Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Can you please show me your harvested weed. Did you grow a Charlotte’s Webb? I see so much suffering every single day it’s mind blowing. I hear the cry’s of pain and then I see it in their bones in a 3D image.
I'm going to the garden now Amber and the strain is called Candita, I wasn't gonna grow any this cycle, but a stuck one in any way, it's harvested now and hanging, pics if ya want. I'm sure you are seeing and experiencing a great deal of suffering right about now and I'm sure I sound kinda nuts, I too suffer and I'm not liberated, but I have reduced to load considerably. We are here to end suffering Amber that is the purpose of the practice, its the only purpose.

I'll try to get you some pics of it hanging if you like, but the lab report would be better proof and you seem to require it. This was done for a friend who gave me the clone along with the report on it. I have less demand for I than I anticipated and supply poor prescription holders.

InkedCandita Lab results_LI (1).jpg
Which is why I am open to having the conversation if I start pushing something that starts to stray into one too many 'ifs', it is generally a good place to look at if I am getting too far over my skies. So one of the members that spots the bullshit can call me out on it. I know I need to be checked from time to time. It is impossible to not get sucked into believing your own b.s. from time to time.

Again, I don't have any clue about the competency of doing his job, or even his credibility. Just the amplification of what he is doing is only because Fox News did a blurb on it and Trump advertised it as the best thing since snake oil on the loudest megaphone in humanities ('acceptedly known', can be added for you Ancient Aliens fans) history, makes me question why I am seeing it and I ask a few questions, once I hit a certain threshold of bullshit, I stop thinking I know enough to just trust what I feel.

I want this drug to be everything it Trump says it is. But the only reason this one treatment is being even discussed is almost fully due to Trump's mentioning of it. Which in his mind is just a gamble like everything else in his fraudulent life has been. If the Drug works, he gets to say 'see, and everyone was against me (which is a lie, nobody sane would not want a cure to be found)', or if it doesn't he shrugs it off and says it is the doctors faults and attack cities (blue areas of the country)/Blue States/Democrats on a micro targeted level to all the citizens he has emails/data on with the exact set of topics that particular person cares about, and shamelessly cat fishing the propaganda as progressive.
nearly a thousand people died yesterday in NY hospitals that had been given that placebo in the hope that it gave them hope because sometimes hope helps people pull through.

Trump is using that placebo to claim that thousands of people lived because he gave them hope.

It's all bullshit. People are being manipulated and giving sick people false hope is like feeding starving people sawdust.

I hope you continue stick to facts. That's how you have gotten this far and your see clearly because if it. @DIY-HP-LED means well but he's pushing false hope and frankly, his vision is clouded because of it. Whether or not it started out that way is irrelevant. That website is a tool of people who are using it to manipulate people. So, keep calling those vids what they are. Bullshit and tools for manipulating the ignorant.
If you have not been vaccinated, would the government bar you from flying and other things like access to food?
OOOOH big scary guberment, Yeah they will barb wire your ass and starve you to death, I guess you must live in Russia, they do that shit there.
Here is one that will cause some disagreement I'm sure. I recently quit smoking pot, but not because of this article, but because of other research and common sense. If you are older or vulnerable and want to survive the ordeal, then it's something to consider, if you want to increase your odds, I've made my own choice. Argue with the experts if ya want, I won't. I'm also not supplying medical people with pot anymore unless they eat it and even then it might lower immune function a bit. They have prescriptions though and I just supply medicine for free to the poor, but I will mention this to them, when social distancing ends, right now nobody is getting anything unless it's really required and I've had no calls. I'm starting to feel somewhat uncomfortable doing this now and I'm doing a rethink, but I have to keep those in need in mind too.
Smoking weed and coronavirus: Even occasional use raises risk of Covid-19 complications

(CNN)If you're smoking weed to ease your stress during the coronavirus pandemic, experts say it's time to think twice.
Smoking marijuana, even occasionally, can increase your risk for more severe complications from Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Coronavirus symptoms: 10 key indicators and what to do

"What happens to your airways when you smoke cannabis is that it causes some degree of inflammation, very similar to bronchitis, very similar to the type of inflammation that cigarette smoking can cause," said pulmonologist Dr. Albert Rizzo, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association. "Now you have some airway inflammation and you get an infection on top of it. So, yes, your chance of getting more complications is there."
Hey wait, you might say, I've only just started and I'm not smoking much -- so what's the harm?

The problem, said Dr. Mitchell Glass, a pulmonologist and spokesperson for the American Lung Association, is that the last thing you want during a pandemic is to make it more difficult for a doctor to diagnose your symptoms.
"Covid-19 is a pulmonary disease," Glass said. "Do you really want to have a confounding variable if you need to see a doctor or a healthcare worker by saying, 'Oh, and by the way, I'm not a regular user of cannabis, but I decided to use cannabis to calm myself down.'
"You don't want to do anything that's going to confound the ability of healthcare workers to make a rapid, accurate assessment of what's going on with you," he added.
Yet another "if true, then..." post.

carry on.
If you’re so dumb that you choose not to vaccinate, does it really even matter
Wow, there are some scientists that I know are far more educated than yourself saying just the opposite.
How does that rate your intellect.
Very interesting to know where you stand on the govt. forcing a person to do things against their will.
Seems a bit fascist to me just by definition.
Look it up, you may be surprised.

And you are right it should not matter what the govt. forces you to do.
You just need to do it,right?
Time to load ya up into the cattle car brother, move along.... :D
Yet another "if true, then..." post.

carry on.
The information is useful for others to make there own health choices about this, we can take a dive into the evidence too, as well, as employ common sense. It was posted to spark debate, but not in the way a troll would do it and is a good topic for discussion. It's also one to observe self delusion caused by strong emotion. I don't discount expert opinion lightly either, if true, is most likely true in this case, but it's a good topic for discussion on this forum since it has health implications for most users. I wonder if anybody is collecting data.
The information is useful for others to make there own health choices about this, we can take a dive into the evidence too, as well, as employ common sense. It was posted to spark debate, but not in the way a troll would do it and is a good topic for discussion. It's also one to observe self delusion caused by strong emotion. I don't discount expert opinion lightly either, if true, is most likely true in this case, but it's a good topic for discussion on this forum since it has health implications for most users. I wonder if anybody is collecting data.
Was not:


I've asked you to stop spreading misinformation but you are unable to do so.
carry on.
The information is useful for others to make there own health choices about this, we can take a dive into the evidence too, as well, as employ common sense. It was posted to spark debate, but not in the way a troll would do it and is a good topic for discussion. It's also one to observe self delusion caused by strong emotion. I don't discount expert opinion lightly either, if true, is most likely true in this case, but it's a good topic for discussion on this forum since it has health implications for most users. I wonder if anybody is collecting data.
Well, I retract, we have someone willing to think a little here, nice!
Wow, there are some scientists that I know are far more educated than yourself saying just the opposite.
How does that rate your intellect.
Very interesting to know where you stand on the govt. forcing a person to do things against their will.
Seems a bit fascist to me just by definition.
Look it up, you may be surprised.

And you are right it should not matter what the govt. forces you to do.
You just need to do it,right?
Time to load ya up into the cattle car brother, move along.... :D
Please provide the links as I am curious what these scientist you know have to say, thanks!
OOOOH big scary guberment, Yeah they will barb wire your ass and starve you to death, I guess you must live in Russia, they do that shit there.

But it's the slippery slope..the US is a young country by world standards and now we have a man named Trump* who wishes to take away your SNAP unless you're working (isn't that putting the cart before the horse?), have you re-qualify for SSDI every two years (which when running the numbers fraud v. oversight of the program comes out even- that would be NO GAIN TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) and he wishes to cut Social Security.

Wait until those with 'Western Spirit' find'll be standing out there with your well worn panhandling sign and propane tank for realzzzzz:lol:
But it's the slippery slope..the US is a young country by world standards and now we have a man named Trump* who wishes to take away your SNAP unless you're working (isn't that putting the cart before the horse?), have you re-qualify for SSDI every two years (which when running the numbers fraud v. oversight of the program comes out even- that would be NO GAIN TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) and he wishes to cut Social Security.

Wait until those with 'Western Spirit' find'll be standing out there with your well worn panhandling sign and propane tank for realzzzzz:lol:
Sanders supporters are such hypocrites.

Vote Democrats in.
Those who force other humans to do things they don't want to do are called fascists.
Google the description.
Does what you suggest fit that mold?