How does this PPM meter work


Active Member
I put in the amount of nutrient s fox farms has on its feed schedule and it says on the paper how much ppm that made solution should make but I get no where near?

This doesn’t make sense, can someone help? I feel if I put more nutes to make ppm rise it will burn. I am also feeding 1/4 of recommenced but even then.

can someone quickteach how to use a ppm meter and tell me what this schedule is off? Pic below
Week 2 after seedling says PPM over 500?? I’ve never had my solution that high 937F8FE4-2D09-48B8-805A-C2219E7FA46E.jpeg
Ok ... you can run a plant on that soil ALONE just water (6.5 ph - soil is 6.3 in bag ) ... it is precharged enough for at least 5-6 weeks. Without added nutes.

Take that feed schedule and torch it , those levels are way too hot. Plus the fact you are dumping their FF line on an already nuted soil .... thats why FFOF gets the bad rap sometimes, growers gripe “ its too hot “ ..... on certain strains / seedlings you do get some minor burn AT THE BEGINNING... not if just do a proper wet/ dry period with just water .... the myco and plant will just be fine since there is NO ADDITIONAL shit.

Minor recharging to soil can be accomplished by just adding a handful if same FFOF on top at times during grow to “ refresh “ the medium and the plant is already acclimated to it.

FF nutes are what they are ....they are very concentrated and burn shit pretty fast. They also salt up fast , ruined many a smartpot running that shit. The soil trumps ( sorry )the nute line all by itself without their bottles. End plant is cleaner.
Are you using FF soil ?

I have found this out, and yes I use 25% of what they say if that, butttt during flowering I find a lot of yellow quite fast all over the plant, I am assuming its genes be cause the other strain is more compact and does nt yellow as fast.The plants seem to have very red stems on fan leaves (the led make sit seem almost neon purple)

You seem to know some stuff. May I ask a question concerning COB 250W LED. Do you think there is an adverse affect having my plants veg under 400W MH and Flower under two 250wCOB LEDs ?

Also how is the myco used , I have what is it....great white shark I think. how do I properly use it?
You also need to verify which ppm scale your meter is using. The feed chart is for a 700ppm reference. If your meter is on a 500 ppm scale it will read low compared to what that chart states.
ec of 1.0=700ppm using the 700ppm ref. meter
ec of 1.0=500ppm for a 500ppm ref. meter
Both are measuring the same concentration, just displaying it on a different scale.
Hey're not using a pH meter to try and read EC are you? Cause that's the device you have shown in the pics. Can it read ppm too? I haven't heard of a meter that can read pH AND EC in the same pen thing, if they exist I'd like one though.
Hey're not using a pH meter to try and read EC are you? Cause that's the device you have shown in the pics. Can it read ppm too? I haven't heard of a meter that can read pH AND EC in the same pen thing, if they exist I'd like one though.
I just noticed that-if that's the meter you're using, it's a pH pen not a ppm meter
Hey're not using a pH meter to try and read EC are you? Cause that's the device you have shown in the pics. Can it read ppm too? I haven't heard of a meter that can read pH AND EC in the same pen thing, if they exist I'd like one though.

no I know , thats just in the pic by mistake ;p;
maybe its broke the PPM/EC meter because to get it high ppm I have to put nutrients that will for sure burn the plant
@coreywebster from spicket but its got a nice filter on it (not Reverse osmosis though ) and the PPM meter reads no higher that 500 ppm if I put a lot of nuts in the 3 gal container.

I also don't know hwy the back row of plants yellows so much more (maybe bc strain different) but they have a significant amount of more stretching. The same plants in the back the upper fan leaves , crispy is this wind burn, heat stress,? why are the fan leaves stems red?IMG_0505.jpg
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How many ml per litre of exactly what nutrients?

What lighting you using?

well foxfamrs goes by tsp. but when it says 6 tsp per gal I put 1.5 tsp....Fox Farms Big Grow. Big Bloom, and Tight bloom. So according to chart right now im giving (last feed) 1 tsp per gal of big bloom and .5 tsp per gal of both tiger bloom and big grow. Big grow is about to be cut out as these guys have about 3-4 weeks left

I have two 250 Watt COB LED lighting. But I veg under a 400 W MH......I feel like this good have adverse effects, but until I get afford two more OCB lights, its what I do. Temp 72-78 Humidity 35% in flowering