subs supersoil

A few things to note:

There are now many variations to subs supersoil over the years so its best to specify exactly your plan.

I did the “original” mix and had great results however I had leaf yellowing a few weeks into flower which became known as a common problem due to K deficiency. So plan on adding some K to the mix like langbenite.

He calls for 0-5-0 guano and stick to that because I used a few 0-10-0 and my soil test after harvest showed the P was SKY HIGH so you may not need to add alot of P in flower like you stated above even at the 0-5-0 rate.

Use more compost, EWC and aeration than he calls for.

Going forward i’m using “coots mix” which has IMO a better mix of ingredients and no guanos. I also like that the mix is the entire pot instead of just the bottom layer as in subs mix. That layering is tough to reamend IMO because you have fully depleted soil in 3/4 of the pot and a hotter charge at the bottom. Nothing against subs mix at all, Ive seen great results and it was my segway into living soil and I appreciate his work for that.

This was the OG recipe im referring to.
Coots Mix > Subs mix all day.
If you're using bio live I would skip the top feeds, the mam p, and the guano. I would evaluate how your plants are looking at around early/mid July...and then top dress with some more biolive in late July or sooner if needed. If you want to go a liquid fertilizer route I would getting something for tomatoes, that has a balanced fertilizer ratio but has a higher P and K than N. And I wouldn't use it until end of July, early August unless you saw a need for it sooner.
I appreciate your response. I'm not 100% sure on the Bio Live. Would you recommend it? I also don't want to buy a ton a single amendments and mix them myself.

I live in the northeast, with the short growing season, I bought early harvesting strains this year so Ill push back your recommendations a couple weeks. There's so many routes to take and all I know is I want to keep a healthy organic garden. I tend not to like the idea of liquid nutes. Why do you say skip out on the mam P? Do you think its the same as a compost tea? I was drawn to it bc it claims to cause more phosphorous absorption.

while waiting for my seeds to pop but I want to get the soil prepped. I decided that I'm going to to keep the current soil thats in my "flower bed" and just amend it going further. I was planning on top dressing with a bunch of bio live and letting it sit until juneish when I bring them outside. Is that a sound plan? Open mind on any recommendations. Thanks man
I appreciate your response. I'm not 100% sure on the Bio Live. Would you recommend it? I also don't want to buy a ton a single amendments and mix them myself.

I live in the northeast, with the short growing season, I bought early harvesting strains this year so Ill push back your recommendations a couple weeks. There's so many routes to take and all I know is I want to keep a healthy organic garden. I tend not to like the idea of liquid nutes. Why do you say skip out on the mam P? Do you think its the same as a compost tea? I was drawn to it bc it claims to cause more phosphorous absorption.

while waiting for my seeds to pop but I want to get the soil prepped. I decided that I'm going to to keep the current soil thats in my "flower bed" and just amend it going further. I was planning on top dressing with a bunch of bio live and letting it sit until juneish when I bring them outside. Is that a sound plan? Open mind on any recommendations. Thanks man
I've got two boxes of it waiting to fertilize the soil bed for my peppers this May. It's great stuff, it's got a perfect mix of quick and slow release organic fertilizers and I've had it carry some plants for a whole season with no need for a reamendment.

The best season I ever had I fertilizered my garden beds with composted rabbit manure and biolive.

I've done grows with side by side of Mam P, and a few other supposed P boosters... if you already have a healthy garden, it's snake oil. Straight up.

It is not the same as compost tea, and honestly I would skip the compost tea in favor of mixing it into your soil and top dressing with it midseason as well.

Biolive is a pretty ready to go fertilizer there is no need to use it ahead of time. You will just lose the more readily available fertilizers to the rain. If you wanted to put down a fertilizer before hand I would stick to hot manures (like chicken shit) and throwing out some alfalfa seeds so you won't lose too much to the rain and then just til them into your bed to fertilize your plants.
I've got two boxes of it waiting to fertilize the soil bed for my peppers this May. It's great stuff, it's got a perfect mix of quick and slow release organic fertilizers and I've had it carry some plants for a whole season with no need for a reamendment.

The best season I ever had I fertilizered my garden beds with composted rabbit manure and biolive.

I've done grows with side by side of Mam P, and a few other supposed P boosters... if you already have a healthy garden, it's snake oil. Straight up.

It is not the same as compost tea, and honestly I would skip the compost tea in favor of mixing it into your soil and top dressing with it midseason as well.

Biolive is a pretty ready to go fertilizer there is no need to use it ahead of time. You will just lose the more readily available fertilizers to the rain. If you wanted to put down a fertilizer before hand I would stick to hot manures (like chicken shit) and throwing out some alfalfa seeds so you won't lose too much to the rain and then just til them into your bed to fertilize your plants.
Awesome response, you’re the man. I’ll keep it simple with the biolive throughout. You would add the bio live during early flower over the 4-8-4 rose and flower they have? I’ll consider the composted rabbit manure, if I see it maybe I’ll pick it up. Peace
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Awesome response, you’re the man. I’ll keep it simple with the biolive throughout. You would add the bio live during early flower over the 4-8-4 rose and flower they have? I’ll consider the composted rabbit manure, if I see it maybe I’ll pick it up. Peace
Honestly I've never used the rose and flower mix so I'm not super familiar with what's in it. If you already picked some up I don't see the harm in sprinkling down a bit of both, most down to earth products are more or less composed of the same things. Biolive has some of the costlier ingredients is all. Honestly either product would probably take care of you just fine.
I just threw together the ingredients for subs supersoil, have it in a garbage can lightly misted and stirred. I was hoping someone here could confirm that I am to stir once every week or two for the next month?
A little water ought to drip out when you squeeze a handful
Gets things going, herd will do the rest.
I just threw together the ingredients for subs supersoil, have it in a garbage can lightly misted and stirred. I was hoping someone here could confirm that I am to stir once every week or two for the next month?
After the first week do not stir. Leave the microbes alone to do their thing. Just make sure it doesnt dry out
So I don’t need to stir ?
I make a recipe of my own making similar to this one and I only stir it once after 7 days then let it sit untouched for the remaining time, soil can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days to cook properly and it's important u mess with it as little as possible during this process to allow the microbes to do their job of breaking down all the nutrients. After 30 days u should be fine to use the soil but I have noticed a difference in explosion of growth after letting my soil sit for 60 days whether that is isolated to my mixture or environment I'm not sure
I make a recipe of my own making similar to this one and I only stir it once after 7 days then let it sit untouched for the remaining time, soil can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days to cook properly and it's important u mess with it as little as possible during this process to allow the microbes to do their job of breaking down all the nutrients. After 30 days u should be fine to use the soil but I have noticed a difference in explosion of growth after letting my soil sit for 60 days whether that is isolated to my mixture or environment I'm not sure
Thats what i thought. A friend told me to stir it once every week or two and i thought to myself that cant be right.
I'm new to this cooking thing, even though I've been doing no-till organic for years now. Do you actually add so much fresh organic material in the ideal carbon ratio that your soil heats up, and the only creatures left standing in the end are thermophilic bacteria? What is the point of doing that?
It gets warm, not hot.

I see. So how warm does it get normally? And why not just start by adding already made compost to get through cycle #1, and add organic material gradually throughout the grow for the next cycle? Is cannabis really that different from other plants that is requires such treatment? Just curious as to contemporary thought on this.
I see. So how warm does it get normally? And why not just start by adding already made compost to get through cycle #1, and add organic material gradually throughout the grow for the next cycle? Is cannabis really that different from other plants that is requires such treatment? Just curious as to contemporary thought on this.
I'm no expert, from experience I know that when you mix it up, it smells like dead ass. After about a month it smells like sweet fresh soil. Also it gives whatever you are using for PH a chance to take effect.
I can't tell if it actually physically warms up but I think "cook" is more of a slang term.
hey guys i have recently been studying on a recipe for a super soil i have recently come across subcools small batch mix:

1 ten gallon bag of high quality Organic Potting Soil Such as “Roots Organic Soil”

 3 to 6 pounds of Organic Earthworm Castings (1 lb. of casting = about 1 gal.)

 10 ounces of Blood Meal ( 10 oz. of blood meal = about 1 & 1/2 cups)

 10 ounces of Bloom Bat Guano ( 10 oz. of guano = about 1 cup)

 10 ounces Fish Bone Meal ( 10 oz. of bone meal = about 1 cup)

 6 ounces Rock Phosphate

 1&1/2 tablespoons Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate)

 2 tablespoons or 1 oz. (liquid measure)of Dolomite Lime

 1 tablespoons or 1/2 oz. (liquid measure) of Azomite (trace elements)

 1 teaspoon of powdered Humic Acid

how does this mix look iam only looking for roughly 10 gallons of soil for my grow i plan on doing 1 photoperiod in my small space i want to move on from autoflowers now any other things i could add to this mix would be much appreciated. iam also open to other small mixes as well any help is appreciated.

i was also thinking about switching out he potting soil and using promix mycorrhizae if that is possible i very new to organics and would love to give it a go also would i litrally just need to feed water if i got this mix going or do i still need to top dress or feed teas ? thanks for any help weed nerd
hey guys i have recently been studying on a recipe for a super soil i have recently come across subcools small batch mix:

1 ten gallon bag of high quality Organic Potting Soil Such as “Roots Organic Soil”

 3 to 6 pounds of Organic Earthworm Castings (1 lb. of casting = about 1 gal.)

 10 ounces of Blood Meal ( 10 oz. of blood meal = about 1 & 1/2 cups)

 10 ounces of Bloom Bat Guano ( 10 oz. of guano = about 1 cup)

 10 ounces Fish Bone Meal ( 10 oz. of bone meal = about 1 cup)

 6 ounces Rock Phosphate

 1&1/2 tablespoons Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate)

 2 tablespoons or 1 oz. (liquid measure)of Dolomite Lime

 1 tablespoons or 1/2 oz. (liquid measure) of Azomite (trace elements)

 1 teaspoon of powdered Humic Acid

how does this mix look iam only looking for roughly 10 gallons of soil for my grow i plan on doing 1 photoperiod in my small space i want to move on from autoflowers now any other things i could add to this mix would be much appreciated. iam also open to other small mixes as well any help is appreciated.

i was also thinking about switching out he potting soil and using promix mycorrhizae if that is possible i very new to organics and would love to give it a go also would i litrally just need to feed water if i got this mix going or do i still need to top dress or feed teas ? thanks for any help weed nerd
It would work, but there are better mixes out there. Have you looked into Clackamascootz's mix? I think buildasoil has an archive of his recipes, or at least they used to. You also will need to study up on AACT and you should also research SST, sprouted seed tea, along with Cootz's mix to get the best of Cootz. It's better than this super soil blend. This one looks really hot, it would work but you'll need to let it cook for a looong time.