Everything makeshift and growing with random seeds


This is the first time I'm seriously growing. The first time I tried to grow - my wife confronted me because she was scared of getting caught - because it is still not legalized around here. I randomly planted the seedlings around the home and couldn't tend to them - because I didn't have freedom to do so.

I have collected some seeds from stuff I have smoked. The weed around here has so many seeds - because the grow culture (and knowledge) here is very primitive - they rarely leave a plant to grow rich buds - and most of the time harvest just a week after they start seeing flowers. The good stuff in usually imported from either India or US/Europe and they cost much more. The Indian stuff is heavily adulterated. And the other good stuff is hard to come by.

A colleague of mine has successfully grown a good harvest last year with seeds I gave. I don't know what strain they are. Only thing I know is that they came from Kerala - India where they cultivated from some Kush seeds and heavily dried and post treated (supposedly to make it hit stronger).

With the nationwide lock-down, I'm having daytime at home to grow some weed myself. I'm unable to get sunlight during 11 AM to 1:30 PM. I can give natural sunlight to my plants from 8:30 AM to 11 AM and then from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM. For other times I have made a grow cabinet with a 100W incandescent lamp above it. I covered all 4 sides inside with some reflective material I already had around.

At this stage I'm trying to give >22 hours of light. I wouldn't have access to sophisticated fertilizers during these days. But I would be able to get some common garden fertilizes. Those fertilizers usually come in two varieties and people those are called "vegetative fertilizer" and "flowering fertilizer".

I started growing in these small clay pots 5" diameter and 3.5" depth. So far I have 3 seedlings.

I'll post more photos in near future. Your feedback is much appreciated.


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New Member
Hey man as soon as you have sturdy seedlings you should be looking to get them into their own pots, you cant grow 2/3 plants in 1 pot.

How old and how are they doing ?
Happy growing :)


Active Member
Just my advise, i would take down the reflective material you have and try to find something flat with no wrinkles. Not aluminum or tin foil. You can get rolls of mylar from amazon.com that will be smooth and flat and have much more reflective properties.


Thank you very much for the replies.!

Here is the latest photo I took today and yesterday.

This is the most successful plant I got from that batch I got into a separate pot. I have another plant I think is a male. I hope this one is female. I've heard from others that a male of this strain grow woody stems early on. I'll post picture of that too. I have planted that in a larger pot with two tomato plants. That pot is always outside.

I give a total of 16 hours light to this baby - but only 6 or so hours of sunlight I supplement with some bright white LED lamps.

I'm afraid this one is either root bound or some nutrition deficiency. I have observed very slight burn on some leaf tips. Lower leaves are losing the green. Today I added some dried cow dung that would provide some nitrogen.

Last week my dad found my plants and they were freaked out.



This one didn't come very well. I planted it on a clay curd pot - which I think would have a lot of calcium dissolved into the clay. I observed leaf burnout and think I was too late to plant it to another pot.

This is the one I think is a male plant. There are two tomato plants and a kale. I wouldn't expect any harvest from this - but hope to experiment artificial pollination on some buds.



Just my advise, i would take down the reflective material you have and try to find something flat with no wrinkles. Not aluminum or tin foil. You can get rolls of mylar from amazon.com that will be smooth and flat and have much more reflective properties.
Thanks for the advice. But that is the best reflective material I have at hand right now - and no way to get non essentials while in the lock-down.