Is this a male plant?


New Member
I just pulled one not sure of sex but these pics told me I did the right thing. 5 more to go hoping I have some girls.


Well-Known Member
I just pulled one not sure of sex but these pics told me I did the right thing. 5 more to go hoping I have some girls.
Why would you pull a plant if you were unsure of the sex? Males have to drop pollen on a female that is flowering for anything to happen. It's best to wait until you know what sex a plant is before you get rid of it.


New Member
I've always been able to purchase clones so going from seed (last time was in 1990) so here I am doing seeds because I can't get clones yet here.
My first grow I bought seeds out of Canada. At $10 a seed I bought a half dozen. I ended up with 2 girls. I then could put seedlings at 6 weeks in to bud so I could tell sex when they showed definite male expression.
This time (got some seeds of Hawaiian orgine and I'm going to move a couple into bud. I have got to sex them ASAP because I have girls in bud chamber where I'm putting a couple at a time to express. As I said I must sex these ASAP so I don't pollinate my girls that are cotton balls now. I'm pretty confident that he was a he. I hope I'm choosing them wisely I'm limited for space so I'm hoping this strain is better for my needs and provide me with large harvest's because my grow area is small but I want to do six at a time.


New Member
I’m about 1 week into flower and I believe this is a male plant. This is only my 2nd grow so still not 100% confident. Can anyone kindly confirm for me before I toss it into the compost? Thanks so much!
I have one that looks similar, 2 different strains 6 days into flowering, 1 for sure is female.. the other.. like this kind of.. 1st official grow. I want it away from my other one but I think it could be female. It started taller but has always been bushy..