Lets hope its not too hot this time!!!!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
plats are looking good mate,

i hope your grows going abit better this time.

What age are the plants now?
Hey mate hows trix? Thanks i think they are looking a lot more healthy now they are starting to put on weight! and things are ten times better this time around thanks for asking... infact ill be honest its a lot more stressful doing it propperly as aposed to doing it with out nutes on a window sill. but a lot more rewarding!!!!!

the NL broke the soil on the 20th september so is like 38days above ground. the bagseed one of which died has now broken through the bottom of the peat pot and is going to be transplanted at some point in next 2 days and is now 5 days above ground and seems to be pretty healthy...

You see the leaves at the very bottom of the NL they have gone yellow and are curling downwards just the small leaves with only 3 prongs if you want to call em that (sorry not up to date with all the technicals) is this normal? the rest of the plant is blooming and the new branches growing from the stem are growing real quick just those few leaves that dont look right!

Also the FIM didnt work i must of taken too much new growth off... however the new topped not FIM'ed plant is growing fine!

few pics of her yesterday and today!

27th october
View attachment 227790View attachment 227791View attachment 227792View attachment 227793

View attachment 227794

28th october
View attachment 227795View attachment 227796View attachment 227797

lower branching
View attachment 227798

middle branching
View attachment 227799

top branching
View attachment 227800

failed FIM so its actually just topped now
View attachment 227801View attachment 227802

new bagseedling 5 days above soil
View attachment 227804View attachment 227803


Well-Known Member
The plants very bottom leaves do tend to die off after a while when the plants used up all the energy from them. its quite normal ,mate.

i cant see any of you pics. the link isn't working,

if you can hjust go to manage attachments when you go to reply and load them up that way.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the link's to the pics ain't working at all nibbz. Can't wait to see how she looks now! Tell me, your first grow u killed with too much heat??? How hot was it and for how long?? Just installed a 600w hps in my closet and the temp is sitting at 27/28C (about 83F) even with the doors open! It's about 1.5m above the plants. That gonna mess 'em up? I got the 4 26w cfl's hanging in there too, 1 a couple inches above each plant. I could get rid of them but don't know if that's gonna make a huge difference. What temp does your closet get to with the 400w?


Well-Known Member
Yeah the link's to the pics ain't working at all nibbz. Can't wait to see how she looks now! Tell me, your first grow u killed with too much heat??? How hot was it and for how long?? Just installed a 600w hps in my closet and the temp is sitting at 27/28C (about 83F) even with the doors open! It's about 1.5m above the plants. That gonna mess 'em up? I got the 4 26w cfl's hanging in there too, 1 a couple inches above each plant. I could get rid of them but don't know if that's gonna make a huge difference. What temp does your closet get to with the 400w?
Losing those cfl's will help with your temps. i took 2 of mine out and lost a couple of degrees. now i sit at 23 - 25 c just right :-P

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
right guys firt things first try and get the last few pics up n running dont know why they didnt work gonna try put less in one post today see if there is a difference!

27th october
27th october.jpg27th october.jpg27th october 2.jpg27th october 4.jpg27th october 6.jpg

27th october 3 FIM.jpg

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
29th october 10.jpg29th october 11.jpg29th october stem.jpg29th october morning.jpg

thats the resty of the photos guys i will update all the posts and reply to you all when i get home from work not enough time on dinner lol



Well-Known Member
aww mate she's looking really good now! 5 weeks now is it?? Decided to set off another did ya?? Good plan! Had to lose the CFL's from my setup to keep the temp around 80F so am thinking of using them to start off some more too!

Check my Journal at the link on my signature. Our setups are SO similar it's untrue! I got 600w instead of 400w, but we both growing NL in a boiler cupboard! lol

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
aww mate she's looking really good now! 5 weeks now is it?? Decided to set off another did ya?? Good plan! Had to lose the CFL's from my setup to keep the temp around 80F so am thinking of using them to start off some more too!

Check my Journal at the link on my signature. Our setups are SO similar it's untrue! I got 600w instead of 400w, but we both growing NL in a boiler cupboard! lol
Can't wait to see how she looks now! Tell me, your first grow u killed with too much heat??? How hot was it and for how long?? Just installed a 600w hps in my closet and the temp is sitting at 27/28C (about 83F) even with the doors open! It's about 1.5m above the plants. That gonna mess 'em up? I got the 4 26w cfl's hanging in there too, 1 a couple inches above each plant. I could get rid of them but don't know if that's gonna make a huge difference. What temp does your closet get to with the 400w?

my plants are about 12" away from the light... If your hand burns when you hold it under the light its too close thats the easiest way too tell however bare this in mind the closer the better and the faster they will grow also the less they will stretch...

I moved my plant too close last time thats what killed it off but it was because i cant control the temp very well , the temp itself i have no idea because my room thermometer is fucked but shes growin nice so i aint gonna change out yet... its very warm in there though!

You really dont need the cfl's aswell tbh the HPS should be waaaaaaaaaay more than you need in a space that size! i mean even with my 400watt light i could put another 3 plants and happily grow them.

Yeah the one i started is bag seed was some good shit though so ive got high hopes for her... seems to be very tall n thin at the mo though! so hopin its not male... not too worry if it is im gonna grow it keep the polen and cross the 2 see what we can concoct lol

Shes 40 days now. so yeah not much more than 5 weeks im gonna let her veg for a lot longer than expected though because shes looking to be a right good old little bush and i dont want too loose any potential bud sites by flowering too early! im pretty sure shes female too giving identical charicteristics as my other plant and she was female too so finger crossed

right last few pics from today this dinner time
30 th oct.jpg30th oct.jpg30th oct .jpg30th oct 1.jpg30th oct 2.jpg30th oct 3.jpgSP_A0273.jpg



Well-Known Member
Looking good twisted nibs. I have been going still too. Decided to put 9 Nl and 2 mazar afghan undera 400 watt mh. They are in ebb and flo. Stays low 80s and under but a few hours a day still around 90. Thsi going down with winter though. I still germing some and have a few a week out. This all form seed. I hope for females too sum that up. Gonna clone hopefully three NL mums and 1 Mazar mum after this. This is my first "real" grow. I using flora nuts and have them at flora seed and cutting str. The growth is slower than I thought for being under a 400 compared to a cfl but that been a while for me with seeds. I am an expert with rw and germing and sprouting now. Keeping the rw wet was my flaw.:) Good luck and since you so kindly posted in my germ help thread here are some pics. I am subscribed. Reps.


Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
No worries man glad to have a look. just been up n shes lookin sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ill post some more pics sunday because im off to a party at my mates this weekend


Well-Known Member
I agree with ya there nibbz. Def keep it vegging. It's looking like it's gonna produce some decent bud being so bushy! I only hope mine turn out as well.

I've almost sorted my heat probs now cheeers. Found a bathroom extractor fan in the shed so wired a plug to it and have installed it in the chimney like thing in the wall. Lowered the light to prob 18" above the plants too. It still goes to 35C (about 95F I think?) with the door shut but if i keep it slightly open it drops to around 25-27C (79-85F 'ish) which I'm happy with.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
my plants hate the door being open for some reason? i shut it let the temp rise and away they go off into another world!!! you should see the growth on her now... infact hold on ill go get some pics...

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
aww mate she's looking really good now! 5 weeks now is it?? Decided to set off another did ya?? Good plan! Had to lose the CFL's from my setup to keep the temp around 80F so am thinking of using them to start off some more too!

Check my Journal at the link on my signature. Our setups are SO similar it's untrue! I got 600w instead of 400w, but we both growing NL in a boiler cupboard! lol
Yeah man i had too lol its the only way really innit! haha

in my oppinion 600watt is a bit too much for that size of room but if it works mate im all over it! good luck ive dropped a post in your thread so it reminds me when you post!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
I agree with ya there nibbz. Def keep it vegging. It's looking like it's gonna produce some decent bud being so bushy! I only hope mine turn out as well.

I've almost sorted my heat probs now cheeers. Found a bathroom extractor fan in the shed so wired a plug to it and have installed it in the chimney like thing in the wall. Lowered the light to prob 18" above the plants too. It still goes to 35C (about 95F I think?) with the door shut but if i keep it slightly open it drops to around 25-27C (79-85F 'ish) which I'm happy with.
See thats my thoughts... ive come home from work and its more bushy again! the bottom branches are stackin up big time! gonna try get some stuff to pin them out a bit to give them a little more light!

Thats exactly what im going to get... everyone says its no where near big enough but shes happy enough without one so i rekon it will be perfect!

heres the latest pics...

31st oct.jpg31st oct 1.jpg31st oct 2.jpg31st oct 3.jpg31st oct 5.jpg31st oct 6.jpg31st oct 7.jpg

Topped plant
31st oct 4.jpg

Can anyone tell me if this is looking about right?


Well-Known Member
I think you might be right. I got the 600w whole kit tho (reflector, ballast and bulb) for £20. Offered some guy on ebay to end auction early if i collected right away and he was only 12 miles away haha. Doyo0u know if I can put a 400w bulb in it? thing is, the ballast says "600w ballast" on the label. will it work with a 400w bulb? It would def help with my heat probs.

And ya can get a cheap fan from wickes. about a tenner. and it wires into a plug a piece of piss. It's not perfect i know, but hey us guys are on a budget and it's bought the temp down a couple degrees.

Your plant is looking seriously nice now tho man. Gets bigger by the day. I think you'll be ready to start flowering in another week or so don't ya think? plenty of sweet bud sites in there!