Poking holes through smart pots and putting them in the ground for better root development.


Active Member
Will my plants get bigger if I poke holes through the bottom of my smart pots and put them in the ground? Or should I just dig holes and put them directly in the ground? I've never grown without a smart pot I'm worried that bugs will find there way to my soil and cause issues if I tried growing without a smart pot. So I'm just curious what other people do, I'm growing In 45 gallon smart pots and want to maximize my yields by getting them as big as possible...
Will my plants get bigger if I poke holes through the bottom of my smart pots and put them in the ground? Or should I just dig holes and put them directly in the ground? I've never grown without a smart pot I'm worried that bugs will find there way to my soil and cause issues if I tried growing without a smart pot. So I'm just curious what other people do, I'm growing In 45 gallon smart pots and want to maximize my yields by getting them as big as possible...
I don’t even poke holes in the bottom and they always root straight through I’ve taken 3 gallon smart pots and grown 10 footers that grew right through them I just buried the smart pot.
Air pruning only works if the roots are exposed...burying them negates this Friend.
The roots grow right through the bottoms of the smart pots,I had to cut them loose to harvest when I grew outside.
And true. My little plants last year even had roots growing out of the bottom, they were stuck the the ground.
Although if my plan was to bury the fabric pots partially in the ground, I might cut the bottom out or poke some large holes, just to help facilitate the roots growing through the fabric. But I doubt it will matter much either way by the time October comes. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.
So burying the pots allows the roots to grow without air pruning, Damn learn new shit everyday, Thanks for the insight, Love learning new stuff everyday

They air prune, but only the surfaces exposed to air DO THAT. I grow on racks with fabric, no roots grow out of the bottom. Which makes them even more versatile.