Clone Lighting and Times???


Active Member
I'm about to take some clones. Probably three.

I'm also planting some seeds I got my hands on, Thai Bud. The original good quality shit you used to be able to find everywhere but is very difficult to find these days. Not the pressed stuff you find everywhere in Thailand now.

Anyway, I have cloning gel and a small humidity chamber for germination which I'm going to put my cloning in.

My question is, once I've taken the clones and put them in the humidity chamber should I put them straight under lights or into darkness first?

I've been reading quite a bit about cloning, but only from a couple of sources, and have read that it's best if they have lots of humidty and a light cycle of 20/4 until they take root. As for putting them under lights first or not I haven't come across anything, which makes me think it doesn't matter but I thought I'd ask you guys first.

What do you guys think about this? Any recommendations?

Thanks for all your helpful advice in advance.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading quite a bit about cloning, but only from a couple of sources, and have read that it's best if they have lots of humidty and a light cycle of 20/4 until they take root. As for putting them under lights first or not I haven't come across anything, which makes me think it doesn't matter but I thought I'd ask you guys first.
Sounds like you know what to do, whether you realize it or not. You can start them under light immediately, and do try and use a humidity dome for the first week or two.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have heard that 24/0 is the best cycle for fresh cut clones. Because I use the same room for vegging mothers, vegging clones and propagating clones it is easier for me to have one light cycle for the whole room. I use 18/6 and have tried other cycles like 24/0 and 20/4 and have found that the fresh cut clones really don't have a preference. My results have always been the same. My biggest contributor to successfully rooted healthy clones has been the addition of a warming mat under my propogation tray.


Well-Known Member

dont over feed them .. make sure yur e.c is 1.0 at max for clones

snipping the egdes of the larger leaves on your clones will save eneregy and keep your clone in good condition when 1st taken

i use a 24 hour light cycle for clones until thy have shown roots... i leave on 24 for 1 week then change to 18 6

1 week 18 6 then 24 hours darkness to force them into flower

hope that helps

also rizatonic is great stuff for encouraging root growth


Active Member

dont over feed them .. make sure yur e.c is 1.0 at max for clones

snipping the egdes of the larger leaves on your clones will save eneregy and keep your clone in good condition when 1st taken

i use a 24 hour light cycle for clones until thy have shown roots... i leave on 24 for 1 week then change to 18 6

1 week 18 6 then 24 hours darkness to force them into flower

hope that helps

also rizatonic is great stuff for encouraging root growth
I haven't heard about the cutting the edges of the larger leaves before. I have looked at quite a few photos of clones on here and sah a few photos of clones withe the larger leaves having the centre finger(?) of the leave cut in half. Maybe they're thinking the same thing.

make sure yur e.c is 1.0 at max for clones
What do you mean by "e.c. is at 1.0"? I have no idea what you're talking about, never heard or seen it before. I'm pretty bombed right now so explain it to me like a child :eyesmoke::lol:.


Active Member
I forgot to ask, should I be giving them nutes now?

I only have them in peat moss which is what I usually put my seeds straight into to germinate. They're good for the first three weeks at least before I have to give them any nutes. Will they clones be the same?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by "e.c. is at 1.0"? I have no idea what you're talking about, never heard or seen it before. I'm pretty bombed right now so explain it to me like a child :eyesmoke::lol:.

e.c is a measurement of food in soloution. it has another form which is ppm.

ppm is e.c x 700

in u.k we always refer to e.c rather than ppm

get a "bluelab nutrient truncheon" or Google it and you'lll see what i mean.

alot of people give no feed to a clone for 2 weeks. i leave it just 3/4 days before giving the plant 1.0 e.c or 700ppm which should see the clone "green up" a little.

makes sense?

Active Member
help! my clones die after about a week under a 30-w cfl plus a long bathroom cfl no idea how many watts the long one is. humidity is about 90 and temps are around 80F. i use rockwook cubes, cloning gel, and a humidity tent. i spray the clones w/ reverse osmosis water 1-2 times a day, try not to soak them or get them too soggy. everything i'm doing seems right according to cervantes, etc. maybe the bathroom light isnt strong enough but i doubt it. no nutes of course, duh. but no roots either. i took the clones from a good hashberry plant that was female and about 2-3 feet tall, but i'm running out of branches on the plant and it's my only good indica. i also let in air in the air holes in the tent. what's up?

Active Member
help! i have a really good indica plant hashberry. i've been taking clones off of it for the past couple of weeks, and they all seem to die. they are under two cfls, ones a 30w and the other ones the cfl in the bathroom, the tent's air holes are open, and the tent is right under the 30 watt and about a foot under the bathroom light. humidity is about 90%, and temps are in the 80 f range. i use rockwool cubes, cut the clones right, put them in water, then dip them in the gel and put them about 1/3- 1/2 of an inch into the cube. i spray them with reverse osmosis water 1-2 times a day, and try not to get them soggy. everything i'm doing is right according to cervantes,etc. what could be going wrong? maybe the first clones were too long (about 6") or 12 cm for you brits. I took some more, shorter ones about 3" tall and they seem to be doing a little better. how can i tell when they're rooted and good to go anyway? (besides seeing roots sticking out of the cubes, of course. and no nutes either. what's up


Active Member
e.c is a measurement of food in soloution. it has another form which is ppm.

ppm is e.c x 700

in u.k we always refer to e.c rather than ppm

get a "bluelab nutrient truncheon" or Google it and you'lll see what i mean.

alot of people give no feed to a clone for 2 weeks. i leave it just 3/4 days before giving the plant 1.0 e.c or 700ppm which should see the clone "green up" a little.

makes sense?

How do you work out how much 1.0 e.c/700ppm would be when mixing it with water?