What did you accomplish today?

She don’t want to have baby living in trailer but what do you do? Her boyfriend passed the test to get into the union. It was all good. They gonna move up here, stay for a minute. They were thinking about renting in Yuba city area. But the god damn virus shut down all the jobs. Most of them :-( it’s all good though :-) he trims really good.

Jesus. Not knowing me you would read my shit and think what a fucking piece of trailer trash this guy is. Lmao
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She don’t want to have baby loving in trailer but what do you do? Her boyfriend passed the test to get into the plumbers/pipefitters/refrigeration union. It was all good. They gonna move up here, stay for a minute. They were thinking about renting in Yuba city area. But the god damn virus shut down all the jobs. Most of them :-( it’s all good though :-) he trims really good.
I'm sure the jobs will come back, just don't know when they will. A bunch of shit is on hold right now. My son in law is hooking us up with his works connection to buy TP and paper towels.
She’s still wanting to do the home birth like how we had her, but NO. Unfortunatey the nearest midwifing center is an hour away. She’s gonna have to settle for that. I told her no fucking way can a midwife come to your trailer and work out. I mean it could but jesus christ! I live in the sticks. No room around a trailer to utilize a home birth and shit. Sucks but what do you do?

Could always be worse
This song just came on. Much better

i’m pretty sure i nail it every time
Seems that the wrath of the Gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow
I think I might be sinking
Throw me a line if I reach it in time
I'll meet you up there where the path
True story. I was visiting my brother in upland Ca one year and he took me to some pub that did karaoke at night. I was like fuuuuuck that shit. Got hammered and you couldn’t get the mic out of my hands!

i did welcome the jungle. Nailed it! Shannannanna knees kneees. Sware to god. Nailed it.
Did a few others and then asked the dj dude if he had stairway to heaven. Totally bombed. You think you know that one like the back of ur hand until you try karaoke it. Oh my god. 2 hot chicks had just walked in too. So the next song i did was another robert plant song
Nailed it. Got one of thier numbers. We hooked up :-)
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