Electricity issue during flowering


What would happen if you're in flowering and you get a problem with Electricity? For example the plant is getting 14 hours of darkness instead of 12?


Well-Known Member
I live in a place where there is something called load shedding, which is they cut the electricity for 2 hours daily, different times than the previous day. What would you do?
There's not much you can do but let the two hours eat into the lights on period whenever it overlaps. That's a lot better than shifting your light schedule manually every day.


Well-Known Member
Buy a generator or build you a battery pack + ips.

I spent 1800$ last year on just parts alone to build me a 500AH lithium backup supply with inverter, it holds 1000w for about 4/5 hours and has already saved my ass during thunderstorms/windstorms ect.

Cheapest way is probably stacking SLA/FLA batteries in parallel on an IPS. 400w for 2 hours would need a 160ah lead acid, just don't use lead acid in enclosed areas.