What The Hell Is Plus REP?????Not entirely understanding this!


Well-Known Member
i wasnt being a dick cuz he dident know what rep was i was being a dick cuz i wanted to and im damn good at it and cfls are the shit for us poor folks
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. I can't believe your poor. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You're poor and don't have any money. That is so funny. But at least you knew what +rep meant. HAHAHAHAHAHAH


Well-Known Member
i wasnt being a dick cuz he dident know what rep was i was being a dick cuz i wanted to and im damn good at it and cfls are the shit for us poor folks
dude you better chill or i'll sik potroast on you... you bein a dick because you are one is that what your sayin.... and proud to be poor, thats great


Well-Known Member
eat a fucking dick you poser bitch. if you knew or respcted anything about the man in your avatar you wouldnt make fun at that. i work my ass of for what i got.


Well-Known Member
eat a fucking dick you poser bitch. if you knew or respcted anything about the man in your avatar you wouldnt make fun at that. i work my ass of for what i got.
I'm doing exactly what the guy in my avatar would do... stand up for the little guy from the oppression of Man. And by the way, I am Rastafari, so by poser I'm not sure what you mean. So, I would sit down and relax buddy. Don't be a dick if you don't expect it in return. Now go back to your cardboard box and grow ur ditchweed with ur CFL's. Peace, Love, Unity.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing exactly what the guy in my avatar would do... stand up for the little guy from the oppression of Man. And by the way, I am Rastafari, so by poser I'm not sure what you mean. So, I would sit down and relax buddy. Don't be a dick if you don't expect it in return. Now go back to your cardboard box and grow ur ditchweed with ur CFL's. Peace, Love, Unity.
that was my exact thought as i read his comment.

i wasnt being a dick cuz he dident know what rep was i was being a dick cuz i wanted to and im damn good at it and cfls are the shit for us poor folks
you can buy a 400W HPS for less than $150. and itll grow weed you can actully show your friends proudly.


Well-Known Member
yeah im in ak shits expensive everythings gotta b shipped
got 150 watt hps and im damn proud of my buds
thats too bad, i got my 1000w hps for 180 with an air cooled hood, a 250 hps with a batwing for 60. shop around man, youll find something cheap.

best of luck and try to be nice...it make more friends than not.


stays relevant.
youre a fag and cfls suck balls, wit yo skimpy ass plants hahaha

jskrill, you gotta ignore the kiddies bud... just -rep him back, and let him get himself banned... obviously he can't even handle something as trivial as -rep/+rep.

chill back, smoke some bud, and just laugh at how desperate some people are :)


stays relevant.
I never really believed signatures were for thoughts, they are for signing correspondence... but since you cant leave your name in your sig here (since its at the top of all of your posts) I just fill mine up with useful links...

anyhow it's nappy time.