

Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot you fucking virus.
Having a flare that’s out of this world. Made appointment with rheumatologist. Have to do televisit. Insurance won’t pay for televisit and I’m sure as shit not gonna pay for it!!!!!

Time to self medicate hehehehehe
I called for more Humira and it’s on the way. I don’t need no stinkn doctor.
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Have you had a chance to spend any time with them since the birth? My sister had her first baby in February and I only got to spend time with them in the hospital. She said corona was going to be really bad and wouldn't let any of us visit them after they left the hospital. I offered to wear a mask, gloves whatever she wanted, I figured it was the hormones or she'd lost her damn mind. I'm not sure how she knew this was coming, maybe the nurses at the hospital told her but I should definitely listen to her more.

I'll probably get my mom a card and spend the day sitting on the deck talking to them through the door. Seeing them that way is so depressing, I can't wait until we can go back to touching and hugging each other.
Yes I went over and spent a day there shortly after she was born. They keep in touch via images and videos so I get to watch her grow. Thanks for asking hopefully you'll get to be with your sister's family soon too.


Well-Known Member
The motherlode has arrived. Game, set, match.

Was a little concerned, ordered in March but Amazon didn't take the 50.22 out of my account until the weekend.

On a more amusing note, I ordered 10 rolls a couple weeks earlier when the shelves first went bare as a hedge against having nothing.

The ad pic on Amazon:
Looks pretty much like 10 individually wrapped rolls of normal toilet paper.

This came yesterday, it fit the mailbox.

10 rolls of Chinese toilet paper @ 90 cents a roll shipped. 5 = 1 and they're an inch narrow.

I feel like I wasted a couple ounces of alcohol to clean and open it.

I need that special phone number to the Chinese consulate, maybe they can just exchange it with 10 rolls out of the case there in the janitor's locker.



Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of Dr. Alton and always thought of him as GRAS. Interesting what I can't find online is anything relating to an actual quantitative/qualitative analysis side by side of identically appearing drugs/capsules with identical imprints, vet vs. human. Simple enough to do, right? Not that Big Pharm would shut something like that down..View attachment 4533350
Only paper I could find on the subject of use in a quick search was:
Interesting read.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Even in Canada????!!!! Next you'll say there is no Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy. But, I wouldn't like your weather, I hate snow
lol this is the most time we spent with each other since we've been together. It's amazing how things that were insignificant a month ago are now a full blown fight. It's 45° outside, the snow has completely melted and the trees are starting to bud.

The Easter Bunny is real and an essential service.