Is this bud ?? First time grower


Active Member
Is this bud I’m so confused. She’s on week 6.5 now she’s a autoflower white widow. I’m sorry in advanced for the dumb questions thank you for all replies. This is my first ever grow



Well-Known Member
It'll start looking like you're expecting in about 2-3 weeks. All those white pistols will start fattening up around them, and you'll start to see the sticky buds you're expecting.

Keep're about 1/2 way there.


Active Member
It'll start looking like you're expecting in about 2-3 weeks. All those white pistols will start fattening up around them, and you'll start to see the sticky buds you're expecting.

Keep're about 1/2 way there.
It’s okay that the hairs are white it’s a white widow Auto sorry for the dumb question. No signs of bleaching right I’m running 2 sf 2000s 1 at full the other at half strength due to heat issue