Remove "bad" growth after root rot recovery?


Well-Known Member
I have my girls just recovering from root rot, I caught it very early, but it has set then back at least a week or two.

My question is this, do you remove the bad growth from the plant once it starts to recover? I don't like the look of it, and I don't see it offering much to the plant.

What stage of life is your plant in? Veg or flower? That depends a lot because you would be able to get a better recovery out of a veg plant rather than a flower plant because you run the risk of "shocking" the flowering plant.

It is very early stages of veg. The rot happened because I did my first change before the roots had a chance to establish. They are recovering now.

I decided to remove the worst growth before they went to sleep this this morning. I will show a pic when they wake up.
It’s ok to remove. Consider washing the roots off, to wash away invisible pathogens. I have cut half the roots off many times in hydro and the plant lives afterwards.
It’s ok to remove. Consider washing the roots off, to wash away invisible pathogens. I have cut half the roots off many times in hydro and the plant lives afterwards.

Yes I was going to wait for the roots to recover a little further before removing anything. They were rinsed heavily with pH water, then I added VooDoo Juice to the water change at 50ml per 30L.

I had a light leak I didn't know about as well, which is where I think my bad bacteria came from. That and the 73° res temps. I now try to keep it under 71° and so far, so good.
I have my reservoir on the cold basement cement floor. The water is so cold, I have never worried about root rot, touch wood! I’m actually starting to put warmer water in to raise the water temp.

What medium are you using?
I have my reservoir on the cold basement cement floor. The water is so cold, I have never worried about root rot, touch wood! I’m actually starting to put warmer water in to raise the water temp.

What medium are you using?

They are planted in Rapid Rooters in clay pebbles. It's a 52L res, two plants in 5" net pots.

Here is a pic right before the rot came in. The lower growth has now been removed. I will post another pic here in just a min that is current.

Ok how low from the bottom of the cups are you keeping the water? I would keep moving the water level lower as the roots grow, get the water to be 3-4 inches away from the cups and keep it around that distance. You have airstones? Try to get them to pop bubbles onto the roots that are above the water line.

Is voodoo juice the one with beneficial bacteria? Make a solution of that and splash it on those exposed roots. I use Azos and I take a spoon of the powder and throw it on those exposed roots.
Ok how low from the bottom of the cups are you keeping the water? I would keep moving the water level lower as the roots grow, get the water to be 3-4 inches away from the cups and keep it around that distance. You have airstones? Try to get them to pop bubbles onto the roots that are above the water line.

Is voodoo juice the one with beneficial bacteria? Make a solution of that and splash it on those exposed roots. I use Azos and I take a spoon of the powder and throw it on those exposed roots.

Yes, three large airstones running off a 9.5w air pump. I think I will take the advice of lowering the water levels though.

And for the VooDoo Juice, yes, its a beneficial bacteria. I can't find Hydroguard anywhere anymore, so I've started to look for alternatives.
Here they are just now, after a couple days in recovery. The Afghan Kush on is the stalkier one, and its roots are already taking off again, nice and white. The Jean Guy has been slower to recover, but I'm told that it is a temperamental strain. IMG_20200410_214716~2.jpg
to increase humidity you could put a giant dome over top of them. Or maybe 2 big ice cream pails I see your humidy at 45 try to get it to 70+. In a room that’s hard but if you had a big giant clear tub. You might still want to think about cooling your water more. Block off that black plastic, maybe put another layer of reflection and seal off the bottom so it stays chilli almost.
to increase humidity you could put a giant dome over top of them. Or maybe 2 big ice cream pails I see your humidy at 45 try to get it to 70+. In a room that’s hard but if you had a big giant clear tub. You might still want to think about cooling your water more. Block off that black plastic, maybe put another layer of reflection and seal off the bottom so it stays chilli almost.

Yeah, sorry that wasn't an accurate read. I had the humidifier run out of water, hence the higher temp and lower humidity.

Generally, I have been keep temps 75-78° and the humidity 50-60%.

I will definitely look to block the entire top with reflective tape. This should help fight the heat in the res a bit too.

I think perhaps my issue is the intake size. Currently I have a 4" exhaust with carbon filter going at 100% during lights on and 75% during dark. I have two 4" openings at the bottom of the tent. Should I increase one of these in vents to a larger 6" or 8" opening?
In your tent we will assume the top is hot and the bottom is cold. We don’t know what kind of light you are using. But it’s going to get too hot in the tent at some point. So open all the bottom vents and have the fan at the top sucking hot air from the top of the tent. At this stage of growth you could turn the fans to low settings to save power. If you are using LED and it’s not warm enough you can flip things around, have the hot air have to go down and sent out the bottom vents, and pass over the light, absorbing the heat and spread it through the tent. If your ##s are good now then leave it. You want to keep the humidity in right now. When they get very big the humidity becomes a problem, you have to have the fans on 100% of the time , so then the properties of air you are bringing in matters more.
In your tent we will assume the top is hot and the bottom is cold. We don’t know what kind of light you are using. But it’s going to get too hot in the tent at some point. So open all the bottom vents and have the fan at the top sucking hot air from the top of the tent. At this stage of growth you could turn the fans to low settings to save power. If you are using LED and it’s not warm enough you can flip things around, have the hot air have to go down and sent out the bottom vents, and pass over the light, absorbing the heat and spread it through the tent. If your ##s are good now then leave it. You want to keep the humidity in right now. When they get very big the humidity becomes a problem, you have to have the fans on 100% of the time , so then the properties of air you are bringing in matters more.


I am using a single 315w CMH.