Swami Seeds

If I’m not mistaken he supposedly ordered through IG ( not the website) when another entity WAS running it for SOS. He needs to contact that person. IMHO, really none of my business, just hate stupid shit.
Yeah,that's where the problem stems from.
Lotta underlying issues still rising up from that venture. Just blew smoke up my ass while I was busy doing the works. Genetics pirate clown I believe...ghetto ass amateur hour.
I have a better system than the so called American democracy though..
Straight kick em to the curb when the fail to manage the peoples affairs correctly. This Ukrainian guy though has been relentless to stalker status. Both ends of the SOS team at that time sent this guy seeds.

Thanks for the support bros...keep growing!
Stalker and asshole Ukrainian scammer ^^^

Dude you suck...me learn how to talk to people?..dude I have all your crazy ass emails that drive the point of learning to communicate home in my perspective... due to your broken scammer English.

Constant harrassment on my end for seed I sent out twice...FUCK OFF!

The vendor that sold the seed was the dude you did this dealt with,not me....who is also a scammer. His company is now called Altantic seed...go fucking get your money back form him already. That fucker is scamming me and selling my stuff all hacked up. ..and also releasing stuff he's not supposed to. A genetics pirate who works with other scammers...like you.

All information was given and all seed were sent twice. Fuck off now in that dictatorship scam fraud laden derpvillekrian. I personally sent the second package which was confiscated due to your address...dont even say they weren't packed right.
It's only the Ukrainian and South African peeps that always have some sort of scam.

This dude got his seeds...he must have fucked em up and wanted more. Typical Ukrainian scammer move.
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Stalker and asshole Ukrainian scammer ^^^

Dude you suck...me learn how to talk to people?..dude I have all your crazy ass emails that drive the point of learning to communicate home in my perspective... due to your broken scammer English.

Constant harrassment on my end for seed I sent out twice...FUCK OFF!

The vendor that sold the seed was the dude you did this dealt with,not me....who is also a scammer. His company is now called Altantic seed...go fucking get your money back form him already. That fucker is scamming me and selling my stuff all hacked up. ..and also releasing stuff he's not supposed to. A genetics pirate who works with other scammers...like you.

All information was given and all seed were sent twice. Fuck off now in that dictatorship scam fraud laden derpvillekrian. I personally sent the second package which was confiscated due to your address...dont even say they weren't packed right.
It's only the Ukrainian and South African peeps that always have some sort of scam.

This dude got his seeds...he must have fucked em up and wanted more. Typical Ukrainian scammer move.
Yea bro don’t waste ur energy with that guy lol.. on a side note :Vietnam bomb ,what are the phenos to look for? What kind of high and terps she throws?
before learning how to make seeds , it was worth learning how to talk with people! it shows what kind of person you are ,stupid impolite! wish to meet you in real life , will show you how i handle persons like you

you think after sale communication is not your end of deal? selling for 100$ pack and don't want to give normal response? almost half a year I tried to find out what was the matter. after a few months, I realized that the problem is in the address,
but when I tried to find out with them, they asked a question: when did it arrive? tracking number? from whom? I could not answer because you ignored my mails. you remove me from FB group , blocked in messenger.

you send twice? why? why didn't you let me know that this happened to the first? i asked some info for find out what's wrong at the address,
when you mentioned resend , i asked not send it again, before i figure out .
there is my mails , there is how you comunicate wih me
Don’t know u but every grower on line has experienced beans not making it especially if ur not in same country it’s the chance u take. Trying to out any seed company in open forum in the manner u have done is a guarantee that u will never get nothing. If u was a pest when it first happened can result in any company blowing u off.. just a little advice
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I dont think he realizes in not your average American.
Not exactly an out of shape human being in this vessel.

Like the guy in the big ass truck with the little pee pee who's all tough behing the wheel,invincible with the 4 x4 Ford climbing up on your bumper with your kids in the car doing 75 but won't pass....with the NRA sticker. Then when you confront them at the gas pump they cower and run to the clerk to call the police. ..after they pull their gun on you and your kids.

Yea bro don’t waste ur energy with that guy lol.. on a side note :Vietnam bomb ,what are the phenos to look for? What kind of high and terps she throws?
These are awesome man. Expressions are variable due to the nature of the Vietnam Black,but The One and Blue Orca really hold it down.

I would stick with the ones that are short. The Vietnam will WANT stretch and have wild expressions. The shorter stature plants are the ones you want.

My jars were the first to go of all the types....such nice smoke.
I dont think he realizes in not your average American.
Not exactly an out of shape human being in this vessel.

Like the guy in the big ass truck with the little pee pee who's all tough behing the wheel,invincible with the 4 x4 Ford climbing up on your bumper with your kids in the car doing 75 but won't pass....with the NRA sticker. Then when you confront them at the gas pump they cower and run to the clerk to call the police. ..after they pull their gun on you and your kids.

For me its like, I know I am in Spokanistan when...... I had to stop running after confronting two of these exact fuckers during an 8 mile run. Started running indoors as it just wasn't worth the stress... Ohh and the dip shits trying to open carry in Winco.
For me its like, I know I am in Spokanistan when...... I had to stop running after confronting two of these exact fuckers during an 8 mile run. Started running indoors as it just wasn't worth the stress... Ohh and the dip shits trying to open carry in Winco.
I'm just north of you man...like 80 miles. Here for the lack of Babylon oppression and pollution.

I know the demographic of people you speak of...I avoid Spokompton at all costs. It's bad around here as well,the denial and demograph of the religious and political rhetorically challenged. Truck culture,gun humpers,litterbugs,fake food and bad human behaviors in general.

Dont get me wrong..I have trucks and guns too...but the political rhetoric of the sheeple narrative can suck it. Learn to get along fuckers..fuck your rebulalibdemacratican divided bullshit. Do they see this system was set up to divide you into groups that oppose each other so they can enslave you...

Besides all that..here's Browndirtwarriors Pakistani Hash x Chocolate Thai which I gave a pack of to the Altanic seed guy when we were working together to look for a parent in. Which he never did, but rather reproduced and sold them. We took a screen shot of the sales photo which was then edited to 'say not for sale' after we called dude out. Yes we have both photos.

Going on 15 years in this gig,we've seen every scam imagined and now take measures to protect ourselves ahead of the curve.

As you know I have not,and still won't sell BDW PCT...yet to counteract the pirate I am giving them away free in addition to the regular breeders choice freebie with every order.

Only you get to choose which phenotype. Purple,Green,or Purple/Green.

I have been accused of using BDWs PCT in this way as a sales tactic. Yet I dont see it that way at all.

I don't need the PCT to make sales...I have a thousand other types I can do that with.

This is simply a counter terrorism move for a limited time only.

I've got to go make a bean drop in babylon postal system now...always a hit and miss adventure in this region .20180902_174913.jpg
Hope I got these in my pack lol... what’s the terps , and how does she grow? Fast , slow etc?

I be wanting to know everything lol
Fast,vigorous tall,large yields of the 3 phenotypes Purple/Green is the best smoke.

These are Thai and Paki hash plant expressions all the way. Sweet fuely hash,citrus,candy,dank..

Purple pheno is less potent, but pretty. Green pheno is good smoke.
Troll and stalker^^^^

I get banned from telling the truth at icmag...that's when douchebags like Dank Frank go and troll me from where he cant be challenged on his lies.

Chicken shits
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Funny...Dank Frank and the icmag douche bag crew...lol..now that is fucking funny. Shows you know nothing at all to go dig up 10 year old icmag drama well after the entire LOS organic crew was banned...not validated information pal.

FYI..Dank Frank got mad at me for not sending him 10,000 seed of all my stock back in 2011...on a front.....so he got mad when we started ignoring his behavior that iminates your own. Cut him off longgggggg ago.

Everything that guy says is pure lies,everyone already knows the truth.

Nothing Dank Frank says about me is factual..its all made up...and can be researched by the less than ignorant.... like these fucking trolls are

Bad Frank...bad.
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Putrid impolite
i am not ukrainian, i am from georgia! i cant speak english like americans do , Level of consciousness clearly shown here , not owned by those , who swear on the forum like a pussy , pity that 10 000 km far from you. i like do things , not typing here as a pussy.

realy ? I thought you sent the seeds 3 times ...
don't compare me with them, scammer is you, with your approach to customers.
I ordered seeds from your company, transferred money to your account,if one of yours did something wrong, at least you should apologize to your customer, and try to help find out, what he asks...

show here mails, where you provided all this info , i wait...
You barely make sense..shut the fuck up dick.

..is that French or swear words..?

Hanging out..waiting on my troll...

Reminds me of that little dog that bites your ankles when you turn your back. Runs when you face him. Gets the football punt when grandma's not home..

Sorry you dont like truth, and I don't consider your threat of violence valid ither. If you were here in front of me you wouldn't be a problem,just another chore on the farm to take care of.
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Which way did he go George?

We fulfilled our end of the deal TWICE!!!
I wasn't your salesman,I only sent seed to the vendor. Troll away from me now pest.



Coked out Dank Frank too..or is it meth he's on? Not sure,but on the phone he sounded amped to the gills. Asking for 10k seed...wuuuuuut? Dank Frank stole other breeders genetics in the past,beside the ones he tried swiping from me...so long ago I cant remember, but theft drama follows that guy like entitled troll drama follows me.

No wonder this douche bag found Dank Frank trolling me from the safety of an icmag thread.

Our group was banned from icmag because we were taking about going to the seed depot. So icmag banned like 50 people and we all went to The Seed Depot...which was shut down a year later, and then we made the LOS forum...where we banned Dank Frank for being douche bag. He's attacking us now as if a disgruntled employee...which never worked for us.

Anyway....trying to move on,you can see how this guy keeps at it. Two years now...no clue if he got a pack of seed or not. By the way he's carrying on maybe not,but definitely came at me all fucking wacked. I'm out two packs of seed on this guy, that's 200 bucks lost to this scammer ..that's enough.

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