Day 28 flowering pics

King Terik

Active Member
Hey whats up everybody.... I have a question, which is better Aerogardens or soil with hps/mh ? Thanks.. As of right now I have fluorescents & clf & want to up grade


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up everybody.... I have a question, which is better Aerogardens or soil with hps/mh ? Thanks.. As of right now I have fluorescents & clf & want to up grade
I have an answer. Open your own thread and there are lots of people that will have helpful advice.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
I still trying to figure that out. My bad
No prob, didn't realize it was unintentional. Look for a button that says New Thread up near the top of the forum window. That way you can have your own tags and get some good on-topic advice.


Well-Known Member
The fluros are fine for vegging, IMO . . . highest hps space allows, for largest harvest, best buds.


Well-Known Member
Well shit, I'm bummed but whatever. I'll finish these off and smoke what I can out of it and save the seeds. I'm going to keep the seeds that will come off the hermie seperate from the seeds that will come off the other 2 because I want to see if there is a difference. I've heard that self-polinated plants produce offspring that are tall and lanky and late flowering but don't know for sure. I'm planning on growing some of both self and cross polinated seeds to see if there is truly anything to the speculation about feminization and other attributes to seeds that come from hermies. Stay tuned...


Well-Known Member
Well it ended yesterday, all 3 plants ended up going hermie. They were all putting out pollen and I didn't want to get it all over the grow closet, so I yanked them all about 1 week early. There was a light contaminiation issue that has been fixed, hopefully that was the cause and it's not the strain...

Pics of the harvest are attached, I'm actually pretty happy with what came out considering they went to seed. It's pretty amazing, once the buds get polinated the trichome production and bud growth essentially stop. The one plant that showed seeds last had WAY bigger stickier buds on it.

I'm starting a new run with this strain today, it's going to have a journal:

I'll keep frequent updates on the journal, thanks for all the nice comments from everyone and hopefully the next one will be WAY better!


Well-Known Member
SKUNKLUVR - Question, I had six girls one went hermi and I moved her out! How do I one know if He/She pollenated any of the other girls? You also said that the stop flowering basicly when they go hermi or if the hermi pollenates. How do i know if it fucked itself or anyone else! I pulled the nuts off and move shim outside.


Well-Known Member
SKUNKLUVR - Question, I had six girls one went hermi and I moved her out! How do I one know if He/She pollenated any of the other girls? You also said that the stop flowering basicly when they go hermi or if the hermi pollenates. How do i know if it fucked itself or anyone else! I pulled the nuts off and move shim outside.
You can't really tell if it polinated anything until you start to see seeds inside the swollen calyxes. If you got it out early enough, (before pollen powder is visible) then you are OK. I could actually see pollen powder on the fan leaves directly below the pollen sacs when they opened. You can be 100% sure that it will impregnate itself as soon as the pollen sacs mature. For every sac that you find, there will be another one that you won't and it will make seeds in whatever is near it when it is mature. Hermies totally suck, kill it or seperate it and make seeds it's up to you.