when I woke up feeling that way, I said fuck it, I'm going to the ER. But I first watered all my plants, whether they needed it or not, and also made other plant adjustments, in anticipation of a longer hospital stay. Remember, I'm a one man show, and I wanted to try my best not to lose my only source of income these days. I tossed together a couple of hospital bug-out bags with extra sweat clothes, toiletries, laptop, and all related cable and power cords. Ready for the Long Haul, this was not my first rodeo. When I called the ER of my preferred hospital (which I was encouraged to do as many are too full for new patients), I was happy to find that there were only 3 people waiting at that point. Hopped in an Uber donning an N95 mask and rubber gloves. You and I know that's so I wouldn't spread this vile thing, but the Uber driver just said, 'Man! Glad you're really taking this seriously...' When I got to the ER, I was struggling to breathe. It was as if I just couldn't take big enough breaths, but also felt like I was hyperventilating at the same time. I didn't want to fuck around with admin, so I announced loudly enough for everyone to hear that I have the virus, and you may want to send me right in and not make me wait with the people in the waiting room (all of who were wearing masks.) That did not work, and I ended up waiting for about 30 minutes, anyway. When the first nurse was admitting me, he asked me all about my symptoms, their duration, their severity, etc.. He listened to my lungs (no fluid or any abnormality), took an EKG (fine), and even took my O2 level. It was 96, which he said was athletic. How the FUCK am I having trouble breathing while my O2 level was awesome??? Let's put a pin in that.
Once I was admitted, I got into a bed and that stupid gown. My doctor was a sexy young blonde girl that was personable, but spoke with authority. I asked her why no one was wearing serious protection, and her reply made me want to cry and give her a hug - "We're wearing these things not to avoid catching the virus, but to avoid potentially passing it to anyone." Such a shame that they are not equipped to do both :( They hooked me up to an IV, and drew blood. About an hour later they took me to get 3 chest xrays. After about another hour the doctor came in to relay that everything looked great. They had to move me to a smaller room, as two new patients were admitted with severe covid symptoms. There were a couple more tests they wanted to run for possible clots, so they took more blood (out of the other arm, as my IV line closed up). 45 minutes later, the doc said all looked great and that I could go. I asked if this was all psychosomatic, and she said not necessarily. Her hypothesis was that my body was doing a bang up job at fighting the virus, as evidenced by lack of fever and dry cough, and during the time of difficult breathing it was attacking my respiratory system, tensing up my diaphragm and what not while not harming my lungs. This is likely why I have trouble breathing without it affecting my O2 levels. So during these episodes, I basically feel that I'm slowly suffocating while I'm actually not. Yikes. She said to keep doing my thing with the heating pad and whatever else helps me to relax, and to come back if I ran into further trouble. I'll tell you, just having run the tests and getting a clean bill of health (besides being a victim of the virus) goes a LONG way to help me relax. I just keep repeating to myself during the episodes of labored breathing, "It's okay. You are not dying, you just feel like you are..." Small comfort? I'll take what I can get.

Now some things I heard from the nurses -

Illinois is about to get hit way worse than NYC. All of the beds in their ICU were full, and this is just getting started. In 2 weeks, they predict that they will be making similar difficult decisions that they are making in Italy.

I also heard from them that on April 1st, our mayor would be closing the liquor stores. The reason is that law enforcement has been shutting down large private parties where everyone is just hammered, and she thinks having no access to liquor may fix this. We'll see if they are correct about that, I haven't heard that anywhere else.

Today was better breathing-wise and fatigue-wise. It seems that I'm over the hump and have seen the worst of this, but who the fuck knows. I am fortunate that I went through so early in our State's crisis, if this happened even a week later I could have been in real trouble. Stay safe, and don't be upset that you are trapped in your homes, be grateful for it. It sure as hell beats the alternative...

I mean...

I don't normally read mind numbing blocks of text, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis? I feel like I just gave birth through my <3

And I'm glad you got a clean(ish) bill of health, brother