Who’s ready for massive unemployment


Well-Known Member
LOL. Boy you stupid as fuck. So owning a business and paying your self a salary and dividends will land you in prison. Tell Bill Gates you fucking idiot.
It will if you magically start calling earned income “unearned income” to evade federal taxes


Well-Known Member
Can you answer the question how as to how what I do as well as others is wrong and illegal or is it to hard to do with dick in your mouth ?
Nah man I made enough with my business to have someone else handle that shit for me. I'm a plumber not a math nerd. I only knew enough to get an LLC started.


Well-Known Member
It will if you magically start calling earned income “unearned income” to evade federal taxes
jesus fucking christ you are a dumb one. Tax report can change every fucking year. This year you decided to become an S-corp and filed your taxes as such. As long as you really did so, you did nothing wrong. 3 years ago you had a baby, again your tax report changed then. If you lose your fucking job it changes again.
Now back to you getting this 10,000 how the fuck are you getting it. and also how will you also be getting unemployment numbnuts ?


Well-Known Member
Fox had to go to court over false reporting.. ya know how they beat the case? Its entertainment not news. You weirdos are super afraid of cnn and it's weird. Most normal people watch and read a ton of sources. Some over seas and some local.

What kind of pussy is afraid of the news?
Fox, CNN, doesn't matter, if it's American big news corp I don't watch it. Nothing against Americans, just don't like their main news feeds.


Well-Known Member
single member or multi member ?
Single. Sole operator. It was rare that I ever asked for help so no other employees. If I got help for a day I just paid cash. I also took a lot of my checks to a check cashier also.. until I PA made check cashiers have people write their business name on back of check. If you can find out a way to keep a few bucks and not have hell come your way.. go for it


Well-Known Member
Single. Sole operator. It was rare that I ever asked for help so no other employees. If I got help for a day I just paid cash. I also took a lot of my checks to a check cashier also.. until I PA made check cashiers have people write their business name on back of check. If you can find out a way to keep a few bucks and not have hell come your way.. go for it
Well at least you can answer that question. Unclebuck was at a lost when it was pose to him. Still does not answer why you feel the need to run to his aid. You should just stay out of our conversation, especially if you admit you are clueless on this S-corp thing. Just saying


Well-Known Member
Not trying to disrespect you, but you wouldn't be able to form an opinion on it if i told you so what's the point.


Well-Known Member
Well at least you can answer that question. Unclebuck was at a lost when it was pose to him. Still does not answer why you feel the need to run to his aid. You should just stay out of our conversation, especially if you admit you are clueless on this S-corp thing. Just saying
Then take your private conversation to pm lol because if not.. I'll be here laughing at everybody


Well-Known Member
I'll admit, my heart isn't in it. You kind of bore me.
No. You just as dumb as UB and you come into conversations you know nothing about, so when I come at you, you have nothing to say. I suggest you stick with debating and name calling with Sky.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough, but be ready to accept when I call you out for sucking UB dick. I try to debate from a point of facts. I do try. UB debate just to debate and lies when he does. When he losing that person becomes A Nazi or now the new blaccent. and this the shit you run to defend. sad
No actual debate starts with telling someone they suck dick. I wasnt in the navy.