Our Toddler President


Well-Known Member
Donald is an adrenocrome addict just like the others and his daughter, they think they can fool everyone, but the truth is they have the blood of those they murdered on their hands and inside their bodies, guaranteed.

That's exactly the explanation as to why he has such horrid behavior and mannerisms, he's on one of the most powerful drugs on Earth and it's derived from nowhere else but the blood of other human beings, terrorized extraction of blood from innocent human beings, Trump is absolutely a devil worshiper under these terms and he will get full circle what is owed to him and his minions, as well as the others who are in control, karma will find them, and their deeply entrenched Evil that exists inside them will have no place to hide by the hands of God when their final days come forth seeking their return to the ethereal.

They've failed to preserve their hope of ever existing into the future, this tormented life will be their last, and people like them will never be allowed to exist again, without fail these words will come to be, it is written in the stars for them, and it will undoubtedly find them, everyone answers to this force at the time of death, there is no pretending when God gets his hands around them, they cannot humanly fathom what is coming their way, God's fury will be so devastating for theses ones that it is not humanly perceivable to comprehend what awaits them when God's day of Judgement finds them.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Donald is an adrenocrome addict just like the others and his daughter, they think they can fool everyone, but the truth is they have the blood of those they murdered on their hands and inside their bodies, guaranteed.

That's exactly the explanation as to why he has such horrid behavior and mannerisms, he's on one of the most powerful drugs on Earth and it's derived from nowhere else but the blood of other human beings, terrorized extraction of blood from innocent human beings, Trump is absolutely a devil worshiper under these terms and he will get full circle what is owed to him and his minions, as well as the others who are in control, karma will find them, and their deeply entrenched Evil that exists inside the will have no place to hide by the hands of God when their final days come forth seeking their return to the ethereal.

They've failed to preserve their hope of ever existing into the future, this tormented life will be their last, and people like them will never be allowed to exist again, without fail these words will come to be, it is written in the stars for them, and it will undoubtedly find them, everyone answers to this force at the time of death, there is no pretending when God gets his hands around them, they cannot humanly fathom what is coming their way, God's fury will be so devastating for theses ones that it is not humanly perceivable to comprehend what awaits them when God's day of Judgement finds them.

I have no idea if Trump is on drugs or not, but I think he's power tripping just like his predecessors did and just like his successor will.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Obama never ended prohibition did he? Didn't he order the death of an American citizen without due process ?

George the idiot, was "the decider" .

Clinton bombed people to distract from the Monica blowjob.

George the daddy, "read my lips"

I could continue.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
is there a link here..? some Trumper* will say he never said that.
Plenty of video online. Was in the news cycle about two years ago.

Of course right now, there really isn't any Bill of Rights in effect anymore, they're making shit up as they go along.
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