Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

My crop last summer was visited by wild turkeys every morning. I had really short, bushy plants and the turkeys ate the budworms and other bugs off the plants! At first I was upset they were tearing the leaves, until I realized what they were doing. Fun shit to watch from the porch. Had barn swallows doing a good job the rest of the day.

The Japanese beetles were a bit of a concern. Those things can eat plants fast. I found the fix on a gardening forum. Take a beer pitcher with water in the bottom and knock the beetles off the plants and into the water. They can’t fly away when you do it this way. Crush them and add them to your tea. Microbes that eat beetles will grow in the tea. Foliage and soak the roots, the beetle eating microbes will grow on the plant. It works for the same reason BT does. It blew my mind how good it worked.
My crop last summer was visited by wild turkeys every morning. I had really short, bushy plants and the turkeys ate the budworms and other bugs off the plants! At first I was upset they were tearing the leaves, until I realized what they were doing. Fun shit to watch from the porch. Had barn swallows doing a good job the rest of the day.

That's a great idea!

Next crop I'm gonna put bottles of Wild Turkey around my plant.

Anyone know if mixing bt with greencure, potassium bicarbonate, or other high ph product will kill the beneficial bacteria in the bt?
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried spraying Surround WP on cannabis plants before they start flowering to deter moths from laying eggs on the shade leaves? Surround WP is 100% Kaolin clay and is OMRI listed crop protectant. Surround appears to be very effective in protecting my apple, peach and avocado trees from pests. I'm thinking if the moths land on cannabis leaves they will not like the kaolin clay attaching to their bodies and leave to lay their eggs on another plant. Any thoughts about using Surround WP up until the plants start to flower?
One simple solution for bud worm,,,( aka,, European corn borer )
After Losing major yields cple years in a row.
Just plant outdoors after July 3,,, at least here where I’m located.
It’s just outside it’s second Gestation period,,, I now have no problems with them,,,
and there is plenty of sweet corn fields near my grow spot.
Now,,, spider mites is another story,,,( soybean fields are notorious for spider mites infestations )
Luckily they are lazy and like the shady soybean plants Much better.
I live upper Midwest,,, plenty of warm and sunny days for a great crop July thru Nov. 1st. Using clones,,,

Assasin bugs did wonders for me last year. BT sprays ended up causing problems for me after a couple months. Assassin Bugs also completely got rid of a new type of grasshopper that was smaller and much more damaging than the regular ones.
I dont know if its the same pest but these White Moths showed up in late August a few years back, I had an acre of organic winter squash doing great. When (their eggs hatched) they boared straight into the vines. I threw every biological control I knew of at then, finally I use a chemical soon all the vines died, yet the squash were sparied. I think the moths only last a litte while before they lay their eggs and die. Id cover my crop, but only after speaking to your (agg agent or co opp agent). Those thing are the worst, eggs hard to see.