2 week old Blue Dream auto stopped growing!


Well-Known Member
I said I live in Thailand. Tropical climate, temps range for 80-105 F depending on the season. i chose this strain, because it was meant to be grown in this climate.
Ya, it's a good strain all around. I've grown a couple versions, one auto and a photo. Sometimes you just get a seed with bad genes. I'd probably just move it to the bigger pot and hope for the best at this point.
This is what I was looking for. Do you think her roots have hit bottom and that is why she is stunted?
I did not think of that. I know autos spend their first few days establishing their root systems, then start plant growth. I cannot transplant her until she is completely dry. Damn!


Well-Known Member
This is what I was looking for. Do you think her roots have hit bottom and that is why she is stunted?
I did not think of that. I know autos spend their first few days establishing their root systems, then start plant growth. I cannot transplant her until she is completely dry. Damn!
It's definitely possible. I've never seen it happen that small but I definitely lost a couple somangos earlier this season keeping them in the little 4" pots for too long.


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

My 2 week old Blue Dream autoflower stopped growing! She grew true leaves then just stopped growing. I know she is stunted, but I don know why. I watered her until I saw drainage after true leaves. (Suggested on a thread on this site) Then let top stop soil dry out, soil at the bottom was still moist. After that I misted soil twice a day. ALL her leaves were pointing up. Yesterday I put her outside in direct sunlight for 3 hrs, for the first time. Her leaves were still pointing up. Another suggestion from this site was to water her again until there was drainage, because bottom soil was now dry.(?) Now all but one of her leaves looks normal. I put her in direct sunlight today for 4 hrs. I started her in a four inch pot. Used my own soil mixture of coco coir, biochar and worm casting. I was going to transplant her into a 7 liter pot, but was afraid to do so because she is so tiny. Should I trash her and start again? I really do not want to, because she looks healthy to me, but she will not grow. All suggestions will be very much appreciated. View attachment 4531084View attachment 4531085
Plants thrive on 24 hours of light from the time you plant to about 4 weeks. You are starving it of light. I know you may not agree but I am quite sure of it and there is a lot of info out there to back me up. Not to mention personal experience.


Well-Known Member
To really dive deeper into the topic, they specifically thrive off about 15,000 lux the first couple weeks and 25,000 the second couple weeks. Then increase to 35,000 and drop to an 18/6 schedule.
Plants thrive on 24 hours of light from the time you plant to about 4 weeks. You are starving it of light. I know you may not agree but I am quite sure of it and there is a lot of info out there to back me up. Not to mention personal experience.
I know it needs light, and there is a lot of info out there to back up the fact that autos, unlike photoperiods do not need 24 hrs. of light to back me up. Not to mention my own personal experience. Normally I start my sprouts in their final container, 7 liter pot. I wanted to try something different to see if I could get a better yield by starting in a smaller pot. Thanks for trying to educate me though.
I decided to transplant her to a bigger pot. I carefully dug out the wet soil. To my surprise and horror, she only had 1 root!!! It is roughly an inch and a half. I made a hole in the new soil, put her in it and said a little prayer. She now looks like she a two say old seedling!


Well-Known Member
It's stunted because of lack of oxygen in the root zone.
Perlite = aeration = oxygen = fast growth.
I grow in coco and feed daily to run off starting at sprout.
2 weeks for a comparison.
2 weeks - THC Bomb.JPG


Well-Known Member
I decided to transplant her to a bigger pot. I carefully dug out the wet soil. To my surprise and horror, she only had 1 root!!! It is roughly an inch and a half. I made a hole in the new soil, put her in it and said a little prayer. She now looks like she a two say old seedling!

Hold tight and im sure she will be ok. If it doesnt work out well this time, then next time try John Innes soil and keep things simple. How is she looking now? Feel free to check out my posts for my windowsill grow. Im hoping for 5 to 10 grams this year


Active Member
had similar problem on my first auto grow. strongly suggest u to not water untill the surface is dry. i kept watering my auto. later i somewhat saved it (by letting it dry) but i ended up with only 1 ligter sized bud.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
This is good advice for photos but my recent experience with autos has been that they need to be up-potted earlier than you'd expect. I go from the seedling tray to a 1 gallon pot, then straight into their final home after about 10 days now. They throw out a fast digging Taproot and if it hits bottom too early it stunts their growth, or even worse, causes them to flower prematurely. You do have to be a little extra careful watering because of it.
Noticed this myself! Glad to see someone else notice the effects of the taproot.


Well-Known Member
the fact that autos, unlike photoperiods do not need 24 hrs.
Just want to correct a misconception you've got... photo period plants do not need 24 hours of light during any phase of growth.

Although you can run a 24/0 cycle in the vegetative phase (I do), they don't need it. Many growers veg in an 18/6 or 20/4 light cycle. Myself, when I'm preparing outdoor plants, I start them on a 15/9 cycle immediately, so that they don't tend to go into flower as soon as I put them outside. I've run into a few other growers who do the same.


Active Member
I said I live in Thailand. Tropical climate, temps range for 80-105 F depending on the season. i chose this strain, because it was meant to be grown in this climate.
Autoflower tend to be sensitive with temperature...ruderalis is from Siberian which is cold climate.